Chapter 210 Chapter 209: Slavery

Not to mention New World.

at this time.

Sky Island area.

On a Sky Island, Renee walked out of a shop, touched her chin, and murmured while holding a notebook in her hand to record the information she had collected. “Yes, there are many kinds of shellfish on Sky Island, and they are easy to breed. Moreover, unlike Qinghai currency, they can be purchased at low prices in Qinghai and sold at high prices.”

“It’s that most of the people on Sky Island seem to be stubborn, and they need a way to get each other to work for themselves.”

During this time, Renee visited almost all Sky Island that breeds and sells shellfish, and learned about the various tools and functions that Sky Island uses shellfish to make. Although it has taken some time, at least Renee feels that they are all worth it.

Because next, you can start layout on Sky Island.

In the future, you can also consider establishing a headquarters here to completely control it.

“The girls on Sky Island are pretty good, and you can consider building a kingdom here for your husband.” Renee thought in her heart that these women on Sky Island are still pretty from her observation, and many of them are very sexy.

It was an honor for Renee to build a kingdom here and let those women serve her husband.

But now it’s in a hurry.

“You need to make everyone on Sky Island become servile first, so that they won’t cause trouble in the future.” A coldness flashed in Renee’s eyes.

It’s been a while in this world. Renee knows the world very well. Strength is the root. Sometimes you can ask for something like kindness, but sometimes you don’t need it at all. As long as you can get benefits, you can give it to your husband. Bring help, you can do anything.

Including those who enslaved a kingdom.

Even slaughtered everyone in a kingdom.

Shaking her head, Renee didn’t think much anymore, planning to leave first, and then go back and plan well.

But at this moment.

There was a voice in the sky.

Renee looked up and saw in the sky, a figure flew over on a big bird, draped in armor, and holding a spear in her hand.

In the distance, a team came over, and the target seemed to be Renee, and these soldiers immediately surrounded Renee.

“Outsider.” Ganfor rode on his pet mount that hadn’t eaten Devil Fruit, staring sharply at Renee. “I’ve noticed you a long time ago. Your whereabouts are sneaky. Although I don’t know what your purpose is for Sky Island, but now Sky Island does not welcome you or anyone who may bring danger to Sky Island. You must Leave Sky Island immediately or we will arrest you.”

The voice fell.

The soldiers immediately raised their weapons and aimed at Renee.

“Are you the “God” of Sky Island?” Seeing Ganfore, Renee’s eyes flashed a little, as if she had some plan, she asked.

“Yes.” Ganfor nodded. “It is precisely because of this that I need to protect the safety of Sky Island.”

Renee’s whereabouts during this period of time is sneaky in Ganfor’s eyes. Although he has not done anything to Sky Island, he always has a bad premonition, so he will make the current decision.

To drive Renee out of Sky Island.

“Very good.” Renee said with a slightly raised mouth when Ganfor confessed. “Can you please help me gather all the people who produce shellfish and shell tools on Sky Island?”

“I said, Sky Island doesn’t welcome you now, outsiders, hurry up and leave Sky Island.” Ganfor frowned and shouted coldly.

Hear the words.

Renee’s face suddenly turned cold, and black figures suddenly appeared behind her.

Immediately afterwards, a figure appeared, and suddenly appeared behind Gan Fuer.


Ganfor, who was sitting on the mount, was directly slammed by a member of the Sombra Blade Corps who suddenly appeared behind him. He pressed it from the air to the ground. There was a loud noise, and his head was directly smashed into the ground.

A member of the Japonite Regiment attended.

At the moment they appeared, these pierced blade regiments had already come behind the soldier, and the sharp sickles were placed on the soldiers’ necks. As long as a light stroke, these soldiers would die immediately.

“I’m not asking you, but ordering you.” Renee’s tone was cold and she ordered directly. “You only have two choices now, either follow my orders, or I will make this island a dead island!!”

With that, Renee’s murderous intent emerged.

This killing intent meant that she was not joking.

“Damn, what the hell are you going to do?” Ganfor raised his head with blood on his face, staring at Renee angrily and roaring.


A cold light flashed by, and one of Ganfur’s arm was directly cut off, and the screams suddenly came from Ganfur’s mouth.

Renee said calmly. “As long as you obey my instructions, I won’t do anything to Sky Island people. I only need Sky Island people to help me cultivate shellfish, produce shellfish, and make shellfish tools. And I will give you money, so I need it now. You help me gather all those who are engaged in this area. You only have one hour. After more than an hour, every minute more than one person will die on this island.”

After speaking, Renee raised her right hand with a light wave.

On the ground behind him.

One after another silhouettes rose.

It was a member of the Sombra Corps.

There are ninja regiments, there are blade regiments, and there are other regiments.

The number reached thousands in an instant.

“You can also ignore my orders, but in that case, the people on this island will die today!!” Renee said indifferently.

Hear the words.

Gan Fulton opened his eyes wide, revealing an expression of disbelief.

“You can’t do this.” Ganfor shouted in a low voice.

“Then follow my instructions.” Renee said slowly.

Ganfor gritted his teeth, as if hesitating, his body wanted to struggle, but the members of the piercing blade group slammed Ganfor into the ground again with a kick, making him unable to move at all.

Although the members of the Black Shadow Corps are not strong, they are more than enough to deal with a Gan Fuer.


It’s another kick.

A mouthful of blood spurted from Ganfur’s mouth, as if he felt the powerful strength of the Sombra Corps, Ganfur gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice. “I see, as long as you don’t hurt the people of Sky Island, I will fulfill your request.”

“It’s not a request.” Renee shook her head, her tone indifferent. “It’s an order.”

Stepping on a tall body, Renee looked down at Ganfore and said calmly. “Remember, all my words to you in the future will be commands. If you remember it wrong, then you don’t need to exist anymore.”

“I, I understand.” Ganfor gritted his teeth and replied.

Renee gave up, and the members of the Jagdarian regiment beside Ganfor retreated immediately.

Gan Fuer stood up, clutching his severed arm, and said in a deep voice enduring the severe pain. “I will send everyone here right away, I hope you believe it.”

“I’m very credible.” Renee embraced her with her hands, but the next moment she kicked it out, Ganfor’s body flew out directly, and said in a deep voice. “But I hope you remember that although you are the god of Sky Island, you need to be respectful to me from now on.”

The cultivation of servility.

Start now.

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