"I will never allow anyone to speak ill of our godfather!"

As soon as Luffy wanted to punch Becky, a man stepped forward.

"Let him come!"

Becky picked up a beating heart in her hand, and that heart was none other than Caesar's.

Luffy's fist punched out, and Jinping directly stopped the fist.

"Although we are not friends, we have a common enemy, so we cooperate for our common good, if we have been fighting internally now, it is impossible to achieve our common purpose, so we cooperate is the best way!"

"But I want to beat him up now!" Although Luffy felt that the words of the video made sense, he couldn't go down at all if this energy came up.


The next moment, Xiao Ling directly pressed Luffy to his seat.

"Pokmus is healing now, he's not dead now, wait until we're done with what we're going to do, and it's not too late to teach Becky a lesson, Luffy, you calm me down!"

Xiao Ling's words played a role, and Luffy sat down directly and said, "In that case, you can tell your plan!" "


This is the most normal topic!


Before Becky could speak, Sanji said, "I think assassinating BIG MOM is a fantasy, and I have the impression that the woman is like an iron balloon, and no attack can pierce her skin."

Xiao Ling also nodded when he heard this: "I fought with her, and my powerful attack means can't break her skin at all." That kind of hard skin, there are very few weapons in this world that can penetrate, right? How can assassination be achieved?

Becky waved her hand when she heard them: "What you said is indeed correct, mom is called an iron balloon This is a good metaphor, I have been in the BIG MOM Pirates for more than a year, in this more than a year I have not seen my mother injured at all, whether it is hit by bullets or shells, her body does not even have a single scratch."

"And my plan started with Caesar creating the KX launcher, whose ammunition has toxins that can kill anyone, and if they are injected into Mom's body, he will surely die."

"Just like I just said, although this launcher is powerful, there is no way to kill her mother if it is not injected into the body, and if it is an ordinary situation, of course, the transmitter can't take her mother, but... After more than a year of observation, I found that my mother was injured once because of an incident.

"At every tea party, my mother would put the picture of the nun on the other side of the table, and once a subordinate accidentally dropped the picture of the nun to the ground, and the mother not only let out an unbearable scream, but also grazed her leg because she fell to the ground. That's when I found out that her blood was also red.

"My plan was simple, just break the picture of the nun and show it to my mother, and then I would inject the toxin into my mother's body with another launcher, and the assassination plan would be complete!"

After hearing this plan, Xiao Ling frowned: "It is said that the masters gathered at the tea party, and it is not such a simple thing to break the nuns' photos, right?"

Becky lit a cigar: "Yes, the Charlotte family's general star is very powerful, and it takes the right timing to break and repair your photo, and it is very difficult to do this, so leave this matter to the straw hat kid."

After hearing this news, everyone did not speak, but Becky's wife Qi Feng said: "Becky, the Straw Hats are my sister's benefactors, how can he do such an almost certain death?"

"Just leave it to me!"

After hearing the plan, Luffy smiled.

Xiao Ling was also a little strange, would this guy Luffy act according to the plan?

But the plan can never catch up with the change, let alone at the tea party where the strong gather.

"As long as the nun picture is broken, the cry emitted by my mother will make everyone present immobile, and this is the best time for me to inject the toxin into my mother with a transmitter!"

After hearing Becky's plan, Joba said with some doubt: "Since everyone can't move when they hear the call, then we shouldn't be able to move!"

Becky smiled, and then took out an earbud in her hand: "This is a powerful earbud, as long as you wear it, you can't hear your mother's domineering voice mixed with overlord color, although it may be oppressive but it will not affect our actions." "

Worthy of Becky, every aspect of the plan is very complete.

Now it's only three hours before the tea party.

The mountain only needs to go back two hours before the tea ceremony, and then everyone has to prepare the things to do for the tea party.

Because they have Bree in their hands, this is the key to their surprise attack.

"You also have to pay special attention to one of the generals of the Charlotte family."


"Katakuri, the head of the Charlotte family, he has a very powerful vision, and can even see the future."

"Can you see the future and see the domineering?"

Everyone frowned when they got the news.

Xiao Ling once again envied the domineering owner, and the action of judgment and seeing the future were completely two states.

If you can see the future, you can defend against the future actions of your opponent a long time in advance.

This thing is really terrifying!

"So... Before carrying out our plan, it is best to influence Katakuri's domineering attitude, otherwise it will be very difficult for us to succeed in our plan after he sees what we are going to do! "


Just when everyone was silent, Luffy slapped the table with a slap: "This matter will wait until later, no matter what happens, I will smash the photo of the so-called nun and put it in front of BIG MOM!" The

Straw Hat group nodded after hearing Luffy's words, although Luffy was very unreliable many times, but once he promised to do something, it would definitely be done.

"Leave the destruction of the nun's picture to Luffy, and our captain will do it perfectly." Becky, let's arrange how to inject the toxin into BIG MOM in five seconds.

Xiao Ling looked at Becky.

"Don't forget, you also have to save Yamaji's relatives!"

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