This is really a very conspicuous island. Its high spire can be seen from far away. It is a huge fountain. A huge amount of water spews out from it and flows through the complex waterways. In the capital of water, the main transportation of the people living here is to rely on these waterways. They will raise a creature called cowfish as a means of transportation, galloping in the waterways of the capital of water.

"Wow, what a beautiful city!"

The maid exclaimed, in fact, few people who came to this island for the first time were not amazed by its beauty, and baby-5 was no exception.

"Is this the Capital of Seven Waters?"

The chef's expression was full of admiration: "Although I have read it many times in the book, this is the first time it has really appeared in front of me. What a great city!"

"Yes, it is indeed a great city!"

Vlad knew that this city has existed for far longer than most people imagined. As early as 800 years ago, it existed as a world-renowned shipbuilding holy place. This is indeed a long history.

What is even more interesting is that eight hundred years ago, a ship was built here by the shipbuilders at that time. It is indeed not a simple ship. Even now, its prestige will make people in the know feel. Thriller, the name of the ship is not clear, but I know that people later call it Hades, one of the legendary three ancient weapons, a terrifying warship that can sink an island with one shot.

This is really a very interesting thing. The boatmen living here are all peace-loving, whether they are navy or pirates, no matter they are nobles or civilians, as long as they need a ship and need to repair them, they will help, but that's it In the place where the legendary warship was built, I wonder if it is a kind of irony?

"Captain, shall we drive in directly?"

The chef asked that their boat has gradually approached the capital of seven waters, and it is time to think about where to stop the boat.

"Drive in? How is that possible?"

Vlad smiled and said, "Don't forget the chef. Although there are only three of us, each of them is a wanted criminal with an amazing bounty. If our flag is seen, it will be difficult to handle."

"Then what?"

The chef has a headache. Indeed, although the Seven Waters is a place where you don't care if you are a pirate or not, the bounty of the three of you is a bit too scary in this place, especially the captain, even if the bounty is more than 700 million It is not a small number in the New World. Once recognized, I am afraid that the navy will soon be alerted, right?

"Circle the boat to the back of the island, I remember there is a bay there, let's stop the boat there!"

Vlad remembered that it was there that the Straw Hats had parked. It was a nice and secluded place.


The chef also has no opinion on his captain's thoughts. He has never been to the Seven Waters City, and naturally he does not know the situation here. Although he does not know why the captain does not know much about the Seven Waters City, he does not know about some small details. very familiar.



Vlad stretched his waist greatly, and the bones in his body made a sound like "crackling" soybeans burst, "It feels like I haven't been down-to-earth for a long time!"

"It's a long-lost feeling. It's really uncomfortable to be floating at sea all the time!"

Vlad stood on the bare rock, his face couldn't hide his excitement. It was indeed a long time since he had been to the island, and he almost forgot to step on the soil, what it was like to step on the rock.

"Captain, what's next?"

the chef asked softly.

"Next? Let's find an inn first? Take a good rest, and go to the artificial ship tomorrow!"

Vlad looked at the majestic city not far away and said, "As for the rest of the time, you can use it as you like. You can go sightseeing or buy things if you want!"


The maid was the first to react. For girls, shopping and sightseeing is always an irresistible temptation.

"of course it's true,"

Vlad smiled: "I also have things I want to do! It's very important! Take a break today. You can do whatever you want, and the same goes for you, chef."

"Okay, I just heard that there is a delicious condiment in the Seven Waters. I don't know if it's true?"

said the chef.

"of course it's true!"

Vlad didn't say this sentence, let the chef find it by himself, finding itself is a kind of fun.

"Then, let's find a hotel now, and then let's move freely!"

Vlad raised a finger: "Remember, there is only one thing to remember, friends."


The chef nodded clearly, and he already knew what he was thinking with Vlad.

"If you understand something, you understand it, why didn't I understand it?"

The maid said in dissatisfaction.

"If you don't understand, remember it well, Miss Maid, there is only one thing I want you to remember, don't reveal your identity,"

Vlad said solemnly: "I think you are now very clear about your identity, right?"


The maid nodded, she was a woman with a bounty of nearly 200 million.

"You don't mind, this island is full of government guys."

Vlad solemnly warned: "Don't let your guard down~ People from the government?"

The chef was startled: "CP?"

"That's right,"

Vlad whispered: "These guys are hiding on this island."

"So, don't reveal your identity. I'm afraid the general will come soon if they find the trace. If it is exposed, please remember,"

Vlad's mouth cracked into an arc, and his tone was a little low: "Get rid of all the witnesses!"

The cook couldn't help shivering.


Vlad laughed: "Just kidding, joking, as long as you pay attention, there is no problem. I know where those CP guys are!"

"Don't drive if you don't know how to joke, okay?"

The maid's reaction was particularly intense.


Vlad took the lead, "Let's go, little ones, the Fire Dragon Pirates have landed in the Capital of Seven Waters!"

"Captain, what about this ship?"

The chef asked, since it has been decided to find a new ship, it is useless to keep this ship.

"How to deal with it? There's nothing important on it, right?"

Vlad turned around and asked.

The chef pointed to the huge package beside him and shook his head: "The important things have been moved down, and now there are only some clothes and leftover food left on it."

"That's good!"

Vlad flicked his fingers, and a white-gold flame shot out, instantly hitting the small ship, and the pirate ship that carried Vlad and the three from the Chambord Islands all the way to the Capital of Seven Waters was like this. quickly disappeared into the flames.

"Okay, little ones, the adventure of the Seven Waters has begun!"

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