After the conversation, the two of them were very happy.

Will told Xiang Sheng again and hung up with Mr. 3. After that, he walked towards the pirate ship and soon arrived on the pirate ship.

At this time, only Burns, Anna and him were left. Will first said to Anna: "This is Burns, he will be the shipwright of our Weidi Pirates in the future, and even our partner!"

Anna has already seen Burns' strength, so she naturally welcomes him with both hands. After all, the more such strong men, the better...

At the same time, he took a step forward: "I am Anna, a mermaid, a sniper..."

Burns smiled at Anna when he heard this, but he felt her threat as soon as he left the cabin. I was deeply touched, so I also recognized her strength.

"Please take care of me in the future!"


Will couldn't help laughing: "Okay, we're on the same boat from now on, don't be so polite, it's strange..."

After that, his face became more serious, and he said to Burns bluntly: "I just learned about you through my channels... I have to say that your way of doing things shows that you are a trustworthy person. So..."

At this point, Will took out the Sand-Sand Fruit from the system and handed it over.

"This is..."

Burns showed a shocked expression. As a pirate with a bounty of over 100 million and who had been in the New World. Just one glance, you can tell that the fruit in front of you is a devil fruit that many pirates dream of.

He really didn't expect that Will would give him such a big gift just after joining.

What kind of courage is this?

What kind of trust is this in him?

Even if Will said that he had investigated his behavior... But, so what? How many people can do this?


Burns swallowed his saliva and hesitated. After all, he was a new member and had not yet made any achievements.

Will said: "This is the natural sand-sand fruit. I believe that after you eat it, your strength will have a qualitative leap."

"Zizizi...Natural sand-sand fruit? Ah this..."

Burns was stunned and even spoke incoherently. There was no way, there were three admirals of the navy.

The natural fruit has almost become a myth.

Moreover, he had heard of the original owner of the sand-sand fruit. That was Crocodile of the Seventh Five Seas... His strength was beyond doubt.

Even Anna on the side was shocked. When Will took out the devil fruit, she was already very shocked. But she didn't expect that the devil fruit Will took out was actually a natural devil fruit...

This is a bit outrageous!

At this time, Burns' eyes became hot. Devil Fruits are the dream of most pirates. Not to mention this natural type... For such a devil fruit, it may even cause a bloody fight between several major pirate groups.

This kind of thing has happened in the New World. But now, such a natural devil fruit is in front of him.

It would be a lie to say that he is not tempted.

But... he has his own principles. He looked up at Will and shook his head: "I haven't done anything yet. I feel uneasy about taking such a precious devil fruit."


Anna on the side looked at Burns with surprise. She really didn't expect that the man in front of her could refuse such a temptation. This is a natural devil fruit!

Will was also slightly stunned, but he valued Burns more. After all, in this world, it is easy to find strong people. But there are not many people like this who have principles and can resist temptation.

He really found a treasure this time, and he was very satisfied. He smiled and stuffed the devil fruit into Burns's hand: "I'm not afraid to tell you, not long ago. I killed a vice admiral and a colonel with natural abilities. In addition, I had a fight with Admiral Aokiji. So, with your experience in the new alien world, you should understand what our Wei Di Pirates will face next!"

Burns was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes were full of horror.

He knew that the man in front of him was strong, but he didn't expect that he was so strong.


He couldn't help swallowing again, but when he came back to his senses. His eyes fell on the devil fruit that had been stuffed into his hand.

Finally, he said with a firm face: "Captain, I know

How to do it! "

While speaking, he peeled off the skin of the devil fruit, broke off some and put it into his mouth.

Will smiled knowingly, then turned to look at Anna: "Actually, I have reserved a devil fruit for you, which is very suitable for you. But... you are a mermaid. So..."

Will didn't say anything more at this point, but Anna already understood. She is a mermaid, and the sea is her home.

But once she eats the devil fruit, she will lose the ability to swim in the sea.

She couldn't help but fall into silence. To be honest, since she saw Will and Aokiji fighting, her desire for strength has never been stronger!

Seeing Anna like this, Will understood that she was also wavering in her heart. So he said: "Don't worry... the fruit hasn't been obtained yet! But you can take advantage of this time to think about it carefully! "

Anna nodded.


Time flies, and it's the next day.

It has to be said that Morgans, as the president of the news agency, is very efficient!

Early in the morning, large numbers of news birds flew out from all the news agencies under his command all over the world.

Navy headquarters, the Four Emperors, the Seven Warlords of the Sea, pirates, bounty hunters, ordinary people...

As long as they can go, they can be seen. And with their traces, the three photos of Will fighting Aokiji immediately spread all over the world.

"Who is this? Can he fight against the Navy's ice admiral?" This is an ignorant person.

"It's this guy again. He just killed a vice admiral of the Navy and a colonel of the natural department. Now he is fighting with Admiral Aokiji." Some people who have seen it exclaimed, because they recognized at first sight that the person in the photo was Will, who has been in the limelight recently.

"Too awesome! "All the new pirates' eyes glowed with admiration. You know, Aokiji is someone they can only look up to!

Now, newcomers like them are fighting him. Really... they can only admire him now.

"Are the newcomers so strong now?" The old pirates in the New World looked gloomy. Will hasn't entered the New World yet, but these old pirates have already felt the pressure from Will.

Nothing else!

Any pirate group that has just entered the New World will definitely seize territory as long as they have the strength. But the New World is so big, and the islands are basically owned.

So, they can only grab it from them... and facing the guy who can face Aokiji, they feel a little empty in their hearts!

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