At the same time, Will came to the female swordsman again.

At this time, Will's eyes were completely different. It was the worship of the strong... yearning!

With a little trembling voice, he said: "All solved?"

Will smiled lightly and said casually: "All solved." It was as if he was not talking about the vice admiral and the captain of the navy, but an unknown little minions.

At this time, Will invited: "I am Will, the captain of the Wei Di Pirates. Now I formally invite you to join my Wei Di Pirates!"

The female swordsman's heart trembled.

Although Will had invited her before. But this time, the feeling was completely different.

"Boom boom..."

At this moment, a huge explosion sounded on the warship, and it was continuous. The hull was shaking... and began to shake violently.

Afterwards, under an even louder explosion.

The entire side of the warship was at a very large angle. Even Yang Wei had to hold the hull to keep his balance. After all, no matter how strong a person is, it is impossible for him to stand normally when he is tilted 70 or 80 degrees.


The next second, a large amount of seawater rushed in frantically. It was obvious that the warship was blown up, and it was a premeditated explosion from inside the hull.

Otherwise, the warship would not have sunk so quickly. The most important thing is that the hole they blasted through was blocked by the remains after the explosion.

They had nowhere to escape!

In response, Will couldn't help but praise: "It's cruel..."

Afterwards, without thinking, he punched open the cage and picked up the female swordsman. Using the Moon Step to fly up...


Finally, he aimed at the hull above his head and blasted it fiercely. A powerful force exploded instantly! Layer after layer...until he rushed out of the warship!

At this time, Will, who was flying into the air with the female swordsman, suddenly shrank his eyes. Because the warship under his feet was blown into two pieces.

No wonder it sank so fast. If he was slower, it would be really dangerous.

Finally, his eyes fell on a figure in the sea. Lieutenant General Dalmesia's adjutant, Brigadier General Silude, looked at Will in the air with resentment.

However, he was very helpless: "I really couldn't kill you!"

Will looked at Brigadier General Silude: "Is it worth it?"

Brigadier General Silude smiled bitterly: "It's not worth it, but I have to do it."

Will: "Do you know what the consequences will be if you fail?"


Brigadier General Silude calmed down at this time and smiled at Will again. But at this time, the smile was much calmer.

Will frowned slightly: "To be honest, I admire people like you. If we were not in different positions, we would definitely become good friends."

At this point, he couldn't help but look at the warship that was almost sunk. His eyebrows raised. This person is different from Dashiqi. She is just protecting her superiors and comrades!

But Brigadier General Silude has already killed him.

He is not a saint. Anyone who wants to kill him. No matter who the other party is, male or female, ugly or beautiful, he will not be soft-hearted.

So, when Will looked at Brigadier General Silude again, his eyes were already flashing with murderous intent: "I will bury you!"

As soon as the words fell, he raised his left hand and pointed his index finger at Brigadier General Silude.

"Ice spear scattered!"

Dozens of ice cones burst out. Directly pierced Brigadier General Silude's body, and the blood immediately dyed the sea red. Brigadier General Silude began to sink!

Will waved his hand and froze him with a stream of freezing air. After that, Will buried him on the coast not far away.

And stood there for a long time.

The female swordsman looked at Will with some curiosity. In her opinion, there was no need for this!

But Will said to her: "People who deserve respect, whether they are enemies or friends, deserve respect!"

Then he smiled at the female swordsman: "I was interrupted just now. How about I invite you again to join my Wei Di Pirates?"

The female swordsman was silent for a while, then nodded: "You saved my life, and you invited me so sincerely. If I don't join, it would be a bit ungrateful."

Indeed, in her opinion. With Will's strength, it is not difficult to recruit some powerful crew members. Just like, that

Those powerful pirate groups, which time did they recruit people?

Aren't they all flocking to them? The stronger and more famous they are, the easier it is to recruit people.

When a Four Emperors-level pirate group like Red Hair wants to recruit people, the queue can be thousands of meters away.


Will couldn't help but laugh, and then said: "But, our female swordsman, shouldn't you introduce yourself first?"


The female swordsman was stunned for a moment, and then her face turned red. She actually forgot such an important thing, which was really rude. She immediately said: "My name is Charlotte, from the South China Sea."

"South China Sea?" Will was a little surprised, he thought she was born in the Grand Line!

"Wait...what's your name? Charlotte? Damn, isn't this a hero in the previous life of the king?" At this moment, Will couldn't help but be stunned.

Take a closer look, okay!

The two of them were dressed at least 80% alike, and Will couldn't help but complain in his heart: "Could this guy have traveled from the King's Continent?"

But he just complained, then looked in the direction of Nico Robin and said with a smile: "Let's go and meet our other partner!"

"Another partner?" Charlotte's eyes flashed with a strange light, and she had some expectations in her heart. Then she looked at the sea with some disappointment.

Will noticed her strangeness and asked, "What's wrong?"

Charlotte smiled bitterly and said very disappointedly, "My sword should still be on the warship, and now I'm afraid it has sunk to the bottom of the sea. Although it is not a famous sword, it has accompanied me growing up. It was not passed down to me by my teacher. Even if I had a famous sword one day, I would keep it well. I didn't expect..."

Will smiled when he heard it: "Don't worry! We have a group pet in the Weidi Pirates! After picking up our partners, we will go to find it... It's easy for him to fish for a sword in the bottom of the sea."

"Group pet? Fishing for a sword in the bottom of the sea?"

Although this is the coast, it doesn't mean it is shallow. Look at the warship that has no shadow after silence, and you will understand!

Such a depth, which human can do it.

Looking at Charlotte with a surprised face, Will couldn't help laughing: "You will understand when you see it."

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