This battle must fully sharpen oneself in order to exert its strength when facing the admiral in the future.

Protect your partners.

Will’s eyes were radiant, and his golden pupils seemed to burn with fire.

The height of the flame that lingered on his body was actually raised a few points again.

The power of the flames seems to have become stronger.

“Nissei Yandi!!”

Will attacked again, and the whole person was wrapped in flames, like a huge sun, shining on the earth.

Fireball Peng swelled quickly.

There was actually a sense of immediacy like the fire fist Ace’s big move “Yan Emperor”.

The majesty of the glory cannot be seen directly!

“Lao Tzu will burn it clean for you!!”

A kind of Mars hit the earth, and a huge fireball of tens of meters in the sky fell extremely quickly, crushing towards Klockdar!

“Desert Vajra Knife !!”

Klockdar’s hands disappeared, and then four sand blades larger and sharper than the previous desert greatsword appeared, slashing towards the fireball in the sky.

The attacks of both sides collided together.

It caused a deafening loud sound, as if the whole world was violently shaken.

Crimson fireballs and a large amount of yellow sand formed a scene of wrestling with each other in the sky, and the two sides did not give in.

The Desert Vajra Knife burst open.

Huang Sha was losing at this moment, and the fireball was moving slowly, but it was still trying to rush towards Klockdar’s body little by little.

Klockdar chewed on his cigar and bit out deep tooth marks, “Little ghost, don’t try to defeat me in the desert, it’s impossible!!” Some

low growl came out of his mouth.

Now is an extremely critical time, who wins and who loses, depends on the result of this blow.

But the yellow sand of defeat made Klockdar’s heart sink.

Whether in terms of quality or destructive power, the yellow sand was much worse than the flames inspired by the phantom beast species Three-legged Golden Crow.

At this moment, Will has also gone all out, bursting out with an indomitable momentum, and fully stimulating every bit of power in his body.

The roar sounded: “Nicole Robin will be my partner from now on!!” The

crimson flames burned again, and the barrier formed by the yellow sand instantly collapsed and dispersed.

Once dispersed.

It’s like a plate of loose sand, vulnerable.

Klockdar’s face changed drastically, and his figure instantly turned into yellow sand and disappeared into the desert.

The huge fireball slammed into the ground, making an earth-shaking sound, and the raging flames scattered, instantly forming a terrifying sea of fire.

Even though Klockdar, who turned into yellow sand, was elementalized, the blow just now had already made him use all his strength to resist and consume a lot of physical strength.

Klockdal, unable to adhere to the elementalization, appeared on the ground, covered in scorched black, with wisps of blue smoke on his body.

Will could no longer maintain the three-legged golden crow form and fell to the ground.

Raab’s wings flashed in the sky and landed beside Will, and between the flapping of golden wings, a strong wind was formed to scatter the surrounding flames.

The demon pirate group behind Raab also hurriedly jumped down.

“Will, how are you?!” Nami lifted Will up and asked with a worried look.

The other members also cast nervous and caring eyes.

Robin said, “Let me see, some simple judgments.” Saying that, he crouched down, checked it, and pressed his head to Will’s chest.

A thumping heartbeat sounded, and I checked my breathing and eyes again.

“He should just be exhausted.” Robin judged that years of fugitive life, coupled with the reserve of knowledge, allowed her to handle and judge some simple things.

Akin stood up and said, “I’ll carry the captain, we’ll send him to the ship, there must be a doctor over there in the port.”

Chloe nodded.

Immediately looked at Klockdar, who was also unconscious on the side, “He will leave it to me, and everything will be decided after the captain wakes up.”

“Nami, use your ability to extinguish the flames around you!”

The surrounding flames were still fierce, and although many of them had extinguished themselves, many sparks from the previous battle still splashed in the city buildings.

Flames were set off.

“The captain will leave it to you, remember to let Raab pick us up when you go back.” Chloe said to Akin and the others.

Raab disappeared into the sky with everyone.

Nami and Chloe were left in place.

Nami summoned a black cloud in the sky, and a heavy rain followed, descending on the rainy ground, and the flames were extinguished by the heavy rain.

Leaving Chloe, he did not know from which corner of the city he found a barrel, and then filled it with seawater and put Klockdar in.

Only one head is exposed.

With the restraint of the sea, Klockdar could not use the power of the Devil Fruit at all, and there was no need to worry that Klockdar would be able to escape.


On board a naval warship.

Several naval colonels wearing justice cloaks frowned one by one, looking at the ghost spider vice admiral who was almost wrapped in bandages into a rice dumpling on the bed.

All of them were in an unusually heavy mood.

Unexpectedly, the elite vice admiral of the naval headquarters came out and was seriously injured by a bird on the opposing ship and fell unconscious.

“Who is going to report this?!” One of the naval colonels looked at the other officers beside him.

“I’ll do it anyway.”

A naval officer with a national character face, a beard on his face, and a somewhat humble and faithful appearance said.

When the others heard this, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

The officer pressed the number contacted by the headquarters of the Navy on the snail shell on the back of the telephone worm, and a moment later, a voice came from the telephone worm.

At the moment the headquarters of the Navy.

The news of the ghost spider’s defeat instantly caused a “ten-magnitude” earthquake.

A famous admiral rushed to the conference room after receiving a summons from the Admiral Sengoku.

The squirrel looked at the lieutenant general of the Burning Mountain beside him on the road with a puzzled face, and asked, “Burning Mountain, do you know what happened?!” A

stormy call made him feel depressed.

“I don’t know, I haven’t notified yet, it doesn’t seem to be a small matter.” Although Huo Yao Shan looked calm, there was still a hint of worry in his eyes.

The squirrel said worriedly: “It’s probably not a good thing. ”

Otherwise, there is no need to urge everyone so much, and they are all senior admirals of the Navy, which shows that the seriousness of the situation is no longer something that ordinary people can solve.”

“Squirrel, burning mountain, etc.”

A shout came from behind them, it was Vice Admiral Stoloberg, who was also one of the sixteen elite vice admirals in the naval headquarters.

A powerful veteran vice admiral.

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