
The strength of the Demon Pirate Group has once again greatly increased.

In the past two days, Will has also led them to practice the six styles and domineering.

“One day, the name of the Demon Pirates will be firmly remembered by the world.” Will is in a good mood and everything is going in a good direction.

As long as you master the six styles, as well as the armed color, and the domineering color, the strength of everyone on the ship will usher in a qualitative leap.

Nami sat under an orange tree, the dense foliage blocking out the sun, and concentrated on drawing the chart, the quill in her hand constantly drawing on the drawing.

At this time.

A white newsbird fluttered and flapped its wings and flew to the side of the ship.

Will immediately thought of the reputation value that sounded in the system just now, walked to the news bird, turned his head and shouted at Nami: “Nami, do you have coins, buy a newspaper!”

A silver coin flew towards Will accurately, and Will reached out and grabbed it.

“Give, get a newspaper.”

Handing the coin to the news bird in front of him, the news bird also took out the newspaper from the small backpack he carried, fluttered his wings and fluttered away.

Recent events in various parts of the sea were reported in the newspapers.

When Will glanced at ten lines, quickly understood the information in the newspaper, flipped through the newspaper, and the wanted warrant on the back suddenly came into his eyes.

Red Spirit Bird Will, bounty: 180 million Bailey.

Hundred Crowe, Bounty: 78 million Bailey.

Ghost Man Akin, bounty: 12 million Bailey.

“The bounty is almost two hundred million, and after the ability is exposed, it will definitely attract the attention of the navy.” Will had already anticipated this day.

Will held up the newspaper and shouted at Chloe, who was training, “Chloe, your bounty has gone up.”

Chloe’s figure flashed like a gust of wind, took the newspaper, and exclaimed in surprise: “My bounty has really increased, and it has multiplied several times at once!”

Later, when he saw Will’s bounty order, he couldn’t help but exclaim: “But the captain’s bounty is so high?!” It’s almost two hundred million!! Akin

, Sanji, and Nami also leaned over when they heard the sound.

Yamaji flipped through the newspaper and raised his eyebrows, “Why don’t you have my bounty order?!” If there is a bounty order from me, the bounty will definitely not be low.

“Happy for what?! A high bounty means that we will be captured by the Navy, and even bounty hunters will target us, which is too dangerous! “Seeing the bounty order, Nami is not happy at all.

Chloe nodded approvingly, “The bounty through the bounty order proves that the navy attaches great importance to us, and such a high bounty is enough to make many bounty hunters move, plus the bounty hunter may be anyone, so you must not be careless!” ”

Bounty hunters are mixed, although such a high bounty will scare off some people, but it also shows that people who dare to move their minds definitely have two brushes.”

Chloe also reminds everyone that they must pay attention to everyone they encounter wherever they arrive next, perhaps a bounty hunter.

Will turned to Nami and asked, “How long until we reach Upside Down Mountain and enter the Great Passage?!”

“There are about three days left, and the supplies on board are enough for us for a month.” Nami replied.

Akin chimed in to remind, “Nami, is the recording pointer ready?!” ”

Record pointer?! What is that thing?! Nami asked a little puzzled.

Akin explained: “It is an essential item to travel between the islands after entering the Great Passage, which can record the magnetic gas between the islands of the Great Voyage and guide us to the next island.” ”

It’s important to record pointers.”

He had followed Klick to the Great Passage before, and knew that the Great Passage could not be completed on the basis of a chart.

Without the guidance of the recorded pointer, once you lose your way on the sea, without the supply of materials, the entire pirate group is easy to be completely destroyed.

As if she had thought of something, Nami stared at Akin and asked, “Record the pointer, is it a glass ball with a magnetic needle in it?!”

Akin replied, “Hmm! That’s what you say it looks like. ”


Nami ran into the cabin in a hurry, and soon ran out with a green crystal ball-like thing in her hand.

Confirmed by Akin.

That’s really the record pointer.

Three days flew by.

Turning down the mountain and looking at the waterfall water flowing backwards, everyone except Akin saw such a spectacular scene for the first time.

“It’s a wonder, it’s the first time I’ve seen the sea water flowing up the mountaintop, and I don’t know why it’s such a sight.” Will exclaimed.

It has always been said that “the sea is full of rivers”, but today’s scene is the sea flowing backwards, flowing from the bottom up to the top of the mountain, magical!

Completely violated “Newton’s laws”, if Newton saw the picture of the sea water flowing backwards in front of him, it is estimated that the coffin board could not be suppressed.

Nor can anyone explain this phenomenon that defies common sense in physics.

Several people all stood on the bow deck, staring at the scene in front of them in amazement.

“Such a raging torrent, if the ship loses control, I am afraid it will directly rush out and hit the upside down mountain!” Nami said with some concern.

One direction offset, the consequences can be very serious.

Chloe replied, “Leave the matter of controlling the rudder to me, Nami will help me keep an eye on it later, it shouldn’t be a big problem.” ”

I am about to go to the Great Passage, I am a little excited and excited, for everyone who has been living in the East China Sea since childhood, the Great Passage is the legendary Devil’s Sea.

In this area of the East China Sea, not many people dare to go to the Great Shipping Route.

“The Great Passage is just the beginning, and we still have a long way to go.” Will smiled and glanced back at the sea behind him.

I don’t know when the next return to the East China Sea will be.


At this time, a series of bubbles suddenly appeared from the bottom of the sea on the calm sea surface, and finally appeared on the sea surface.

In less than a few seconds.

A steel gun with a long handle like a fish appeared from the surface of the sea, and at a glance he saw the Devil parked above the sea.

Suddenly, his face was full of shock, and he exclaimed: “Oro Jackson?!” His

eyes were full of memories, and he spent an unforgettable time on that ship.

“Hey… An old man appeared in the sea ?! Sanji took his cigarette and gave an incredulous expression.

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