The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two sides were in a state of panic.

"Ah, a terrifying guy who was unexpected has appeared." On Ohara Island, Kuzan (Aokiji) showed an intriguing smile as he watched Xia Hao destroy all of Sakaski's attacks.

He pursued ambiguous justice, and he was very different from Sakaski's (Akainu) absolute justice. Kuzan was very angry about Sakaski's indiscriminate attack on civilians just now.

"Robin, run away!" Sauro looked at the little Robin in front of him who was stunned by the battle on the sea, and whispered, and his huge arm gently pushed Robin to leave quickly.

"No, I don't want to be alone. There is no one on the sea. Sauro, let's go together!" Robin's little face kept sobbing and tears kept flowing.

"Listen Robin, run away by yourself. I'm here. I've been caught now. Take the raft I made and leave.

Although you are alone now, one day you will have your own partner. You will never be alone in this world. Run away, Robin!" Sauro shouted loudly. Feeling that Kuzan was getting closer and closer to him, Sauro closed his eyes painfully.

"Sauro, wuwuwu~wuwuwu~"

Robin turned around and ran with all his strength. Tears kept flowing from the corners of his eyes. A friend he had made with great difficulty ended his friendship just like that.

"Freezing moment!"

Kuzan looked at his old friend in front of him and raised his hand lightly. The terrifying freezing power instantly covered the surrounding land. The thick ice layer quickly spread along Sauro's body. Soon Sauro was frozen into an ice sculpture.

On the sea, Sakaski was furious as he watched the refugee ship getting farther and farther away. He took off his cloak and looked at Xia Hao fiercely.

"Stop it, they are just a group of ordinary civilians, they have not committed any crime. The World Government just wants to wipe out the O'Hara scholars to achieve the deterrent effect of killing one to warn the hundred. You have already done it.

If you continue to fight, I can't guarantee that all your navy warships can return safely." Xia Hao said in a flat tone, stepping on a square wooden board made of wood escape.

"Just a pirate, too arrogant", Sakaski's eyes were about to spit fire, Xia Hao, a pirate kid, dared to threaten him.

"Dog bites red lotus!"

The arm quickly elementalized, the lava kept rolling, and the billowing hot air kept emitting white smoke. Soon, the magma-like arm changed into a huge magma dog head. With a raised hand, the dog head attacked and flew towards Xia Hao.

"Thunder Half Moon Slash!"

The armed color domineering was madly wrapped around the Fang Tian Hua Ji, as if it was covered with a layer of armor. Xia Hao swung the weapon in his hands vigorously, and a powerful energy shock wave attacked the magma dog head. In an instant, the brief contact caused the attack released by Sakaski to disintegrate directly. Countless broken magma fell from the sky, thumping and falling into the surrounding sea, stirring up waves.

"Wood Release: Thorn Technique!"

"Wood Release: Wood Wolf Technique!"

Xia Hao clapped his hands, and thorns with thorns suddenly grew on the deck of the warship where Sakaski was located, and randomly attacked the navy soldiers on the ship with bared fangs and claws. Then a tree appeared on the deck, and a group of wood wolves constructed by wood release were quickly born from the tree, and then appeared with Xia Hao's order, and attacked the navy frantically.

The close-range face attack made Sakaski unable to continue using the huge lethal moves, and the soldiers on the warship could only solve it themselves.

At the same time, looking at Xia Hao who could walk freely on the sea with his ability, Sakaski clenched his fists, and a trace of madness flashed in his heart.

On the other side of Ohara Island, little Robin ran away with all her might. When she arrived at the raft made by Sauro, Kuzan had already sat on a stone waiting for Robin's arrival.

"Complete justice sometimes turns people into cruel weapons, so I decided to let you leave the island. I want to see what the seeds that Sauro desperately guarded will become. This is an ice road made by the power of the devil fruit. It will not melt for three days and three nights. If you paddle forward desperately along this road, you will reach new land and start your new life", Kuzan said in a serious tone,

Maybe it was Sauro's angry rebuke that made him change his mind, or maybe it was Sakaski's crazy absolute justice that made him disgusted. No matter which one, Kuzan was determined to let Robin go at this moment.


You have the right to resent anyone, this is your freedom, but you should also be grateful for your life. In addition, you must remember that I am not your companion. Once you do something against the law, I will appear as an enemy and arrest you."

"My mother is still on the island, can I..."

"No one on this island can be rescued. Even if the man just now can stop Sakaski's actions, the launch of the Demon Slayer Order is the decision of the World Government. There is not only one vice admiral. My attitude towards pirates is also to eliminate them." Kuzan's cold and indifferent voice completely shattered Robin's hope. In Aokiji's cognition, no one has ever successfully challenged the Demon Slayer Order. Such a huge naval battleship can already be on the Grand Line. Sailing at will.

Watching Kuzan go further and further away, Robin couldn't help crying. Her small body was shaking because of sobbing. She sat alone on the raft, and the feeling of loneliness and helplessness surged wildly from the depths of her heart. It was hard to imagine how strong a heart such a young Robin needed to survive alone on this strange and dangerous sea.

"Delehehe, delehehe~"

"Delehehe, delehehe~"

Robin's strange laughter sounded on the coast. As time passed, a little girl paddled a raft silently on the boundless sea. Looking up at the sunset in the distance, Robin hugged her arms and buried her head in her legs.

Half an hour ago, on O'Hara Island

"Who? Come out! "

Kuzan, who was about to reunite with the warship of the Navy Headquarters, frowned, turned around and shouted.

"Hahaha, don't be angry, Vice Admiral Kuzan, I just happened to pass by, and I didn't see you do anything that would damage the justice of the Navy," Xia Hao shrugged and said in a flat tone.

"Is it you? Xia Hao, an intern of Roger's Pirates! "Kuzan squinted his eyes and looked at Xia Hao. The ability of the Ice Fruit was activated, and his arm was covered with ice in an instant. He was ready to fight at any time. It was a serious crime to let an Ohara scholar go privately. Unexpectedly, he was seen by a pirate. Kuzan was thinking about whether to silence him.

Similarly, Kuzan was very confused. It was clear that Xia Hao was fighting with Sakaski under the perception of the observation Haki. Why did another Xia Hao appear in front of him?

Which one is real?

"Don't worry, Vice Admiral Kuzan, I won't say anything. Just pretend that we have never met." Xia Hao waved his hand. He came here just to make sure Robin was safe.

As soon as the voice fell, Xia Hao's figure flashed and disappeared in front of Kuzan. At the same time, in the offshore area, Xia Hao, who was fighting with Sakaski, turned into a piece of wood and fell into the sea. Seeing this scene, Sakaski realized that he was fooled. The whole person almost became completely natural and turned into a human-shaped volcano.

"Don't let me see you again, Xia Hao, otherwise I will definitely lock you up in the city of Push! (▼へ▼メ)”, Sakaski’s extremely cold voice sounded.

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