The boat was sailing in the sea, but the boat was still sailing.

Five days later, somewhere in the West Sea, the Haotian was traveling at a constant speed. Because the speed was too fast before, Xia Hao adjusted it to the normal speed of a pirate ship, so that he could enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way.

"Boss, there seems to be a naval warship ahead!"

Just when Xia Hao was leisurely lying on a recliner and taking a nap, Ah Xing's voice woke Xia Hao up. Looking in Ah Xing's direction, Xia Hao, who was originally sleepy, suddenly became energetic.

Because there was a dog head hanging on the warship in the distance!

"Trouble is coming," Xia Hao shook his head, because there was only one person in the navy warship in this form, that is the navy hero Garp, a man who can sink an island with one punch, a man who can chase Roger around the world. Now Xia Hao does not want to fight Garp head-on, because he will get hurt.

"Swish, swish, swish~"

Just when Xia Hao was about to drive the Haotian away, the sound of breaking through the air sounded from Xia Hao's ears, and a large black ball flew from a distance. Looking closely, it was a cannonball.

"Wood Release: Wooden Spear!"

Xia Hao raised his hand, and a wooden spear appeared in his hand. Then he swung it hard, and the wooden spear directly penetrated the cannonball. A violent explosion exploded not far from the Haotian, and the air wave shock wave generated was scattered, and a smell of gunpowder filled the air.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Before Xia Hao turned his head to speak, more than ten shells appeared in front of him again. It seemed that the Haotian had been targeted by Garp. After all, such a huge pirate ship must have many pirates on board in the eyes of outsiders.

"Wood Release: Wood Ingot Wall!"

Xia Hao clapped his hands, and a layer of wooden walls extended from the front of the Haotian, blocking all the shells outside, leaving no one.

The explosions did not stop for a moment. At this moment, Garp, who was on the dog-headed battleship, saw that all his shells were destroyed, and he also became interested. With a wave of his hand, he asked the surrounding navy soldiers to push out ten shells to hold the cart again, and then continued to throw crazily.

"What a terrible navy!" The powerful impact of the shells made the huge Haotian shake. During this period, Mengshan also knocked away two shells with his fists. The heavy force made Mengshan very excited, and the look in his eyes looking at Garp was full of fighting spirit. Fortunately, Xia Hao discovered and stopped it in time, otherwise things would become unpredictable.

"Hmph, it seems that he is not an unknown person. Bring me my secret weapon!" Karp shook his arm and said loudly while looking at the shells that had been used up again.

A minute later, Xia Hao and the other two looked at the huge iron ball above the dog-headed battleship and fell into deep thought. Even Xia Hao, who had been prepared, was silent at this moment.

Sure enough, it was more shocking to see it with one's own eyes!

"Mengshan, I leave it to you. Is there any problem?" Xia Hao tilted his head and looked at Mengshan and said.

"Wu La La La, no problem!" Mengshan was full of fighting spirit at this moment. He took a big step forward, staring at the big iron ball in the distance, took a deep breath, and the armed color domineering began to flow wildly in his body, and then quickly poured into his fist. Soon, the huge fist seemed to be wrapped in a flowing transparent water flow.

"Seven thousand tiles of positive punch!"

Mengshan looked at the iron ball flying quickly, his tall body sank slightly, and then the whole person catapulted up and came to a position flush with the big iron ball, and then slowly closed his eyes to feel the domineering.

A punch was thrown fiercely, and the iron ball and Mengshan's fist were half a meter apart. For a moment, both seemed to be motionless. Then, an invisible air wave attacked the big iron ball. The next second, the big iron ball was bounced off, flew a distance and fell heavily into the sea. The iron ball weighing more than ten tons stirred up waves, and the dull sound of falling into the sea quickly spread.

"Blocked? Blockedヽ( ຶ▮ ຶ)ノ!!!"

"Really? No way, that's Vice Admiral Garp's secret weapon"⊙▽⊙

"So strong, who is the pirate ship in front?! Is it a new pirate?!"

"Oh, it won't be another big battle, we just wiped out a big pirate group with a bounty of 300 million berries."

"What are you afraid of? We have Vice Admiral Garp. Humph, even if the Pirate King is alive, what can he do?! <(`^´)>"

"Ah, yes, yes, we have Vice Admiral Garp! ୧⍢⃝୨"


The navy soldiers were whispering on the deck. You know, few people can stop Vice Admiral Garp's secret weapon. Each of them is a world-famous pirate.

"Boss, I can't stand it anymore. I want to do something big!" Seeing that Xia Hao didn't give any orders,

Launching the attack, Ah Xing waved his fist and said viciously.

"Go, be careful, you are facing the navy hero Garp", looking at Ah Xing who was full of fighting spirit, Xia Hao did not stop him, but just reminded him.

"Hehe, I'm going!" Ah Xing grinned, and his wings of more than ten meters spread out quickly, flapped vigorously, and Ah Xing's figure disappeared in a flash, and a huge black shadow appeared in the sky.

"Wind Blade Speed ​​Slash!"

Ah Xing flew to a position of 100 meters above the front of the navy warship, looking at the dense navy below, and also exhaled deeply. Fortunately, he did not rush over. Looking at the pirates squatting on the deck with their heads in their hands, he couldn't help but admire his boss again.

However, he still had to fight back. A pair of huge wings flapped vigorously, and countless wind blades fell from the sky and went straight to the dog-headed warship.

Below, Garp narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at Ah Xing in the sky with a serious expression, and waved his hand gently, and Bogart, who was next to Garp, suddenly understood.

The speed was so fast that it was impossible to observe with the naked eye. He quickly drew and put away the sword, and completed the whole action in just one second. Then, dozens of crescent-shaped sword energy slashed up into the sky and collided fiercely with the wind blade. The collision between the two produced a terrifying explosion sound, and the strong shock wave generated air waves that made the warship sway constantly. The sea surface seemed to be pressed down and dented in an instant.

Seeing the attack being easily resolved, Ah Xing was not surprised. After all, he was a person that even his boss admired, so his subordinates would not be weak chickens.

"Wind Dragon King!"

Axing flapped his wings and quickly raised his body, then quickly gathered the power of wind at a certain position, forming a huge storm dragon hundreds of meters long, flying in the sky with bared fangs and claws, and then with Axing's crisp shout, the wind dragon quickly descended, and the powerful pressure made everyone on the dog-headed warship feel their bodies sink, and many ordinary navy officers had already knelt down at this moment.

"One Sword Style: Flying Dragon Slash!"

Looking at the giant dragon condensed by the violent wind element, Bogart frowned, and the armed color domineering quickly wrapped around the blade, and his body quickly jumped up, then held the sword with both hands, and a terrifying sword energy slashed against the sky, directly destroying the attack created by Axing.

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