Crocodile can be said to be the Shichibukai that Bai Ze knows best!

After all, in the original work of the previous life, this person has the most descriptions!

Brave and resourceful!

In Bai Ze's eyes, this person's threat level is even higher than Doflamingo, so Bai Ze put him in third place!

When he killed two Shichibukai and his strength skyrocketed, Bai Ze was more curious about what reward he would get if he killed another one...

"Time is running out, but it should be enough.……"

Bai Ze relied on the power of God to slowly hide in the palace. Of course, he did not choose to use the power of God to directly come to Crocodile to launch a surprise attack.

Bai Ze had tried it before. The observation Haki of this world had a premonition of his surprise attack. Otherwise, he would not have asked Brook to attract attention in the previous assassination of Gekko Moria.

Then he would kill with one blow!

After entering the palace with the power of God, Bai Ze slowly walked out of the power of God space.

Try to suppress your breath to the lowest, relying on the extreme anti-reconnaissance ability, and move towards the direction of memory little by little.

While rushing on the road, Bai Ze was not idle. He began to think about one thing.

That is, the three super ancient weapons, Pluto, Uranus, and Neptune... Do these three legendary things with the power of destroying the world really exist?

Things that have been passed down for thousands of years, but no one has seen them... There are only a few records, and it is really hard to believe that such things exist.

Bai Ze is a little curious. He has a natural curiosity about such powerful things... What's more, such things can even threaten him!

This kind of powerful thing, either let Bai Ze master it... or destroy it directly, he doesn't want anyone to have the means to kill him.

Not even a little bit!

Bai Ze's eyes gradually became dangerous, and the little bit of momentum he exuded just caught the guards who were walking towards him.……


Just as he was about to ask, he saw a red light coming, and then... he didn't know what he was going to do! He left in a daze!

Bai Ze retracted the illusion of the Sharingan and looked forward... and found that he was almost there!

After thinking for a while, Bai Ze grinned and his figure slowly disappeared from the spot.……



At this moment, in a secret room in the Alabasta Palace, two men well known to the people of Alabasta were sitting opposite each other... In the dark secret room, their facial expressions seemed to be discussing something secret!

"Mr.1... How is the task I assigned to you?"

On the main seat, a man with a more serious aura spoke up. He had a golden hook on his left hand, a horizontal scar on his face, a black fur coat, and a cigar in his mouth.

It was Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea and the actual ruler of the Kingdom of Alabasta!

The cold man called Mr.1 hesitated for a while and said

"Boss, I've been to all the places you mentioned, and I didn't see any strange traces. I also checked the people around me... and I didn't find the information you mentioned."

"Is that so?" Crocodile took a puff of his cigar and spoke as if he had expected it.

"Then go look in the other places I gave you. Alabasta is so big... It's normal that you can't find that thing for a while."

""Boss, what exactly are you looking for?"

Mr.1, who had always been following Crocodile's orders, asked subconsciously, because for so long... Crocodile had been asking him to find something in Alabasta.

And that thing seemed to be particularly important to the boss, so Mr.1 was a little curious.

Crocodile stared at his most trusted subordinate for a while and then spoke,

"You... don't ask this question, I will tell you when the time comes."

He still didn't tell the other party about his purpose of looking for"Pluto" because this thing involved too much... he didn't dare to gamble!

After chatting about other things in detail, Mr. 1 quickly chose to leave.

The dark secret room soon returned to peace!

Crocodile sat on the sofa, staring blankly at the empty stone wall!

After a long time, Crocodile sighed and began to talk to himself

"I've spent so many years controlling this country, but I still can't find you……"Pluto" Are you real or fake?"

"I can't wait... I need your power, this world is too chaotic... Whitebeard's remnants from the old times still exist, only with you... I can destroy them and create a perfect world in my mind."


When it comes to the words"perfect world", Crocodile's eyes obviously have a different color.

Because this is his dream, and his dream is to create a country without war, he calls it"utopia".

It may be difficult for people to imagine that this is the dream of an ambitious Shichibukai... but this is the fact.

To create a country without war, the first goal is to be detached from the outside, that is, he must master the power that everyone fears... Only with this power can true"permanent peace" be achieved.

After pondering for a long time, Crocodile put away his chaotic thoughts and started to walk out of the secret room, but just as he stood up... his brows suddenly frowned.

After a moment of silence, he sat back!

His eyes were fixed on the dark door in front of him, and he said in a deep voice

"Since you are here, show yourself, sir... It is not a good habit to hide your head and show your tail."

Da! Da! Da!

After a moment of silence, a burst of unhurried footsteps suddenly appeared in the field, and a young but young man slowly appeared at the gate.

"How did you find me?"

The boy seemed a little surprised and asked.

Crocodile did not answer this question, but asked

"You must be the young navy boy who killed Doflamingo and Gekko Moriah!"

Crocodile's voice was not loud, but it made Bai Ze slightly stunned. He murmured with a slight smile on his face.

"interesting……" ps: If you feel that some of the protagonists' actions are stupid, don't be too anxious. Wait until you finish reading a chapter before reading again...

Although it is a refreshing novel, it is not completely brainless.

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