The collective test by the navy's top brass ended with Bai Ze's victory!

The final result was also very surprising. Bai Ze actually received the collective tilt of the navy's educational resources!

The time limit was one month!

This news soon exploded in the navy headquarters. A group of navy soldiers who had never seen Bai Ze all wanted to see what kind of magic this magical boy had that made the navy's top brass treat him like this!

The navy didn't seem to want to conceal this news, but instead publicized it.

As if to create momentum for something!

"Are they planning to train the next successor of the navy?"

Some spies from various forces stationed at the navy headquarters passed this secret report back one after another.

And they emphasized the name Bai Ze!

The first to receive this news were several emperor-level pirate groups!

"Oh... It seems that the navy has recruited a good young man this time... Not bad, not bad."

The man with a burly body but a face full of wrinkles lying on the chair sighed.

However, this sigh has a more indifferent tone, because this man is the guy who is known as the strongest man on the sea.

Whitebeard, Newgate!

Just a young genius in the navy, it can't attract much of his attention, because in his era...

The most abundant thing is genius!

But Whitebeard looked at his wrinkled hands and his body full of tubes... He hesitated for a moment and shouted to the side


"There, Daddy!"

Soon a man with a sunny smile and a pineapple head came over.

"There's a good guy in the navy. The sea will be uneasy recently. You should ask your men to be more careful during this period."

Whitebeard said calmly. He knew he was old... Thinking of the days without his protection, he decided to put away a little edge so that his family would have less trouble in the future.

""Okay, Dad!"

Marco replied


In addition to Whitebeard, the Bug Mom Pirates, also an emperor-class pirate group, also responded to the news from the navy.

Charlotte, the second son of Big Mom, Kakuta issued an order.

Let the members be careful during this period... to prevent the navy's big moves. However, at this moment , the policy of the Beasts Pirates, also an emperor-class pirate group, in

Wano Country, which is also a major maritime force, is completely different from the other two sides. Their policy seems much more powerful!

"Kill! If you see that kid, hunt him down without any conditions... This kid must not be allowed to grow up."

"Otherwise, we will suffer from the chaos in the future!"

Kaido and others who knew Bai Ze's potential immediately issued a brutal killing order.

Bai Ze must die... not only because the latter played a trick on all of them, the Beasts Pirates.

But also because of his terrifying potential... As long as he is alive, the Beasts Pirates will be uneasy!

The New World is in turmoil... all because of the huge impact of this news.

But at this moment, the real owner of this matter seems to be very calm!

Navy headquarters!

In an empty playground!

A young man and an old man are sitting on the ground in the cold wind... and next to them are all some rubble and bumpy floors.

Obviously, a big battle just happened here!

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