"Wow, is this the world government completely out of action? Even your hole card was released, no wonder he felt the breath of a beast from afar. The old man is a little strange, little brother Araki, were you fighting with someone just now? At

the bow of the rapidly approaching warship, the yellow ape's mouth pouted.

That's right, the yellow ape knows Ara Mu.

No top-level combat power could continue to hide itself perfectly in front of a general-level powerhouse like him.

What's more, as a naval admiral, the yellow ape often goes in and out of the Holy Land Mary Joya, and naturally senses the breath of those strong people hiding in the Holy Land.

Not to mention, this guy Araki is still a fan brother of Akainu, and he once asked him about the past of Akainu.

The yellow ape was not surprised that Ara Mu would appear here, with obvious intentions, to participate in the Navy's recruitment meeting.

In fact.

As early as after the plan of world conscription was approved by the five old stars, these high-ranking naval officials had already expected that the high-level of the world government would send some powerful people to take the opportunity to insert themselves into the middle and high-level generals of the navy headquarters.

At the moment, I am afraid that this brazen desolate pastor is only a strong person on the surface.

Using a high-end combat power to divert the attention of the navy is the strategy given by the five old stars.

Simple and effective.

Secretly, I don't know how many people have gone to the G1 base to register.

The corners of Ara Mu's mouth were slightly hooked, and soon a long log grew out under his feet, straight to the side of the warship.

He wore an open-minded coat, and just like that, Shi Shiran stepped onto the warship.

"A group of pirates who have just entered the new world, I just moved my muscles a little."

He indifferently glanced at the more than two hundred naval soldiers armed with swords and muskets lined up on the deck.

All the naval soldiers who were swept by his gaze turned pale and felt an invisible huge pressure.

The yellow ape turned sideways and raised his chin towards the rear admiral of the crowd, "Go back to Hong Kong."

Then he looked at the smiling Araki, "Is that so?" So, can the old man know which pirate group it is? In addition, in this sea area, there seems to be no pirate corpse floating ah.

Araki snorted and said in a casual sneer: "Is there a good-looking young lady on their boat, how can I care which smelly fish rotten shrimp." As for the corpse..." a

python-like vine appeared from his fingertips, swimming deftly in the air, "It has turned into my nourishment." "

Within the mouth, little brother Araki. In the ring session later, I hope you will show some mercy to the soldiers of the Navy. "

Well said, well said."

Ten minutes later, when the yellow ape returned to the harbor coast of the naval headquarters again, it once again attracted everyone's attention.

Especially when I saw a middle-aged man who was about the same height as the yellow ape, with his hands in his pockets and a leisurely posture standing side by side with the yellow ape, the admirals in the square and the sea powerhouses who recruited troops were even more curious about the identity of Ara Mu.

"Who is that guy? Can you even let the admiral personally go out to greet him?

"I don't know, maybe it's also some senior admiral of the Navy headquarters, right?" Or an official of the world government?

"Can't it be a strong man who came to recruit soldiers?"

"Don't joke, what level of strong person can let a general personally go to sea to greet him, do you dream?"

Under a huge mushroom-shaped umbrella in the distance, the admirals from the naval headquarters, who were responsible for the evaluation of the strength of this conscription, were examining the strong people in the square with serious eyes.

Among them are Vice Admirals such as Squirrel, Dauberman, Smogg and others.

and dozens of rear admirals of the headquarters of the Navy, commodore.

There are also two admiral candidates, Chagu Jiaji and Peach Rabbit Yuan.

This time, it is also about whether the two of them can be successfully promoted to admirals.

What these high-level officials mean is that if there are no strong people who can defeat Yuan Yuan and Jia Ji in this conscription, then the vacant two general positions will be filled by the two of them.

Although the strength of the two is still a little worse than the level of the general, the battle merits accumulated over the years are almost enough.

So, this time, it was also a chance for the two of them.

Before waiting for the ring test to start, the two of Gaji and Yuan Yuan had been using their own domineering knowledge to sense the breath of the people who came to apply.

In the past few days, there have also been a large number of sea powerhouses whose strength is comparable to that of rear admirals of the navy headquarters, and even vice admirals.

But Yuan Yuan thinks that these people are worse than himself.

It's not as good as a plus.

Although Gaji is a little more obscene, his strength has already surpassed the old lieutenant generals of Dauberman, otherwise he would not have become a candidate for the general.

Until this morning, when the blind old man with crutches appeared at the headquarters of the Navy, the faces of Yuan Yuan and Jia Ji completely changed.

In their perception, the aura emitted by the blind old man who looked ordinary was as thick as the earth.

Around his body surface, even an invisible gravitational field has formed, faintly distorting the air and space.

When the blind old man appeared, the current Admiral Chi Inu, who was originally staying in the fortress, and Admiral Yellow Ape, were shocked, and specially appeared, looking at this side from a distance for a long time before leaving.

At this moment, Yuan Yuan faintly felt that the strength of the blind old man would probably not be weaker than his own.

Even, even stronger!

And now, the moment the yellow ape appeared with that leisurely man, Yuan Yuan's face changed again.

That man seemed relaxed and leisurely, but in fact, his body was wantonly exuding a terrifying aura like a desolate beast.

This brutal, powerful momentum is not concealed at all.

At the moment when the other party's feet stepped on the square of the naval headquarters, the square was densely crowded, and the number of people exceeded 20,000, and it became audible in an instant.

The invisible pressure is like a tidal wave, drowning tens of thousands of people.

This is not the coercion of the overlord color domineering, but the strong spirit that naturally exudes.

It's like a sheep seeing the king of the forest.

It is the oppression of the momentum that belongs to the absolute superior.

The lieutenant generals, including her, all looked over involuntarily.

The corners of Gaji's mouth twitched, and his face immediately became extremely difficult to look at.

"Hey, is there a mistake, do you have to have two real monsters? I thought that this time I had the opportunity to be promoted to admiral, and take the opportunity to make my eighty-ninth marriage proposal to my beloved Yuanyuan, which is abominable! "

Thinking of this, the extra gauge is hard.

His fists hardened.

Jia Ji stared viciously at Araki, who was registering his name, got up and strode towards that side.

"I don't believe it, with my current strength, I will lose to these two unknown people who are not famous. Yuanyuan, look good, I will use the most handsome way, cleanly solve them, and then propose to you! "

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