The thunder dissipated, and the golden light slowly merged into Ling Aotian's body, in the eyes of everyone's horror and admiration.

Ling Aotian slowly landed in the Mermaid Palace, and the brilliance around him all dissipated, becoming like an ordinary person.

However, the power hidden in his body almost doubled.

King Neptune didn't know what to say. He didn't know whether he should abdicate to Ling Aotian and let him become the new Mermaid King.

At this time, the mermaids outside the door also began to call out loudly: "King! King! King!"

"The Sea King has finally returned to our Mermaid Kingdom. From now on, we don't have to worry anymore."

All the fish people were laughing.

The sound gradually spread into the Mermaid Palace and into Ling Aotian's ears.

He didn't have time to stay here to manage a kingdom.

King Neptune was a little embarrassed. Now the fish people didn't regard him as a king, and his prestige began to decline rapidly.

Fortunately, Princess Otohime spoke up: "Lord Aotian, you have the power of our fish-man ancestors in your body. Do you plan to take over our mermaid kingdom next?"

Ling Aotian refused without thinking: "No, I'm not interested."

Johnny was relieved to see that the boss did not accept the mermaid kingdom. He was afraid that he would stay in the seabed all the time. That was not his ideal. Although the mermaid ladies here were very beautiful, Johnny vowed to become the strongest man... the little brother around him!

How can he become the strongest in the world if he stays in the fish-man kingdom!

King Neptune was happy and sad when he heard that Ling Aotian did not accept the management of the mermaid kingdom.

On the one hand, he expected Ling Aotian to be the guardian god, guarding their mermaid kingdom, leading them back to land, or building a real underwater kingdom.

On the other hand, he was afraid that Ling Aotian would drive them out and let their royal family be exiled to the fish-man island.

All this was actually because they were too weak.

Even if Ling Aotian doesn't plan to protect their Fishman Island in the future, King Neptune also plans to strengthen the training of all the fishmen.

Ling Aotian was thinking.

The incident on Fishman Island was also an opportunity for him, and he was also partly responsible for it. Since he had obtained the abilities of their ancestors, he could do something within his power without dragging himself down.

"Although I won't take over your Mermaid Kingdom, if you have any problems, you can come to me. In the next fifty years, your Fishman Island will not encounter large-scale island destruction incidents."

At the same time, he looked at Princess Shirahoshi: "I am not the Poseidon of your fishmen. In fact, the real Poseidon bloodline is still in Shirahoshi. As long as you cultivate Princess Shirahoshi well, the future Fishman Island will have a large number of powerful sea kings to protect it."

As soon as these words came out, King Neptune, Princess Otohime and others were very shocked.

Shirahoshi, their own family, is actually the real Poseidon! ?

King Neptune was a little terrified: "Lord Aotian, what you said... can't be false, how could Shirahoshi be Poseidon, this kind of magical bloodline should be displayed at birth."

Princess Otohime complained about King Neptune's stupidity. Would Lord Aotian deceive their existence?

So she immediately knelt down to Ling Aotian: "Lord Aotian, please take Shirahoshi away, please cultivate the power of Poseidon in her body, with our strength and vision, we can't cultivate Shirahoshi to grow up."

They are still self-aware.

Princess Shirahoshi's Poseidon ability will not be able to be used in the future. Only when she is in danger can she command giant sea kings.

In the past few years, she was locked in the room by King Neptune, wasting her abilities.

But Ling Aotian will not take Princess Shirahoshi away.

First, Shirahoshi is still a little kid now, and has no appeal to him.

The second Shirahoshi's ability was also unlocked in contact with him. As long as he continued to use it in the future, it would naturally grow up, and he didn't need to take it away at any time and train it personally.

Cultivation system is not suitable for Ling Aotian.

"No need, I know your abilities are limited, but Princess Shirahoshi's abilities have been stimulated by me, and she will become stronger in the future as long as she continues to learn and use them."

"At the same time, her master is also a suitable one."

Ling Aotian's words made the people present change their emotions again and again.

Princess Otohime asked respectfully, "Excuse me, who is this person?"

Ling Aotian slowly looked outside the palace and slowly said: "Jinbei, come in."

In the outside world, Jinbei, the sea hero who was kneeling on the ground, suddenly heard Ling Aotian's call.

This voice shocked him all over.

The fishman slaves showed joy on their faces: "This voice is Lord Aotian!"

"Could it be that the king in frontThe advent was caused by Lord Aotian! ? "

"Jinbei, don't stand there, Lord Aotian is calling you!"

Jinbei came back to his senses, still confused: "When did Lord Aotian remember my name?"

"It's really my honor." Jinbei smiled and walked into the palace with big strides.

When Jinbei arrived outside the palace, he bowed respectfully: "I am Jinbei the Fishman, from Fishman Street, a member of the Sun Pirates."

King Neptune's pupils dilated slightly: "Jinbei, didn't you leave with Tiger?"

Jinbei shook his head slowly: "Your Majesty, Brother Tiger was worried that Lord Aotian would come to him and ask about the whereabouts of the pirate ship, so he left me on Fishman Island to wait for Lord Aotian's arrival and protect Fishman Island by the way."

"I see. "King Neptune understood, and then in front of everyone, he slowly bowed to Jinbei and Ling Aotian: "As the king of the fishmen, I am really ashamed of you all, and I would like to thank you for protecting the fishman island!"

Jinbei was shocked: "Your Majesty, you must not do this, I am not worthy of it, only Lord Aotian can be honored with this bow."

Ling Aotian was too lazy to see the etiquette between the monarch and the minister: "Okay, everyone get up, Jinbei, I called you here today to let you be the teacher of Princess Shirahoshi."

"You need to teach Shirahoshi the fishman karate and Haki, and other than that, her safety is in your hands."

Jinbei opened his mouth and made a sound of "eh eh eh", and he quickly lowered his head: "I am really terrified, I am afraid I am unable to bear such a heavy responsibility. "

However, Ling Aotian has already decided on Jinbei. If he doesn't accept, he will have to take Princess Shirahoshi with him. This is simply impossible. It's ridiculous to fight outside and take a little princess with him.

"It's decided!"

Jinbei wanted to speak, but King Neptune held his hand: "Please."

"Old man... Old man, hey."

At this time, he suddenly thought of something and spoke again: "By the way, Lord Aotian, your pirate ship is now trapped in the air above the Sabaody Archipelago by the navy. A few days ago, Brother Tiger led the Sun Pirates to rescue your pirate ship. The situation is still unknown. "

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