"I declare to the world that we will hunt down all the evil navy and Celestial Dragons, and the world government that is in cahoots with the Celestial Dragons. Each Celestial Dragon is worth 1 billion Baileys. As long as you are strong enough and dare to kill, you can come to me to exchange. This is the purpose of our Dragon Slayer Pirates."

Ling Aotian stood proudly in the world, despised everyone, and announced the establishment of the Dragon Slayer Pirates.

As soon as these words came out, the reporters of the news agency hidden in the dark pressed the shutter frantically to record this historic scene.

Tiger and Pluto Rayleigh, who were rushing in from a distance, both froze in place.

What a boldness and courage it is to dare to say that he would hunt down the navy and Celestial Dragons.

Tiger swallowed his saliva: "Brother Aotian is really crazy."

Pluto Rayleigh, who was standing aside, had a different light in his eyes.

On the other side, Johnny walked out of the ruins and knelt on one knee facing Ling Aotian in the sky: "Brother Aotian, please take me with you. I, Johnny, swear on my life to follow your footsteps and never betray you until death!"

This conversation completely ignited the atmosphere at the scene.

The navy seemed to be slapped several times invisibly.

[The king's declaration, the symbol of self-confidence, this is the emperor's journey. Complete the task to form a pirate group and announce the establishment of the pirate group to the world. The completion rate is 100%, and the value of doing whatever you want is increased by 200. 2 evolution points are obtained, and the legendary pirate ship-Xingchen is obtained! ]

[The value of doing whatever you want is stored at 270, which meets the upgrade requirements, and the level is increased to level 8. Two additional evolution points are awarded, and 4 evolution points are left! ]

[The next ability needs to reach level 10 to unlock. ]

[Legendary pirate ship-Xingchen, a man's freedom should yearn for the sea of ​​stars. ]

[Xingchen: Captain Ling Aotian. ]

[Possess ability 1: Starry sky flight! (Automatically forms a protective shield, with oxygen to fly outside the starry sky)]

[Possess ability 2: Starry Sky Return! (Possess the ability to pull meteorites, can cast Starry Sky Fall.)]

[Possess ability 3: Starry Sky Fall (According to the gravitational pull of Starry Sky Return, it can attract a few to hundreds of meteorites to fall)]

[Possess ability 4: Legendary Pirate Ship (Absorbs star power, automatically restores hull injuries)] (Can be summoned at any time!)

After completing the formation of the pirate group, the Starry Sky Pirate Ship suddenly appeared from the void, and a huge void crack appeared in the sky.

"What is that!?" The navy was attracted by the appearance of the Starry Sky Pirate Ship.

Even Vice Admiral Kizaru and Akainu looked at the appearance of the Starry Sky Pirate Ship with confusion and curiosity.

In just a moment, the Star Pirates flew out of the void. The hull seemed to be forged by the Milky Way, and the whole ship looked like a night sky looking up at the stars. On the mast of the Star Pirates, there was actually a pirate flag.

"Look, this is a pirate ship, and there is a pirate flag on it?! What pirate group is that?"

Everyone looked at the dark golden pirate flag, which was engraved with stars and a white-bone dragon. Two swords were crossed and inserted into the head of the white-bone dragon, and there was a black-haired man standing proudly on the head.

The five golden characters [Dragon Slayer Pirates] were written below.

"Dragon Slayer Pirates?" Someone read the words above.

In an instant, a terrifying breath came from the mouths of thousands of navy members, and the air around them suddenly dropped. Such a magical pirate group turned out to be Ling Aotian's exclusive pirate ship!

Yellow Monkey looked at the stars, and kept muttering: "Hey, hey, hey, this is incredible."

The Star Pirate Ship seemed to have locked onto the target, and its body quickly shrank, turning into a ring in the shape of a star boat, and instantly flew in front of Ling Aotian, emitting a bright light.

Ling Aotian smiled, opened his five fingers, and the ring was automatically worn on his finger, emitting dazzling starlight.

At that moment, the whole sky seemed to be ignited, bursting with an extremely bright light.

This light was like countless stars shining at the same time, illuminating the earth. The sky suddenly turned from day to night, covering the sky with stars. Countless stars were attracted by the ring in Ling Aotian's hand, and tens of thousands of stars cast into the starry sky and gathered on the ring in his hand.

Its light seemed to contain mysterious power, attracting people's attention, and the navy was completely dumbfounded.

Even the calm Akainu cursed inwardly: "What kind of power is this, it can actually attract starlight!!"

Kizaru was completely stunned. Such power even surpassed his Pixie Fruit!

Even Chatun and Taotu, who were carried away by the navy to rest.

Taotu forced herself to sit up from the stretcher, staring at the mysterious starlight emanating from Ling Aotian with a look of horror, as ifThis magical scene is almost like a god descending to the earth! !

Chatun's eyes widened, with a look of disbelief: "Impossible... Impossible, absolutely impossible, this kind of power, even the Five Elders can't master it!"

The reporters hiding in the dark were fanatical: "God, this is simply a miracle!"

"Quick, take a picture, my life! No regrets!!"

Johnny half-knelt on the ground, his eyes bursting with infinite enthusiasm.

[Star Binding Completed! ]

As the system sounded, the starlight slowly merged into the star ring in his hand, and the energy of the star was instantly charged 100%.

Ling Aotian felt this powerful force. He could even pull meteorites from outside the starry sky to come down. Hundreds of meteorites were pulled by him, and the navy here would die.

He scanned the whole scene, and the navy immediately lowered their heads, not daring to look at him. Some of the natives of the Sabaody Archipelago even knelt down to him and shouted "Lord God!"

[Mainline Quest Update! 】

【To expand the pirate group, a complete pirate group needs a helmsman, captain, combatants, cooks, medical staff, navigators, musicians, etc. 】 (Different levels of rewards will be given according to the degree of completion.)

Ling Aotian casually glanced at this main task. Expand the pirate group?

It suits my taste.

In this case, Ling Aotian looked at Johnny below: "Johnny, follow me!"

Johnny shouted enthusiastically: "I am willing to follow the footsteps of Brother Aotian!"

The next moment Ling Aotian waved his finger, and the star ring in his hand lit up a faint light, covering Johnny below, and then entered the Star Pirate Ship.

From now on, Johnny is the helmsman and navigator.

Akainu was very unhappy: "Damn Ling Aotian, what kind of ability is this?!"

Hearing Akainu's words, Ling Aotian turned around and laughed: "You want to know?"

"Then let you experience it."

"System, give me some points!"

Four evolution points, all added to the Iron Body!

[Ding, the Iron Body reaches the third level, you need super strength, and super endurance to be upgraded to level 2 before it can be upgraded to the fourth level! ]

What else needs to be upgraded in a chain?

That's it!

In this case, add four points to the Iron Body, super strength, super endurance, and super perception!

Facing the battle of the strong, super perception must not be left behind!

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