That's the only way to do it.

Aokiji looked at the map on the table and said in a deep voice, Now we can only hope that Bastiu's fleet can block the other party for a while longer, so that the ships of the royal family of Ert can escape enough distance. caught up in a short period of time.


Sengoku nodded.

The distance between them is too far, and the Beihai branch base is also far away, not to mention that even if the Beihai branch supports the past, it is not very meaningful.

All they can do now is wait for the news after giving the order.


Orders were issued quickly.

In the Marshal's Office at the highest level, Warring States and others were all waiting for news, and only about ten minutes later, the phone worm on the table rang.

The faces of the Warring States period and the lieutenant generals present changed slightly. This phone bug was the contact phone bug connecting Bastiu's warship. It probably took less than 20 minutes since the battle broke out before the phone bug called.

Can't you stop it in just twenty minutes?

If this is the case, King Erte may not be spared.

The faces of several lieutenant generals are a little difficult to look at.

Aokiji sighed, shook his head and said, After all, there are two leaders of the BIGMOM Pirates, with a bounty of 200 million and 300 million. It is indeed difficult for Bastiu alone to stop the other party.

Sengoku answered the phone worm with a sullen face, no matter what kind of bad news, even if the phone worm was in the hands of BIGMOM people, he had to answer it.

Report, this is the headquarters T-73 warship.

Immediately after the phone worm answered, there was a voice.

The moment they heard this voice, Sengoku, Lieutenant General and others all looked slightly moved. It seemed that the phone bug had not yet fallen into the hands of the BIGMOM people. This voice was still the voice of the Navy.

I am the Warring States.

Warring States responded in a deep voice, How is the situation over there?

The phone bug imitated the appearance and tone of the liaison officer on the warship's side, and said very seriously: Report to the Warring States Marshal, the T-73 warship fought with the BIGMOM pirate ship, and has already defeated the enemy ship and killed nearly 100 pirates. , captured 21 people, killed Baron Dandan, the leader of the BIGMOM Pirates, and captured Pokemus, the leader of the BIGMOM Pirates.

The remarks were reported clearly and quickly.

When the last sentence fell, the office fell into silence for a few seconds.

The Baron Dandan was settled, and Pokemus was captured alive... Has Major General Bastius' strength reached this level? It's too unexpected.

Kizaru held a teacup and opened his mouth with a surprised look.

Sengoku, Qingzhi and others were also a little stunned, they thought it would be bad news, but no one thought it would be the news of a great victory. Not only did they kill a cadre of the BIGMOM Pirates, but they also captured one alive. !

And when he heard Kizaru's words, Qingzhi was also very surprised. He was still a little concerned about Bastiu's direct subordinate major general, but was the opponent's strength to this extent?

Warring States was stunned for a few seconds, and said to the phone bug: Report the detailed battle situation.

This result was completely unexpected. If Bastiu really killed a cadre by himself and captured another cadre, he would probably be a lieutenant general who was capable of serving as a lieutenant general of the headquarters. Stuy's promotion is a problem.


The navy who reported the report responded and quickly reported on the other side of the phone bug: The enemy approached our ship and fired at the same time as our ship. The firepower was suppressed by our side. After a brief stalemate, the ship was turned around.

Choose to fight with our troops...

Ron, a trainee in the navy, used a powerful attack to kill nearly 30 pirates on the spot when the opponent was approaching, and severely damaged the enemy ship's buildings. Major General You led the crowd to resist, blocking the enemy cadre Pokermus.

Then Mr. Ron fought Baron Eggy, killed Baron Eggy on the spot in a very short period of time, and completely destroyed the enemy ship. The enemy's morale was defeated. We chased after the victory and finally killed all the remaining pirates alive.

The extremely brief and quick report recounted the previous battle.

There was a brief silence in the office again.

This time, it was Kizaru who broke the silence first, and he said in a slightly surprised tone: So that Ron is on their ship, but to solve a cadre with a reward of 300 million so easily, the improvement in strength seems to be a bit exaggerated. Oh, new monster rookie.

Sengoku and others also didn't know that Ron was on the warship, and the trivial matters such as the navy trainee carrying out the mission with the ship were not enough to report to them.

Didn't expect Ron to be on that warship.

What's more, Ron's strength has reached such a level that even the cadres who offered a reward of 300 million in the New World are not his opponents, and the tone seems to be defeated and won in a very short time!

Change to a lieutenant general of the headquarters, and the cadres who offered a reward of 300 million to the new world, I am afraid that they will not be able to solve the battle so quickly, and it is even possible to lose.

I see……

After a brief period of stunned, Sengoku spoke in a deep voice.

The other lieutenant generals all looked at each other, and their hearts were a little shaken. One had just returned from a mission and hadn't heard of Ron's name. It was even more unbelievable. inquiring gaze.

Trainee in the Navy?

When did recruits with such terrifying strength appear in the boot camp? !

Ah Lara... It seems that this Ron is more dazzling than we expected.

Qingzhi also spoke, he stretched his body, his expression relaxed, and said, I didn't expect to have the same power as lieutenant generals so quickly.

From more than 20 years ago to the present, it is not that there have been outstanding recruits in the recruit camp during this period, but there are only three people who can have the same strength as the lieutenant general before graduation, and that is him As well as Kiabou and Akainu next to him.

Kizaru smiled cheerfully: This Ron is very dissatisfied with Teacher Zefa's teaching. He has been practicing by himself since he entered the recruit camp. To achieve such a record so quickly, Teacher Zefa's face will probably be disgusting. It's so pretty.

The Yellow Ape...

Warring States glanced at Kizaru.

Kizaru and Zefa didn't get along with him, he knew that the attitude of fearing that the world would not be in chaos gave him a bit of a headache.

After taking into account the military exploits this time, Ron's military exploits should exceed the standard of a major general... After graduation, let him experience the position of major general for two years, and he will probably be able to be qualified for the position of lieutenant general. Warring States pondered.

Although Ron can easily deal with Baron Dandan, he has the strength of lieutenant general in the headquarters, but it is not suitable to be promoted to lieutenant general before graduation. Besides, Ron's previous experience is a little disgraceful, and he has been a pirate hunter for a while. , it is appropriate to promote according to the rules.

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