Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 74 Scholars

Guardian derived rune...

Ron pondered.

He has never done research on the derivative runes of the guardian system, because it is too difficult to explore the derivative runes of the guardian system before the mental power reaches 100 points.

The derivative rune of the guardian system is ten times larger than the basic element rune such as wind and fire, and the complex possibility it brings is far more than ten times.

If it is only ten times, even if the possibility is more than a hundred times, with Ron's current thinking speed and mental power, he can use the extreme method to forcibly explore. After all, his current thinking speed is far faster than ordinary people do not know. how many times.

But in fact, the size of the rune is more than ten times, and it brings far more than that, just like the concept of single digits, turning to four digits and five digits in a row.

At this level, what is needed is not to be rude, to try one by one like a password, but to have enough knowledge.

Knowledge about runes.

Before Ron's understanding of runes was very shallow, but now, after delving into third-order magic, his research on runes has gradually become in-depth from the superficial surface.

He has learned that the rune is not something designed, but a 'tool' that represents the use of energy to a perfect degree.


Runes are tools, absolutely perfect tools.

Just like gunpowder, steam engines, generators, etc. in science, they are essentially energy conversion, but runes are the most perfect, and the utilization rate can reach 100%.

Ron had inadvertently created flawed runes that were similar to derived runes a long time ago. Although those runes were also effective, they were less attrition and rougher than the truly perfect runes verified by the achievement system. All are incomparable.

If Ron now uses the ability of element affinity to study the use of elements, then when he reaches the end of his research, he will come out with the element rune given in the achievement system.

In other words, the achievement system actually made him omit the most troublesome and knowledge-requiring step of self-created magic, and directly gave him the perfect rune standing at the end of magic.

Otherwise, it is necessary to start from the foundation of no runes, start to study the use of elements a little bit, and create magic, which is definitely not something that can be done by one person. , with countless generations of life to explore and inherit.

After knowing that runes are tools, Ron also understood why these derived runes have their own meanings, such as disintegration, aggregation, confusion, and so on.

It's just that he can't reverse it and understand the essence of a rune.

In other words, he has not been able to disassemble the rune as a tool, understand how it is composed, and what parts and functions each line and every small pattern represent.

But even so, Ron still figured out the meaning of each rune as a whole.

Disintegration, aggregation, chaos, order, derivative, destruction, amplification, weakening.

Whether it is the fire element, the earth element, or the wind element, the eight derivative runes represent these eight concepts, which revolve around the core basic element rune.

These eight derived runes can be divided into... disintegration and aggregation, chaos and order, derivative and destruction, amplification and weakening, a total of four sets of runes that oppose each other.

These opposites, such as disintegration and aggregation, cannot be arranged next to each other even if they appear in the same magic, and need to be separated by other runes, just like in a machine, things such as water and electricity will interfere with each other. must be separated.

In the process of exploring the third-order magic of the wind system,

Ron thoroughly figured out the meaning of all eight derivative runes, obtained the fifth characteristic, and successfully mastered the third-order magic.

And the five characteristics of magic that he understands are precisely these four sets of opposing runes, plus the fact that the basic rune must be the core of magic, a total of five.

On the basis of this knowledge, it is not difficult for Ron to explore the third-order fire element and the third-order earth magic. Calculation, difficulty is not a concept.

I don't know when Nami will be able to explore in a different direction than me, so that the knowledge of this kind of magic can be accumulated at a faster speed...

Ron couldn't help but murmured in his heart.

With Nami's current level, it should be a little early to explore magical knowledge. Now Nami is still in the stage of learning, and there is still a huge gap compared to him.

Ron now roughly understands the feeling of a top scholar who is at the forefront of science and technology in his previous life. Everything needs to be explored and created by himself, because he is at the forefront of the world.

Because of this, the magician is honorable, proud, and exalted.

Because in a sense, they are the top scholars in the world. They are working hard for the progress of the whole world. Every step they can make is to lead the whole world to take a step forward!

It's a pity that this is the world of One Piece.

Thinking of this, Ron couldn't help sighing again. If it is in a world where magic has not yet reached its peak and perfect runes have not yet been explored, he only needs to come up with a perfect rune, and maybe he will become the respect and admiration of countless people. the great magician.

But in this world of One Piece, it is still necessary to speak with strength. Knowledge can only be used as a tool to improve strength, and there is no other room for exertion.

Thinking back to the guardian rune.

For Ron, the difficulty of the guardian rune is that it is different from the basic element system. It has only six derived runes instead of eight, which cannot correspond to the derived runes of the elements.

Is it missing a set of opposing runes, or... all six are different.

Ron pondered, he felt that no matter what the situation was, there should not be all six different, at least a few, the meaning of which can correspond to the eight elements of the elemental rune.

If this point is correct, then if you try based on this point, you can directly bypass some detours. After all, Ron, who already understands some knowledge of runes, can avoid many obvious things when he knows the corresponding meaning. lowly wrong.

And Ron guessed.

The derivative rune of the eternal rune is very likely to be missing a group, and he also has a little inference for the group that is missing, that is, the group of 'chaos' and 'order'.

Compared with the elemental rune, the eternal rune is solidified and eternal. It only depends on spiritual power and does not involve the basic elements of the outside world. Therefore, there should be no two concepts of 'chaos' and 'order', because eternity is in a certain sense. It seems to be the culmination of order and chaos.

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