Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 70 The Chambord Islands

Last time and this time, those who scored more than 90 points in the assessment come and gather!

On the square in front of the Navy Headquarters, Zefa hung up the phone bug and shouted at the many naval recruits in the square, and many recruits immediately gathered in a bustling manner.

There are pirates making trouble in Chambord. I took over the task of suppressing them from the headquarters. Now you will go with me as a real combat mission!

Zefa spoke to the many recruits, and then walked towards the port.

Hearing Zefa's words, many of the recruits who were selected looked at each other and showed surprises. Chief Instructor Zefa led the team to go out for actual combat missions, but it was impossible to meet them!

Those with a score of 90 or more can enter the temporary formation as a trainee navy to perform tasks, but those tasks are often very dangerous, and no one will protect them when they are in danger.

But Zefa leading the team is different. Zefa will be responsible for their safety. Although it will not be shot at the critical moment, at least there will be no danger to their lives.

Moreover, as a navy trainee to go out to perform tasks, the military merits obtained are often only divided into a small amount. Even if a powerful pirate is killed alone, the military merits will be divided by the commander and other officers, and you can go out with Zefa. , the military merit obtained will not be divided by the superior!

Others continue to examine!

While taking many recruits to the port, Zefa spoke without looking back.

The recruits who did not reach 90 points in the assessment all watched Zefa and the others leave with envy.

Zefa took on the task of suppressing Chambord this time. On the one hand, Ron's incident made him unhappy. On the other hand, Ron's previous battle with Gumir brought a little bit of malice.

Ron's physical fitness is very poor. Most of the recruits know this, but Ron, who has poor physical fitness, used some kind of Devil Fruit ability to suppress the instructor Gumir!

This is a huge blow to many recruits who are still practicing hard and still have a big gap with Gumir, especially the elites among the recruits, which are greatly affected.

So many recruits are a bit at a loss, and some people even have a desire to become a capable person.

This trend must be curbed.

And the best way to contain it is to let recruits see the power of taijutsu.

The physical skills are strong enough to open the mountain and crack the island with one punch.

Zefa wanted the recruits to know that Ron, who relied on fruit ability and did not pay attention to physical skills, was on a deviant path and could never become a real powerhouse.


Chambord Islands.

Somewhere outside the broken auction site, many navies are fighting fiercely with pirates.

The number of the navy is far more than that of pirates. There are thousands of people. However, in the face of the pirate group with only a few dozen people, they are losing ground. They can only barely block it and prevent the pirates from breaking through.

Haven't the reinforcements from the headquarters arrived yet?!

A colonel swung his sword to repel a pirate and shouted angrily at the liaison officer.

The liaison officer held the phone bug in his hand and said to the colonel: It should be coming soon, the headquarters said that Chief Instructor Zefa brought new recruits to deal with it!

Teacher Zefa?

The colonel was stunned for a moment, then his expression brightened, and he shouted at the numerous navies on the battlefield: Don't let Jack's group break through! Mr. Zefa will come to support himself, and he will be there soon!

Hearing the Colonel's words, many of the naval officers present were highly motivated. Most of them were students of Zefa. Even if they were not students of Zefa, they had heard of Zefa, the chief instructor, the former naval officer. general.

Zefa personally came to support, as long as they block for a while, these pirates can't escape!

Zefa? What kind of guy is that?

Among the pirates, there are many people who have never heard of Zefa's name.

There was also a pirate who had heard of it, his face sank slightly, and he shouted at one of the people in the field: Captain Jack! The situation is not good, Zefa is coming! That guy is the former admiral!


At the center of the battle, the man holding a strange long sword made of bones heard the words, snorted softly, and said, Although it is the former general, I don't want to meet it, can I trouble you to make way? ?

Jack held the 'Death Sword' in his hand and looked at Major General Thaqier in front of him.

Saqir was holding a long sword of naval standard in his hand, and was breathing heavily at the moment, with a trace of sweat on his forehead, but his face was extremely cold, and said: Teacher Zefa came here in person, your trip is here. It's over!

Very regrettable.

Jack sighed and said, This time I robbed billions of Baileys, how can I be blocked by your navy here? If you don't give way, then I have to... kill you!

As he spoke, Jack held the bone sword, his breath suddenly changed, his face paled suddenly, as if all the blood in his body was lost.

Seeing this, Takir instinctively felt bad, but when he saw the other party rushing over, he could only bite the bullet and wave his sword to parry. He couldn't let the other party go.



The two figures collided at first, and then crossed each other.

The figure of Death Sword Jack appeared seven or eight meters behind Saqier, holding the bone sword in both hands, his face was pale and bloodless, a crack suddenly appeared on his shoulder, and blood splashed.

But before many navies showed their joy, they saw Thacher's body shaking, a mouthful of blood spurting out of his mouth, and a near-fatal wound appeared on his chest from the left shoulder to the right abdomen!


Thakir tried to support his body with his sword, but after shaking it, he fell down.

The scene was suddenly silent. After the nearby navy stayed for a while, they all showed a look of incomparable horror, and fear appeared in the depths of their eyes.

Sa... Major General Thacher!

A navy screamed in horror.

Death Sword Jack slowly stood up straight and coughed. The whole person looked a little sick, but the cold light in his eyes made everyone shudder.

I'm sorry, but I don't want to meet any ex-admirals just yet.

Okay, kids, let's go!

With the order of Jack of the Dead Sword, many pirates showed a vicious look, and for a while, they attacked fiercely.

Many navies looked at the dead sword Jack in horror and terror. When they saw the opponent walking with the sword, they couldn't help but retreat. Some people roared forward, but they were cut in half by Jack's sword.

In an instant, the navy was defeated!

Thacher was seriously injured and fell to the ground. No one in the remaining navy could stop Death Sword Jack. In less than half a minute, the entire encirclement was completely shattered.

Chase! Don't let them run away! Teacher Zefa will be here soon!

A navy colonel watched Death Sword Jack lead the team away, gritted his teeth and roared, but even so, many navy still looked at each other, all showing timid expressions.

No one dared to go ahead to intercept Jack's group. Many navies were timid and just picked up guns and artillery, chasing after them and constantly shooting and bombarding.

Because no one dared to go ahead to intercept them, Jack's group opened up at full speed, quickly pulled away from the navy, and rushed towards the coast.

On the coast, a boat wrapped in strange bubbles and has been coated is parked there, ready to dive into the bottom of the sea and go to the new world through Fishman Island.

Hahahaha, go to the new world!

Idiot Navy, don't send it, Qi Hahahaha!

Seeing that their ship was already in sight, many pirates laughed arrogantly.

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