Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 67 Tier 3 Magic!

Elemental affinity brings not only the improvement of strength to Ron, but also has a great effect on studying magic.

Ron has tried it. The consumption of mental power reduced by element affinity can be superimposed with the effect of the elf wand, which is a huge compensation for the loss of mental power when studying third-order magic.

The elements can be manipulated...

In the process of trying, Ron suddenly thought that since he can control the element of water, maybe he can also explore the basic runes of the water system and master the magic of water without the extraction of the occupation system.

Exploring the basic runes of the water system is far more difficult than exploring the derived runes. After all, there is no reference at all. Before, he could only try randomly like a headless fly, but now he has element affinity, but it is I can find a little direction.

However, Ron thought about it carefully and shook his head slightly.

Exploring the basic runes of the water system is probably more difficult than exploring the third-order magic or the second-order magic of the guardian system. Now it is not suitable to spend time exploring the water runes.

In addition to element affinity, the transformation brought by 100 points of spiritual attributes is also huge, making Ron's thinking speed nearly three times faster, and the coverage of spiritual perspectives in God Mode has become larger and more It is meticulous, and the self-recovery of mental power that is lost under normal conditions is also greatly improved.

The first-order magic that can be released almost continuously and has very low loss has indeed become a low-level magic that can be released indefinitely for Ron now, and even the second-order magic has less loss than before.

Counting the natural recovery of mental power, the number of second-order magics that can be released in a battle may be nearly half higher than before.

The loss of releasing magic is reduced, the mental recovery under normal conditions is increased, and the speed of thinking is increased... These brought about, undoubtedly, cut off more than half of the thorns on the road of Ron's exploration of third-order magic!

The next step is to go all out and study the third-order magic.

Ron took a deep breath, his eyes flickered with anticipation.


For Tier 3 magic, Ron's exploration direction has always been the wind system.

On the one hand, the wind element is the earliest magic he got, and he has the deepest understanding. On the other hand, the wind element is very adaptable, unlike the earth element, which is limited, and unlike the fire element, it is easy to lose control.

After another transformation of mental power, Ron's speed of exploring Tier 3 magic was as he expected, greatly accelerated, far exceeding the speed of the previous exploration.

In addition, he has gradually conducted in-depth research on the quality of runes. For the rune combination of Tier 3 magic, he is no longer trying to use the extreme method as before, but has a little direction.

For example, the two derivative runes representing 'decomposition' and 'aggregation' have diametrically opposite characteristics and cannot be combined together. They must be separated by other runes.

Details like this, Ron found four.

These four characteristics also made Ron rule out many possibilities.

The third-order magic requires nine runes to be combined. If all the possibilities are arranged, the number is too large, and there is no basis for characteristics. It is almost impossible to deduce all of them with the exhaustive method.

The extreme method that Ron used before was also based on a feature that was first discovered, that is, third-order magic... It must be based on second-order magic.

Just like second-order magic must have basic runes.

The third-order magic is not only the basic rune that must exist, but the three runes that make up the core must be three runes that can form a second-order magic, otherwise it will collapse directly from the core and extend outward. None exist.

This feature was first inferred and confirmed by Ron,

It is also the most important feature. It is the basis for studying third-order magic, because this feature directly reduces the incalculable possibility of third-order magic to less than 100,000 kinds.

This number seems to be huge, but for Ron, it is barely possible to try all of them in an exhaustive way.

The discovery of the remaining three characteristics has further reduced the remaining tens of thousands of possibilities to less than 50,000.

There should be more than one third-order magic, so the remaining 50,000 possibilities can theoretically further reduce the failure rate. If you are lucky, you may explore a third-order magic with just a few attempts.

one day……

two days...

three days...

Ron kept trying on the empty coast behind the navy headquarters, and even only rested for four hours a day. Apart from eating and drinking, he spent nineteen hours exploring, as if entering. into a state of cultivator madness.

Under Ron's violent deductions and attempts, the possibility of combining third-order magic was ruled out one by one.

on the fifth day.

Ron determined the rules represented by the sixth derivative rune.

on the seventh day.

Ron identified a fifth characteristic, further narrowing the scope of exploration.


The eighth day...

ninth day……

tenth day……

I don't know how many attempts were made, but Ron knew that after the ten days of exploration, including the discovery of the fifth characteristic, the remaining exploration range should be less than 20,000.

It still seems to be a huge number, but for Ron today, it is not that huge, because at his current speed, he can try nearly a thousand times a day.

And there must be more than one third-order magic, and it is possible to find the correct combination at any time.

Basic runes, with decomposition, amplification, chaos, aggregation...

On the coast, Ron held the elf wand in his hand, and looked at the sea with his eyes flickering. With a thought, golden light spots appeared in the elf bead, and then quickly extended countless lines, forming nine runes, intertwined.


Just after the aggregation was formed, the entire golden rune collapsed, and a cannonball-like impact erupted, falling to the sea, splashing the waves that hit the sea.

Ron's expression was calm, he regained some mental strength, and began to try again.

Every failure is a step closer to success for him.

Basic runes, with decomposition, amplification, order, aggregation...

It was another peaceful attempt. After more than 10,000 failures in ten days, Ron's heart was calm as water every time he tried, and there was almost no fluctuation.

The nine runes converged again.

However, this time, as soon as the big magic circle formed by the nine runes took shape, Ron noticed something completely different from before, and his calm water-like eyes fluctuated instantly.


Without any hesitation, Ron flicked his wand.

In an instant.

Howling wind!

On the sea surface about tens of meters away, the cyan wind that can be seen by the naked eye swirls crazily, converging toward the center like a vortex, forming a huge attraction. past.

Even with Ron himself, at a distance of dozens of meters, he could still feel the huge attraction in the center, pulling him to the center of the storm.

Slightly startled in his heart, Ron unhesitatingly released his mental power, resisting the attraction and flying backwards.

Almost right after he exited dozens of meters.

The sea water and the storm, which were swirled by the huge gravitational force, suddenly solidified, and they were frozen in the air as if time stood still.

Immediately after.


The cyan light bloomed instantly, and the seawater attracted to the center suddenly exploded, and the water droplets splashed in all directions like bullets.

Under Ron's shocked gaze, he saw that the sea surface with a radius of nearly 100 meters suddenly sank, setting off huge waves!

at the same time.

There was also a system prompt beeping in his ear.

[Hint: You have mastered the third-order wind magic, vortex storm]

[Hint: You achieve the achievement 'Master of Magic' and get 3 achievement points]

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