Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 34 Late Support

The pirates of the Klick Pirates who fled to the distance still have hopes for Klick. They have all seen Klick's strength. Although Ron is also terrifying, they may not be able to win Klick.

But the scene in front of them made them unbelievable like a dream.

Impossible...it's impossible...

Some pirates staggered back, their eyes widened, and they kept shaking their heads, unable to believe the facts in front of them.

Some of the other pirates looked at Ron with the same fear as they were looking at demons, they only felt that their whole body was trembling, as if they were facing a ghost.

One blow killed Klick, but Ron's expression did not change.

He was not surprised.

The Wujin armor may be able to block the ordinary wind blade, but the Gale Slash is impossible to block. Even if it can be blocked, the head that is not covered by the armor will be chopped into slag.

If Klick came up and fired at him, all the firearms were activated, it would be a little more troublesome, but standing in front of the magician and talking nonsense would be tantamount to suicide.

I said, the navy over there, what are you still doing?

Looking at the remaining pirates with nearly a thousand people, Ron did not kill them immediately, but turned to glance at the navy not far away, and said, What about your responsibilities?

There are more than 1,000 pirates who have fallen to him, and all the achievements that should be achieved have been achieved. It doesn't matter what the remaining hundreds of people are, but there are a few navy people, and it seems that he still has to continue to do it.

Ah... yes...

Ron's voice finally brought back the sluggish navy. The captain of the navy swallowed his saliva, took a deep breath, looked at the pirates not far away, and lowered his face and said in a low voice: Everyone, attack! Destroy the Creek Pirates!

The navy, who had almost lost the will to fight, has all recovered one by one. Although there is still a huge gap in number, looking at the shivering pirates in front of them, and Ron next to them, every navy is terrified. Fighting again.


The remaining nearly 100 navy members raised their weapons and charged towards the pirates.

The number of pirates still far exceeds the number of the navy, but Ron is also walking towards them, and almost no one has the courage to fight, so they are defeated and fled directly.


When will the support from the sixth branch base arrive?

On the sea not far from Hammer Island, a medium-sized warship was rushing towards Hammer Island at full speed. A navy colonel was standing on the deck, holding the railing, with a very nervous expression.

A captain next to him also had sweat stains on his forehead and said, It will take about three or four days to get there at full speed.

Damn...it's too late...

The navy colonel was covered in cold sweat, looking in the direction of Hammer Island, clenching his fists tightly.

When he received the information, he was completely shocked. He never expected that the Crick Pirates would assemble the fleet to launch a siege, and the navy would be outnumbered.

You must know that the two naval branches here have a total of seven warships, two medium-sized warships and five small warships, but more than half of the troops there!

And the latest news is that the navy side is outnumbered and has been forced to abandon the warship and retreat to the island.

Colonel, we only have one medium-sized warship and one small warship here. According to the information, the Crick Pirates may have gathered a fleet of more than 2,000 people. If the other party chooses to attack the Chainball Island, it is possible that all the people in the 171 branch have already gathered. Went out……

A lieutenant colonel next to him spoke with a slightly trembling voice.

If that's the case, then it won't help them to rush over now, and maybe they will also be in danger and be wiped out by the Klick Pirates.

To shut up!

The colonel couldn't help but scolded,

In fact, he also thought of the worst outcome, but no matter what, they must go over, which is also an order issued by the headquarters.

Even if they are at a huge disadvantage and irreparable, they must go to the 171 branch, otherwise the loss will be too heavy.


The warship approached the chain pier of the Chain Ball Island, and looking at the pier burning in the fire, the atmosphere on the entire deck was depressed.

...are you late?

The colonel looked at the island with his binoculars and saw that many buildings on the island were in ruins, but he did not hear the movement of the battle, nor did he see the battlefield.

The lieutenant colonel next to him took a breath and said, Colonel, we can't all go ashore now, let's send someone to investigate the situation first, if it is the worst case, we can only evacuate here first, and then report to the headquarters. .

The Colonel nodded sullenly.

Soon, a reconnaissance team was dispatched and boarded the island nervously.

Be careful, don't make any movement, and retreat immediately if there is a situation.

As the commander, a naval sergeant, he also had a trace of sweat on his forehead, because he knew that the island was probably completely occupied by pirates, but they had to confirm this, and they had to know whether the 171 branch still survived By.

The six-person team carefully boarded the island and walked towards the town that had been in ruins. After walking for a while, they suddenly heard a few gunshots.


The sergeant of the navy headed suddenly changed his face, waved his hand to signal everyone to hide, then looked carefully in the direction of the gunshot, and whispered, Get ready to save people!

There is still a battle to show that there are survivors on this island. As long as the next survivor can be rescued and go back, then everything will be known about what happened here.


Just as the navy clenched their firearms and were about to shoot at the people who appeared, they were all stunned for a moment.

It's not as imagined that many pirates are chasing and killing blood-stained civilians and sea soldiers, but four sea soldiers are chasing and killing a blood-stained strong man.

boom! boom!

After two shots, the strong man was finally shot and fell in a pool of blood.

How could the navy be chasing the pirates? !

Looking at this scene, the reconnaissance team hiding in the dark was all a little surprised. Could it be that the pirates put on the uniform of the navy?

Just when several people were all nervous, the sergeant who led the navy looked at one of the navy for a moment, and couldn't help but said, Sergeant Moss?!


The four navy who were chasing the pirates suddenly heard the voice, and suddenly became nervous, but the person who was called was a little stunned, and felt that the voice was a bit familiar.

Seeing this, the sergeant of the investigation team came out from the dark, and looked at the sergeant Moss who he knew in front of him with some stunned and suspicious thinking, and his thoughts were a little confused for a while.

Sergeant Moss surrendered?

Not right either.

How could he be chasing and killing a guy who was obviously a pirate if he had surrendered to the enemy.

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