Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 246 White Star

More than 500 points of mental power!

This number is undoubtedly terrifying, because it represents the level of the Dharma God. If Bai Xing is given the magic mark, so that such a huge spiritual attribute is fully awakened, and she can no longer only communicate with the Neptunes of the world, the power she possesses will be reduced. Will get the dreaded leap.

If he mastered enough magic, Shirahoshi would be able to surpass the strength of the admiral.

Even, Ron suspects that 500 points of mental attributes are not enough. After all, what Bai Xing possesses is the power of ancient weapons, and he has the ability to destroy the world!

Let's take a look.

After pondering for a while, Ron replaced the coordinates, and sent the historical text stele out of Murloc Island first, threw it somewhere on the bottom of the sea, and then flew to the top of Murloc Island.

He did not enter Dragon Palace City, but only looked at the hard shell tower from outside.

In the hard-shell tower, the mermaid princess Shirahoshi is sleeping. The cute appearance in her sleep does not show any trace of Sea King. It is hard to imagine that she is one of the three ancient weapons. Aquaman class.

In terms of pure charm, the only one who can compare with Pirate Empress is Shirahoshi.

Hancock has the highest charm by combining the temperament of the empress, her beauty, and the special ability of her devil fruit.

As for Shirahoshi, it is more lovely and beautiful appearance, as well as the hidden huge spiritual power that belongs to the ancient weapon Sea King.

That mermaid...what's going on...who is she?

When Ron's gaze fell on Shirahoshi, Nami was also observing Shirahoshi. After a simple observation with her outgoing mental power, a trace of shock emerged in her heart.

From Bai Xing's body, she felt a spiritual power like a vast ocean, far bigger than Ron's now!

This power is extremely gentle, as if it is in a seal, without any violent nature, but it gives people a feeling that it dominates the entire sea, and it seems to resonate with the entire sea vaguely. This spiritual power is like an iceberg. Part of it is under the sea, quiet and gentle.

The mermaid princess, Shirahoshi.

Ron slowly responded to Nami's question, saying: According to the information on the historical text stele that Robin and I deciphered on Sky Island, the Neptune, one of the three ancient weapons, is on Murloc Island, and the clues point to... It's the mermaid princess.

It seems that there is nothing wrong. The mermaid princess of this generation is indeed one of the three ancient weapons, Sea King.

While Ron answered Nami, he was also slightly shocked.

At least 3000 points!

The spiritual energy possessed by Bai Xing hidden in the depths of the soul, calculated as a single number, is at least 3000 points!

This is the existence with the largest amount of spirit that Ron has ever seen, far surpassing the Four Emperors BIGMOM, and far surpassing him now.

The degree of cohesion is not enough... No, it should be said that it is like a magic tower, which only has quantity, but no quality.

Ron took a deep breath and observed more carefully.

Under normal circumstances, if a person possesses more than 3,000 points of spiritual attributes, he may have already broken the boundary between man and god, but the 3,000 points of spiritual attributes possessed by Bai Xing are somewhat different. very low.

In other words, it only has 'quantity', but not 'quality'.

Its degree of cohesion is very loose, not to mention compared with Ron today, even compared with Nami's spiritual power, it is slightly inferior.

Ron observed more carefully and found that Bai Xing's mental space was a bit like a special 'magic tower', which only stored this huge mental power.

With such a loose mental power, even if it is released with a magic imprint, it should not be able to use fifth-level magic. Even if it is fourth-level magic, it may be difficult to use.

Ron thought about it.

At first, when he noticed the spiritual attributes above 3000 points, he felt extremely shocked.

The first reaction is, once this is liberated, wouldn't it immediately become a god?

But now it seems that it is not as terrible as imagined.

For a magician, the amount of spiritual power alone is not enough. They also need to have the deep transformation again and again. Every transformation will have a greater resonance with the spiritual world, feel and touch the various things that shape the world kind of element.

If Bai Xing's soul with 3,000 points of spiritual attributes can be completely shrunk into a single point, a completely pure point without any length, width, or height, then maybe it can really break the boundary between mortals and gods, and become another level. s life.

It's just that if you want to do this, I'm afraid it will be as difficult as climbing the sky.

Even the current Ron, in terms of cohesion, is still far from being able to shrink his soul into a point without any scale. The limit he can do now is just to shrink his own soul His soul harvested a fist-sized light golden ball of light.

Even if the spiritual attribute breaks through 500 points and the degree of cohesion is further improved, it is still far from being achieved.

But Ron didn't expect that much.

At least in this world, breaking through 500 spiritual attributes and mastering fifth-order magic is enough for him to stand at the apex of the world.

And further upwards, if the spiritual attribute breaks through 1000 points, even if it cannot break the boundary between man and god and become a god in the true sense, it is enough to become a god in this world.

There are many definitions of God.

With completely invincible strength in a world, no matter how many top beings join forces, they can easily defeat him, and he can be regarded as the god of that world. This is also Ron's ultimate goal.

As for becoming a god in the true sense, a life of a higher dimension... On the contrary, Ron doesn't have such a big luxury, because he feels that being above a world is enough.

Ron stared at Shirahoshi for a while, and finally shook his head. Instead of entering Dragon Palace City to contact Shirahoshi, he flew away from Murloc Island and left with the historical text stele.

If it's not urgent, he doesn't mind spending some time to solve Shirahoshi's problems and guide Shirahoshi to become one of the magicians, but now time is a little tight, and it shouldn't be long before the top war.

Come back after the war.

Ron murmured in his heart, rose rapidly, and left the bottom of the sea.

Since he was carrying a historical text stele, there was a certain burden, so Ron did not return control to Nami, but took the historical text stele all the way up to the surface of the sea.


Ron flew out of the sea carrying the historical text stele.

Directly above the Fishman Island is the Chambord Islands.

Ron was about to leave directly with the historical text stele, and when he flew to the empty island, he was suddenly taken aback, stopped, and looked in the direction of the Chambord Islands.

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