Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 208 The Fire of Prairie Prairie

Things like Pedmo continue to happen elsewhere.

The first batch of magical weapons that went out from below totaled 50 pieces, each in various forms such as swords, firecrackers, and spears. As the first trial, all of them were first-grade, and there was no second-grade.

Forty-six of these fifty magical weapons were released in about three days, and the remaining four were not taken away. It is not because these four pieces are too unpopular, but because they can use magic weapons for the time being. There are not many people.

Forty-six magic weapons, like water droplets, dripped into the calm lake, and soon there were layers of ripples, spreading in all directions.

After a short time, it exploded inside Alvarez like a nuclear bomb!

Powerful power!

Flexible usage!

Many pirate hunters of the Alvarez Guild found that the strength of those who got magic weapons around them was almost doubled compared to before!

With his previous strength, Pedmo only hunted down a pirate who offered a reward of three to five million Baileys, but with that magic pistol, he killed a pirate captain who offered a reward of over ten million!

This is extremely sensational.

For this kind of short-term and extremely effective strength improvement, the lower and bottom pirate hunters are almost flocking to it. Most of them will not try their best to practice, and get a useful weapon to directly improve their abilities. Most of their strength is what they want most.

And most importantly, the price of magic weapons is not expensive!

A mere one million Baileys, and 70% of the credit can be paid. Even the bottom-level pirate hunters in the Alvarez Guild can get 30% of the down payment if they grit their teeth and force it together!

And after getting the magic weapon and improving his strength, he can immediately hunt and kill those pirates who offer a reward of several million Baileys, and then he can pay off all the debts with his backhand!

As the news traveled farther and farther, the pirate hunters at the lower level and at the bottom went crazy.

But when everyone rushed to the branches of Alvarez and asked about magic weapons, the answer they got was that all the magic weapons given by them had been sold out.

The small bosses and persons in charge of each region have to face a large group of guild members every day, and they are all very helpless, and they all ask the upper level about magic weapons.

It seems that the effect is better than expected.

Robin had received feedback from various places, and couldn't help but chuckled at Ron.

Ron was not surprised. This situation is considered normal. The key is that in order to spread the magic weapon as soon as possible, he even took out a 30% down payment and 70% installment. The effect is explosive.

The second batch can be put down.


With Ron's nod, the second batch of magic weapons was also distributed.

The first batch was fifty pieces, and the second batch was directly increased to two hundred pieces, which immediately met the needs of Alvarez members in various regions.

The number of Alvarez's personnel so far is far more than two hundred. It has already exceeded thousands of people. If the forces of the Don Quixote family are merged, there will be more than tens of thousands of people. Two hundred The number of magic weapons is obviously not enough.

The reason for the saturation is because most people can't use magic weapons.

Even if it is a first-grade magic weapon, the requirement for using it is that the spirit attribute must reach 20 points. If the spirit attribute does not reach more than 20 points, then even if the power of the magic weapon is forcibly stimulated, the effect will be extremely weak, and even only spray out A little flame.

Many people watched helplessly as the sword in their own hands could only flash a little bit of blue light, but in the hands of their companions, they could instantly split a blue sword aura, splitting open buildings, their eyes turned red with jealousy.

Originally, there was not much difference in strength, but the appearance of magic weapons immediately opened up a huge gap between them. How would they accept this?


The entire bottom and lower classes began to complain, and voices of jealousy and unwillingness kept coming and going.

And it was this situation that Ron wanted to construct.

After receiving Robin's report, Ron smiled, waited for a few more days, and felt that it was almost done. Finally, he waved his hand and put down the cultivation method of spiritual power.

In order to divide the levels of spiritual power more clearly, Ron made a certain division of spiritual power in the cultivation method of spiritual power.

Reaching more than 20 points is the first level.

30 points are the second level, 50 points are the third level, 100 points are the fourth level, and 200 points are the fifth level.

Among them, reaching 20 points is the basic condition for using magic weapons.

Due to the previous series of foreshadowing, when the cultivation method of spiritual power was decentralized, it directly caused an earthquake in the middle and lower layers of Alvarez!

The entire middle and lower classes were shocked by it.

For the vast majority of people who are lazy and unwilling to put in the effort to cultivate, this method of spiritual power cultivation that can be practiced while lying down and sleeping is simply the gospel!

In addition, the power of magic weapons is obvious to all. As long as they can use magic weapons, their strength can be multiplied several times immediately. How can this prevent them from going berserk?

No matter how lazy people are, they all got a practice method and tried it.

Less than a month has passed since Ron released the first batch of magic weapons, to the second batch of magic weapons, and then to the decentralization of the spiritual power cultivation method.

And the effect was completely within Ron's expectations. Even though the magic weapon and the method of spiritual power cultivation were only circulated within Alvarez, its effect was still explosive.


It seems that the effect this time is really good.

Ron got the latest information from Robin, and learned that more than 180 of the 200 magical weapons had been released, so he couldn't help smiling.

He is very satisfied with the effect.

The goal of transforming the world seems extremely grand and extremely difficult, but in fact, it is not difficult to operate, and it can be carried out step by step by affecting a large area from a small area.

Just like now, even though it is only the hotness inside Alvarez, this kind of news has already been known by many other forces.

Undoubtedly, there must be other forces that obtained magic weapons from Alvarez to study.

Ron didn't care about researching magic weapons at all, just researching them casually.

Except for the real magician who holds the magic imprint, other people have no way to delve into things like magic weapons. They can't even understand the runes, and they can't touch them even if they understand them.

Runes on the material level are meaningless, they can only be portrayed on the spiritual level.

It can be said that magic weapons are not afraid of being stolen or imitated by others. Only Ron, Nami and others can make magic weapons.

After discovering that magic weapons cannot be imitated, and the effect of Alvarez using magic weapons is becoming more and more obvious, other forces will definitely become more and more jealous, and even contact Ron directly to buy them.

And to use magic weapons, the spirit attribute must reach the first level or above.

In this way, the cultivation method of spiritual power will naturally spread out, and there is no need for Ron to deliberately promote it, and it will naturally spread across the sea soon!

The spark of a prairie fire has been ignited by me...

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