Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 201 Controlling Don Quixote

The news that Doflamingo was defeated by Ron did not spread.

Everyone knows that Ron and Doflamingo had a violent conflict on an island in the first half of the great voyage, and the entire island was almost destroyed.

But no one knows the outcome.

The only thing they know is that after this battle, both Ron and Doflamingo disappeared.

Who's winning?

Countless people want to know the answer to this question, a large number of spies are looking for information about Doflamingo, and some are looking for information about Ron.

However, the information obtained was that both the Don Quixote family and the Alvarez Guild were safe and sound, as before.

Ron issued an order, and Doflamingo also issued an order. Not only did the forces of the two sides not have any conflicts, they even no longer concealed their intention to cooperate, and directly started a deeper cooperation.

What happened?

Not only the major underground forces wanted to know the answer, but even the navy and the government wanted to know the answer. Warring States even called Ron himself to ask the specific situation.

Ron's answer was simple, just one word.

never mind.

What do you mean it's okay?!

Zhan Guo looked at the phone bug that hung up, rubbed his temples, and felt some headaches.

As a navy, he naturally doesn't want to see Ron and Doflamingo cooperate, because Ron is a righteous existence, but Doflamingo is not. The crimes that Doflamingo has committed over the years , is simply outrageous.

But as the admiral of the navy, he has no right to restrict Ron.

A conflict broke out between Ron and Doflamingo, and his attitude towards it is also very complicated. On the one hand, he does not want Ron and Doflamingo to continue to cooperate. causing some confusion.

What the government and he want to see most is that Qiwuhai is independent of each other, neither conflict nor cooperation, this kind of pattern is what we most want to see.

But what is surprising is that Ron and Doflamingo had almost turned their faces in a battle, but what happened later was that the two sides began to cooperate further.

What's happening here?

What do you think, Xiaohe? They had a fight, and no one could do anything to the other, so they continued to cooperate? Zhan Guo turned his head to look at the chief of staff, He, who was sitting not far away, and pondered.

Crane sat there, thought for a while, and said: They are all smart people, there is such a possibility, but I think... maybe the battle will determine the winner.

you mean……

Sengoku frowned slightly.

He said slowly: Maybe, it was Doflamingo who lost.

If Doflamingo wins, Ron will not be alive, and Doflamingo will definitely annex the Alvarez guild.

Zhan Guo's eyes flickered, and said: There is such a possibility, it's just... Has Ron's strength grown to this level?

Crane glanced at Zhan Guo, and said: In this sea, there is never a shortage of people like Ron... Roger back then, and Huoquan now... Zhan Guo, what Ron holds in his heart may not necessarily be justice.

Sengoku nodded.

At this level, everything has become complicated and confusing. If it is true that Ron defeated Doflamingo and is secretly manipulating Don Quixote, then Ron is far from the kind of impulse that would rather A person who gave up his navy status and wanted to confront Shichibukai.

That is to say, no one knows Ron's real purpose until now.


Warring States suddenly felt a little headache.

Since he took over as Admiral of the Navy, he has been stable for many years, but in the past two years, it can be said that there have been constant troubles. First, Ron killed two Shichibukai in a row, and then the government ordered the siege of the BIGMOM Pirates, and then the Whitebeard Pirates. , A black beard appeared.

Then Ron's purpose here became confusing again, perhaps someone as dangerous as Blackbeard...

It's getting more and more chaotic.

Sengoku covered his forehead,

Take a deep breath.

He had a vague premonition that this chaos would not subside, but would intensify, and eventually turn into a monstrous wave sweeping across the entire sea!

Even the navy is in danger of perishing in this chaos.

From now on, we must enter a state of alert, and we must not relax in the slightest. We must keep a close eye on every top force in the sea!



In the palace.

Ron was sitting on a chair, holding a devil fruit with a strange pattern in his hand.

Is this a man-made devil fruit...

He stared at the artificial devil fruit in his hand and pondered for a while, then shook his head, threw the devil fruit on the table, and said, It's really useless.

The man-made devil fruit really doesn't contain any special energy. It's just a kind of biological modification at the genetic level, and Ron can't swallow it to improve his spiritual power.

Ron didn't feel sorry either.

Because from the very beginning, he didn't have the idea that man-made devil fruits could be devoured. Otherwise, if he directly devoured the raw materials, wouldn't his mental attributes break through ten thousand in minutes?

After imprisoning Doflamingo, he secretly brought Doflamingo to Dressrosa and lured other top officials to come.

Now except for Virgo, the other three top cadres have been killed by Ron, only Doflamingo has not been killed, and is still imprisoned deep in the palace.

As for the Doflamingo seen by the spies of the major forces...

Of course not me.

That's Mr2's transformation.

Mr2's fruit ability is quite useful at certain times. Although his acting skills are average, he only missed a few times and gave a few orders without any flaws.

In fact, with Mr2 around, it's okay to kill Doflamingo, but Doflamingo still has one last use value, which is to absorb Dressrosa's hatred.

Ron wasn't going to let Dressrosa stay the way he was.

Sooner or later he was going to restore the toys.

Although Robin can handle some affairs, she still has to take care of Don Quixote and Alvarez. The burden is too heavy, and even the sleep time has to be squeezed to only two or three hours.

Governing a country is too troublesome for him, it is best to return it to King Liku, use Doflamingo to attract a wave of hatred and then die, he can also logically let Alvarez replace Don Quixote, in the Dressrosa construction base.


If the toy is restored, the commotion will be huge.

Now is not the best time, it is best to wait until he completely merges Don Quixote and Alvarez.

It won't take long.

According to the current progress, it will be almost one to two weeks.

After imprisoning Doflamingo and becoming the actual controller of the Don Quixote family, Ron couldn't help but marvel at the huge power network of the Don Quixote family.

The resources he can mobilize have more than doubled by ten times!

The achievement of wealth can rival a country in the money system has been achieved directly. At present, there is only the last ultimate achievement of the money system, money first, which requires the possession of 100 billion Baileys.

It is difficult to calculate the total assets of the Don Quixote family. The part that can be calculated is almost 40 billion Berries, which is far short of 100 billion.

Ron was in no hurry.

Tezolo has become his follow-up target. Find an opportunity to solve Tezolo and take away Tezolo's wealth, not to mention hundreds of billions, maybe even trillions. That guy's wealth can no longer be calculated with simple numbers. calculated.

After achieving the achievement of being as rich as an enemy, Ron got 3 achievement points, and the total achievement points reached 140 points.

But what made his mental attributes skyrocket was from the devil fruit.

There are still three Devil Fruits in Don Quixote's inventory!

One of them was an animal-type devil fruit that was to be traded with Kaido, and the other two were superhuman-type fruits that were intended to be rewarded to his subordinates. Naturally, Ron devoured them all without saying a word.

A full 15 points of mental attribute enhancement!

His spiritual attributes directly reached 301 points!

Among them, 140 points are derived from achievement points, 50 points are derived from magic marks, 49 points are derived from oneself, 45 points are derived from devil fruits, and 17 points are derived from spiritual resonance.

There was also a small change in the spiritual attribute from 200 to 300, which improved Ron's abilities in all aspects, especially the control of undead magic.

Originally, he could only barely control the third-level undead magic, but now with this improvement, he can control it much more freely.

According to this speed, it won't be long before I can truly compete with the Four Emperors...

With the Don Quixote family as the background, magic equipment and magic system, it can also appear in the world in a small range.

Ron smiled slightly.

It's not too far away from the moment when the world will tremble with magic.

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