Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 198: The Age of Chaos

Just when Ron, Alvarez, Don Quixote, and BIGMOM were chaotically entangled, it seemed that the earthquake continued continuously, and another major event happened in the new world.

Tiki, the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, betrayed Whitebeard and killed Sage, the captain of the fourth team under Whitebeard!

The forces of all parties are shaking!

The captain of the top five teams under White Beard's command is comparable in status to the three disasters and generals under the other four emperors.

It is undoubtedly shocking for such a captain to be assassinated to death.

The pirate named Tiki, who has been quiet and never had much fame, came to the cusp of the storm in an instant and attracted the attention of all major forces.

What kind of guy dared to assassinate Whitebeard's captain and then defected? !

Assassinated the captain of Whitebeard...Whitebeard will not let it go, I don't know how long that Tiqi can escape.

It's not that simple. The existence of the captain can be assassinated, and his strength is mostly terrifying. If he escapes, the Whitebeard Pirates may not be able to chase him down. Don't forget that BIGMOM is still chasing and killing Shichibukai Ron. Woolen cloth.

The high-level leaders of certain forces are talking about it.

They didn't dare to intervene in this kind of thing, and some forces even ordered their subordinates to send the information to the Whitebeard Pirates as a favor if they had news about Tiki.

It is terrible to offend White Beard, but White Beard is the most loyal one among the Four Emperors. If you make good friends, you may be able to save your life in the future.

Unlike Ron.

Few people are optimistic about Tiqi.

Although Ron also offended BIGMOM to death, Ron's strength in many battles was unparalleled, and he could fight even against the Four Emperors. Although the base was destroyed in the end and disappeared, he still escaped.

But Tikki is different. No one knows the specific strength of Tikki. The captain who assassinated Whitebeard doesn't know what method he used. What's more, the threat Tikki faces is the strongest Whitebeard pirate among the four emperors. group!

Compared with the BIGMOM pirates that have been wiped out and only two or three big cats and kittens left, the power of the Whitebeard Pirates is not comparable to that of the current BIGMOM!

over time.

Soon someone also learned through secret channels that Fire Fist Ace, the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, personally pursued Tichi, and Tiki established his own pirate group, named Blackbeard Pirates. As for him As for himself, he calls himself... Blackbeard!

The ambition is obvious!

At the same time, in the East China Sea, a certain rubber man went out to sea in a small boat.

Compared with the huge chaos involving two pirate groups of the Four Emperors on the great voyage, a small boat in the East China Sea going out to sea is nothing, but what is carried on this small boat is the fate of this world. , Revolutionary Army Dragon, Red Hair Shanks and other top existences are closely related!

Since the era of the great pirates, the establishment of the power of the Four Emperors, the sea has reached a certain balance, and this balance has finally been completely destroyed in this year!

The tide of chaos that has spread to the world has begun to surge!


Navy Headquarters.

Fire Fist Ace, hunt down Blackbeard Tiki...

Zhan Guo looked at the latest information with a serious look on his face.

Now most people in the world still don't know a secret, that is, the blood of One Piece has not been cut off, Fire Fist Ace is the son of Roger of One Piece, and Roger's blood flows through his body!

Currently, only the senior officials of the world government and the top figures above the admiral of the navy are aware of this information.

If you want to catch Fire Fist Ace, this is a good opportunity. Do you want me to go there? Mr. Warring States. Huang Yuan sat on the sofa not far away and took a sip of tea.

Although he said that he should take care of it, he didn't move his body at all, he didn't stand up at all, and seemed to become a little more lazy.

Sengoku's eyes flickered for a while.

If you catch the Fire Fist, you will start a full-scale war with Whitebeard. Now that the BIGMOM matter has not been resolved, it is not appropriate to start a war with Whitebeard... Besides, that Tiqi does not seem to be a simple character. We will continue to observe this matter.

Warring States quickly made a decision.

If the general makes a move in person, there is indeed a chance to win Ace the Fire Fist, but this will definitely lead to a full-scale war with Whitebeard. It is better to let Ace continue to chase and kill Blackbeard, and see how this blackbeard Tiki betrayed Whitebeard. Beard Pirates, what kind of confidence and means do they have.

Kuzan still failed to win BIGMOM.

Huang Yuan shrugged, changed the subject, and said, That guy BIGMOM is indeed a bit difficult to arrest. Even if the old man goes, he may not be able to do it.

Aokiji had tracked down BIGMOM in a certain sea area before, and summoned Akainu to help, but unfortunately, he was detected in advance, and BIGMOM had already escaped before Akainu passed.

There will always be flaws.

Zhan Guo opened his mouth in a deep voice, revealing a hint of deep thought, and said, It's that guy Ron... who seems to be cooperating with Doflamingo recently.

Ron and Doflamingo have reached a cooperation, which is a bit unexpected for Sengoku, because according to Ron's character, he should not cooperate with pirates.

But now with BIGMOM, many things have become a little complicated.

Because of the huge threat of BIGMOM, Ron was forced to cooperate with Doflamingo? After all, Ron's base has already been destroyed once by BIGMOM.

After all, we are facing the threat of BIGMOM...

Huang Yuan said in a drawn-out tone: Facing that kind of monster, anyone in Ron's situation would be worried and restless.

Sengoku patted his forehead.

He is also a little troubled.

Ron may need information from Doflamingo to avoid BIGMOM, so he was forced to cooperate with Doflamingo, but he can't do anything now.

As the admiral of the navy, it is impossible for him to exchange information with Ron and provide information to Ron, which is not allowed in his position.

If Ron is still in the Navy, that's fine. As long as he stays in the Navy Headquarters, he will be absolutely safe. BIGMOM coming to the Navy Headquarters alone is a trap for himself.

But Ron is now Shichibukai.

It is also impossible to come to the Navy headquarters.

Warring States thought for a while, shook his head, and put the matter aside.

Ron's behavior style is actually a bit like Garp, but Garp was his comrade-in-arms at the same time. Even though he kept making troubles back then, he always had a headache and scolded him, but he still gave Garp the aftermath. Ron's words were not Garp after all, and He also quit the navy.

There is a price to be paid for impulsiveness.

Pay close attention to the movements of BIGMOM and the Whitebeard Pirates, and Ron and Doflamingo are also paying attention.

Zhan Guo spoke to his adjutant.

Yes, Marshal of the Warring States Period.

The major general next to him responded and immediately conveyed the order of the Warring States Period.

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