Ape Flying Sun Slash’s use of Chakra is almost the peak of mortals, although he has no special abilities, but at least Chakra is almost infinite in the state of rebirth in the soil.

Soon Aira also rushed over, and he handed Naruto into Jiraiya’s hands, but all the medical ninjas seemed to be a little helpless about this.

And on top of the huge Thousand Hands Rulai Wood statue puppet, Bai Jue also appeared here, at this time his body had recovered, he looked at Hei Jue next to him and said, “Hehe, vortex… Naruto… If it were a member of the Uzumaki clan, it should be a little more tenacious, right? ”

“Is it? You actually think so? Hei Jue seemed to be a little unimpressed, and he naturally already knew what happened on the other side.

“Of course, no matter what you do to that kid, it won’t help, once the tailed beast of the human pillar power is withdrawn, it will definitely die for so long!” This is the inevitable law! Bai Jue said with a smile.

And Sakura and Hinata also fell into despair, even if they consumed 11 more Chakra, there was no way to make Naruto’s body improve a little, just like Bai Jue said, the person who is drawn out of the tailed beast will die, this is the iron law…

No matter how powerful Chakra is, there is no way to save the dying person.

Suddenly Hinata took a deep breath, the chakra on his hands began to change from blue to red, Sakura saw the change in Hinata’s body, and quickly shouted, “Hinata, what are you going to do!” You’re going to die! ”

She had realized that Hinata wanted to force life force into Naruto’s body.

“There is no way, I can only be like Chiyo’s mother-in-law… The reason why the human pillar force will die after leaving the tailed beast is that the life force of the body is withdrawn along with the tailed beast, if I inject all my power into Naruto’s body… Sure! ”

“Hey, you might need that guy.” When they looked over, they found that the person who spoke was Meliodas.

“There is another Chakra in the body of the fourth generation of Hokage.” Tang Yuan said with Meliodas’s body, “This should be able to save his life.” ”

“Why are you…” I Ai Luo looked at the person in front of him, Tang Yuan had already said before, let everyone hold on for thirty minutes, he would decide whether to intervene or not.

“Don’t get me wrong, I just hate the weak being ravaged, it’s the sentence just now, either surrender or die in front of the strong enemy, I don’t force you, but when you help the Dusk Brigade, we will definitely do it, in fact, the current Dusk Brigade has changed. The previous Dusk Brigade has always been fighting to protect the weak, and the world under our command is often the kind of place that pulls back on the side of destruction, but later, with the addition of the strong faction, the Dusk Brigade has become a legion-like existence of the other party’s conquest, but what, I am still a conservative, you want to get help and tell me, otherwise I will not forcibly save you, but you have to think about it, if you want to get help, then you will join the rule of the Dusk Brigade by default. Very simple thing. In fact, don’t think that your joining the Dusk Brigade is over, you must understand that in the future, not all the world will recognize your choice, there will be people who think that you are subjugated to us invaders, you will be traitors to this world, you will be scolded, and even everything you have done against those people will not be remembered, do you understand? ”

After Meliodas said this, he stepped aside, “You can all consider…”

However, Airo knew that now was not the time to think about this, and he immediately rushed towards the battlefield on the side of the fourth generation of Hokage, and Michael’s body on this side was no longer able to continue fighting the other party.

Originally having a reincarnation eye, Madara is not something that Michael’s level of body can fight against, and in the battle, Madara successfully transformed into Six Dao Madara, the strength of Madara at this time is terrifying, Tang Yuan had to retreat, and Madara saw Tang Yuan retreat, with a sneer on his face and said, “Okay, boy, I know that your strength is very strong, if you kill that guy over there, you will definitely do it, right?” Spare your life and don’t pester me again! ”

And I love Luo they also brought Naruto to the side of the fourth generation of Hokage, the fourth generation has always been confronting Kuroto, yes, Kuro is attached to Obito’s body, he wants to take the eye of reincarnation from Obito’s body, but he also understands that his own body is not very powerful, if he really leaves Obito’s body, then he will be killed by the fourth generation Hokage in minutes, and at this time Obito is actually struggling, which makes him unable to completely use Obito’s power to kill the fourth generation of Hokage.

After I Ai Luo and they came down, a hint of surprise flashed on Bofeng Shuimen’s face, and when he saw Naruto, his face immediately changed, “Naruto, this is…”

I Ai Luo quickly said 377, “The nine tails in Naruto’s body were withdrawn. If it goes on like this…”

Wave Feng Shui Men quickly condensed the Chakra of the Nine Tails on his right hand, and was about to inject it into Naruto’s body like this, where did he think that the moment he put his hand on Naruto’s body, a black shadow flashed, directly taking away all the Chakra of the Nine Tails.

At this time, Bo Feng Shuimen’s face changed greatly, only then did he understand that he had hit the plan, if the nine tails were in the body, then it still didn’t matter, after all, it was still very difficult to forcibly extract a specific Chakra, but now he took out all the Chakra, and the other party only needs to absorb it later!

And just after Hei Jue captured this part of Chakra, a white figure descended directly.

Kuro looked over with some surprise, “Madara-sama! ”

“It’s too slow, so I came to you!” Madara said slowly, at this time, he was holding the six magic staffs, and there was a Dao Jade suspended behind him, which looked similar to the soil in the Six Dao State.

“Hei Jue, how long are you going to entangle with Obito?” Madara looked indifferent, but he could hear from his tone that Madara was quite dissatisfied at this time. _

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