Chapter 196: Sasuke’s Death

In an instant, Shigego’s body was covered in gray, he looked like he had entered the second state of the spell seal, in fact, this guy was the origin of the spell mark, he twisted his neck, his face showed a maniacal smile, but just for a moment, he turned around sharply and directly strangled Sasuke’s neck, “Mizuki, kill!” ”

Mizuki’s nodded, and his hands instantly recovered and slashed towards Sasuke.

Sasuke frowned, “What are you guys going to do!” He didn’t seem to react, why would the two teammates turn against him, after all, the other party was rescued from the hands of the big snake pill…

At this time, Tang Yuan said, “Okay, don’t kill him first, I have something to ask him.” ”

Shuiyue immediately stopped his movements, while Lei Ying took a step forward, “Why do you have to intervene here?” ”

A smile appeared on Tang Yuan’s face, “It seems that Lord Lei Ying, you know very well, if you don’t want Yunyin Village to disappear in an instant, shut your mouth!” ”

Lei Ying’s eyes showed a bit of resentment, but he was a person who paid great attention to strength, naturally he didn’t say anything, of course he knew how big the gap between his village and the other party’s organization was, exaggeratedly speaking, I am afraid that if the other party wants Yunyin Village to disappear, it doesn’t take a night at all, at most an hour, Yunyin Village will disappear.

“Sasuke, why did you betray me?” Tang Yuan slowly pulled out his knife and motioned for Shigego to let go.

Shigego directly let go aside, in fact, before, Tang Yuan had already contacted the big snake pill, let the big snake pill deliberately release the news of these two people, at that time, in order to find his own combat power, Sasuke directly found these two people to assist him, he also thought that he and these two people were using each other, but he would never have thought that the big snake pill’s subordinates would be loyal to the big snake pill.

Sasuke gasped heavily, and then yelled, “You’re just using me!” Weasel…… Weasel . . .”

“I know, the ferret has actually been protecting you all along, whether it is destroying your family or constantly ravaging you, it is actually protecting you!” A smile appeared on Tang Yuan’s face, “Why, don’t you even believe your own brother?” ”

“But why don’t you tell me! You don’t really know anything, as if the world is under your surveillance all the time! But why don’t you tell me the truth! Sasuke roared, his eyes full of madness.

“Not telling you?” Tang Yuan sighed at you, didn’t you cry from beginning to end that I want strength, a lot of power, I just want revenge? You don’t even dare to see the truth, you just want to avoid reality, you suspect that there is a hidden secret, your brother has a last resort, you have doubted a lot of things, but you are afraid that you will know the truth, so you desperately shift all the attention to your brother, you think that as long as you kill him you can get liberation, right.”

Tang Yuan said so, while Sasuke nodded with blank eyes, with a regretful expression on his face, “That’s right, you’re right, but so what, why don’t you tell me!” What about the others Mastan, I’m going to kill him!” ”

“Hehe, I thought you were still saved.” Tang Yuan took a step and directly stabbed the knife in his hand into Sasuke’s lower abdomen, and as he turned the blade, scarlet blood entered Tang Yuan’s body along the blade, and in less than a moment, Sasuke had turned into a dry corpse.

Tang Yuan looked at Lei Ying, “Why are you like this?” ”

At this time, Darui and Xi blocked in front of Lei Ying, and this guy in front of him was a little too terrifying.

Their hearts have been a little shaken, yes, the strength of the person in front of them is probably far beyond the five shadows.

At this time, Tang Yuan shrugged his shoulders and said, “Don’t be too nervous, I won’t attack you casually, if I want to kill you, do you really have room to resist?” ”

Saying that, Tang Yuan strode away directly, “Go, you five-nation alliance play slowly, I don’t have the heart to participate.” ”

After that, Tang Yuan didn’t care, and soon, the fourth ninja world war broke out.

The ninja world that had lost Naruto was vulnerable, and soon many ninja villages fell one after another, and even the ten tails did not appear, leaving only a ruin in the whole world, and finally everyone concentrated in Konoha as the last stronghold, at this time, at a glance, the entire world of Hokage seemed to be the end of the world.

However, Taki Yin Village was not affected, but others did not come to interfere here, but their strength was too weak, Tang Yuan looked at the sky at this time, the reason why he did this was very simple, that is, although a new government was established among the pirates last time, he did not get too many benefits.

Because although the people there are ruled by themselves, compared to the previous rule, they are just a bigger power.

And now he wants to push the world into the abyss step by step, and then save the world grave himself.

As early as a month ago, he had sent the letter to the Ninja World Alliance, and if he wanted to help himself, he could, but then the Ninja World would be dominated by the Dusk Brigade, and if he didn’t want to, then Tang Yuan would be on the sidelines.

Sure enough, the Ninja World Alliance did not reply to the news, probably in the eyes of the other party, although Xiao has become difficult to deal with, but at least they (Li Wang Hao) still have a fight, maybe if Tang Yuan said that he wanted to directly divide a piece, they would not hesitate to start bargaining with Tang Yuan, but if they really threw the world out, then they would not agree to die.

And during this time, Naruto and I Airo actually grew up, after Kakashi and Tsunade died in battle, Naruto actually took on the role of Konoha’s leader, at this time in the airport battle, Naruto’s performance was exceptionally good, so now it has been sought after by many people.

As for I-Ai Luo himself being the son of Kazekage, the talent will naturally not be bad, and slowly with the cooperation of him and Naruto, the Sand Hidden Village also fell into the hands of My Airo.

As a result, except for what Tang Yuan forcibly directed, other things seem to have really been repeated according to history, but history is just history. _

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