Chapter 193 Quarrel

Tang Yuan frowned and said, “Okay, I don’t know what you said, but I’m not here to see you act, just say it directly, where there is so much mess.” ”

Hearing Tang Yuan say this, everyone was angry and afraid of Tang Yuan, but Lei Yingai still said, “Then let’s start.” ”

And at this time, a warrior walked in, his head was wrapped in a strip of cloth, it looked a little like an ancient school warrior, he couldn’t help but frown when he saw Tang Yuan, in fact, the Five Shadows Assembly only allowed two attendants per shadow belt, and no one else was allowed here.

And now Tang Yuan is not only still here, but also has a position, which makes him feel a little lost.

However, he still shook his head and said, “In the next three ships, I will preside over this Five Shadows Conference.” ”

This Mifune does not look amazing, but in fact he is the eyes and ears of the government and the mediator, and if a conflict breaks out between the five shadows, then he is the middleman, because now the countries have no intention of starting a war, so they do not want to let the five shadows break out too fierce contradictions.

“Actually, I probably understand what this time means.” Chiyo spoke at this time, she glanced at Lei Kage Ai and said, “In fact, as early as about two months, the people of the Xiao Organization quietly assassinated and replaced the wind shadow and launched a surprise attack on Konoha Village, although the two sides later reconciled, but at the same time Konoha and the tailed beasts of our Sand Ninja Village were all taken away, I think the existence of the Xiao Organization is very dangerous.” ”

Chiyo said reluctantly, it seemed that this was not her own thought, but according to the meaning of others.

“Hmph!” At this time, Onoki sneered and said, “Yes, if it weren’t for the current Five Shadows Conference, we wouldn’t know about this matter, everyone is very powerful, after all, if the tailed beast is lost, it will be a great shame, if it is not at this time, everyone will not say it.” ”

“Oh?” An interested expression appeared on Tang Yuan’s face, “But don’t say it at that time, it will be discovered in the future.” ”

Onoki glanced at Tang Yuan with trepidation and then continued, “Of course, it was secretly recaptured. ”

“Dignity? It’s really pedantic. Tang Yuan couldn’t help but sigh, his face full of regret.

At this time, Mizukage said, “Actually, it doesn’t matter if the tailed beast is taken away, after all, if you want to control the tailed beast, you need enough technology and knowledge, and even if you have these two, you need a lot of time to use, so we still have a lot of time.” ”

Danzo said at this time, “Lord Mizukage is actually right, the only people who really hook up to control the tailed beast are Uchiha Madara, the first Hokage Senjukuma, the fourth generation of Mizukage lost his position, and Lord Thunder Kage’s younger brother Kirabi…”

But before Danzo’s words were finished, Thunder Shadow had already rioted, because he heard the three words of Kirabi, after all, the person who kidnapped Kirabi was Sasuke, of course, he was furious at this time, at this time, he moved, and the two subordinates behind Tuan Zang also moved, and the others also joined the battle group.

For a while, Lei Ying attacked Tuan Zang, and the subordinates behind Tuan Zang attacked Lei Ying, Lei Ying’s guards intercepted Tuan Zang’s subordinates, and Water Shadow’s subordinates also wanted to enter the battle group, Tang Yuan frowned, directly pulled out the sword, swung sharply with his movements, everyone was directly bounced away by this sword wind, at this time Chiyo’s face showed a surprised expression, as if he couldn’t believe that the blow that everyone had just bound to kill was actually solved by Tang Yuan’s gentle sword.

At this time, Mifune said slowly, “This is the place for talks, please refrain from it.” ”

At this time, several shadows also slowly waved their hands, and then their subordinates retreated, and at this time, Lei Kage’s face was still full of anger, “Konoha! Iwahide Village! Sand Hidden Village! Mist Hidden Village! Hehe, as we all know, the characters in Xiaozhong are all rebels in your ninja village, not only that, but I also investigated and learned that some of you have used Xiao! ”

When he said this, his eyes looked at Tuan Zang, of course Tang Yuan knew what the other party meant, how could Itachi destroy the whole clan by himself back then, what kind of joke, even if Itachi has shadow-level strength, don’t joke if you want to destroy a family, at that time it could only be the hand of Itachi and Xiao together.

You must know that at that time, the mercenary organization that dared to slaughter the Uchiha family, and it was still a neutral mercenary organization, only know.

“Hehe, you guys do this, how can Lao Tzu believe you? Not to mention joining forces! Lao Tzu summoned the Five Shadows today to ask you what is faith! ”

“Wait, what do you mean by utilization?” Chiyo’s eyes narrowed slightly, as if he was somewhat interested in this matter.

“Hmph, Chiyo wife, do you think I don’t know what you used to do?” Lei Ying Ai seemed to have entered mad dog mode at this time, and it seemed that everyone wanted to take a bite.

Tang Yuan said slowly, “I also look a little interested.” ”

Onoki glanced at Tang Yuan and then said, “Now that the big countries have stabilized, although the ninja village is independent of the world, but it relies more on the economy of the country where it is located, so slowly the country takes military tightening as a national policy, then the ninja villages have no way to start a war, when the atmosphere of saber rattling slowly eases down, the ninja village that exists as a military force has become a heavy burden on the country’s finances, and more importantly, Do ninjas born in a peaceful atmosphere really have the ability to fight? And the best way to avoid this risk is a mercenary, a powerful mercenary, that is, Xiao. ”

Terumi also sighed at this time and said, “It is very consuming time and energy to cultivate excellent ninjas by themselves, and talent is not certain, geniuses in childhood may become waste, waste may also be a late strike, even if it becomes a strong fighting force, it may defect from the village for other reasons, and Xiao This kind of organization is a specialized group, they are engaged in war, it is enough to spend money, there is no risk…”

Lei Ying sneered, “Is there really no risk? Didn’t you know best what was going on? ”

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