Under the gaze of the female emperor, Wuhe Qinli frowned and pondered.

“Why, still thinking about the Navy?” She asked.

Qinli shook his head: “I just feel like I forgot something…”

A few seconds later, it dawned on him.

“By the way, I was going to send something to Kaido, and I forgot.”

Saying that, she patted the female emperor’s shoulder.

“Little girl, mix well, I am optimistic about you, and when you grow up in the future, I will come to you again.”

“What…” The female emperor was surprised and wanted to say something, but Qinli had already moved and appeared in mid-air.

“I still have business, withdraw first, bye, I will miss your good figure.” Saying that, Tang Yuan gave the female emperor a flying kiss and disappeared into the sky.

Looking at the direction in which Qinli disappeared, the female emperor showed a thoughtful expression.

“Kaido… Four Emperors? ”

At that level, you can stand at the same height as the Dusk Brigade?

She clenched her fists and secretly made up her mind.



Halfway through the flight, Tang Yuan waved his hand and beckoned Red A out again.

He now needs Red A’s perception to find Kaido’s place.

Sure enough, as soon as it came out, Red A sensed Kaido’s location.

Moreover, it is not only Kaido’s breath alone.

“This grandson, he won’t be with others again…”

Tang Yuan thought about it and decided to change his identity to take a look.

In mid-air, he closed his eyes and began to conceive of his new transformation.

After a few seconds, his long red hair receded and turned into a crisp short silver hair.

The brilliant red eyes turned into a deep emerald green.

The white feather coat turned into a black kimono + color haori.

On his back is a long katana.

The size hasn’t changed much.

[The new transformation “Hibanya Fuyushiro” has been completed! ] 】

Hibanya Fuyushiro, like Ulquiorra before him, is from the world of “Death”! It’s just that the two belong to the opposing camps, Ulquiorra is a popular face-breaking character, and Hibanya Fuyushiro is the “Grim Reaper” who controls the order of the dead, and he is also the “captain” level at the top 1 point of the Grim Reaper’s forces!

Feeling the new power in his body, Tang Yuan nodded with satisfaction.

However, seriously, from the first transformation to now, he has not been dissatisfied, even if he accidentally turned into two ceremonies, he also satisfied the fetish… Ah, it’s a great pleasure to experience life from a different angle, so it’s still beautiful.

After calculating the prestige, Tang Yuan found that there were still a lot of them, and they couldn’t be spent, so he simply neatly stabbed the Dongshi Lang of Rifan Valley to the full level.

[Rifan Valley Dongshiro transforms into a strength improvement and opens a big move “Solution”! ] 】

[Swastika is the first stage of liberation of the slashing knife, and the second stage of the slashing knife requires the embodiment of the slashing knife body to make it submit. In the future, the ability of the chopping knife will be more thoroughly and comprehensively used, which is the final liberation of the slashing knife. Apocalypse is also one of the prerequisites for the captain of the Shinigami Sanban team. Current level 4! 】

[The level of the big move is full, get the skill “Ice Sky Hundred Flowers Burial”! ] Hibanya Fuyushiro’s transformation is fully on! 】

After recharging, Tang Yuan pulled out the slashing knife behind his back and swung it at the sea under his feet.

“Sit on the frost! Ice Wheel Pill!! ”


An ice dragon came out of the tip of the knife, twisted and flew, and rushed into the sea.

A large area of the sea directly became an ice lump, and Tang Yuan and Hong A were on it, and they didn’t shake much.

“Not bad, it feels better than a pheasant.” He said with satisfaction.

Suddenly, he was stunned.

Then looked at the sky speechlessly.

Just now, he connected to Illidan’s transformation and got the news when the connection was disconnected before.

Alisa, this girl, her intuition is really spiritual, she played with the female emperor, she had a feeling…

It’s not good to go on like this.

He squinted his eyes and felt that it was time for him to tease the little goddess.

Manual funny.

After thinking about it, he decided to take Red A to the floating island, and then let Illidan transform and take Alyssa over, anyway, it is not far away, with Illidan’s speed, it is easy to catch up.

Before Red A, he also asked for a ring for Kaido, the ring thief is big, and Tang Yuan can use it as an arm ring.

Tired heart!

Put away the armband… Ah no, it’s the ring, Tang Yuan went to Kaido’s side, and Red A Floating Island returned to the past.

After a while, Tang Yuan also felt Kaido, although Dongshi Lang was not very good at detection, but he was also a god of death, and his spiritual pressure perception was very strong, which was why he was a little surprised.

The breath that was with Kaido, he actually knew.

It’s a former admiral, Zefa the Black Fist!

“The two of them… How did it collide? ”

In the distance, Kaido stood on the sea, quietly looking at the man in front of him.

Zefa held up his sunglasses and said coldly: “Four Emperors Kaido… It’s actually here. ”

“Also?” Kaido raised his eyebrows, not knowing what Zefa meant.

Zefa snorted coldly: “It’s ridiculous that you can also pretend to be confused, the old man just received a report that the Dusk Brigade and the Red Dog clashed in this sea area, and I saw you also appear near here, dare you say that this is not your share?” ”

Kaido narrowed his eyes and thought for a few seconds.

His head didn’t spin very quickly, but he could guess what was going on.

To put it bluntly, it is to catch 870 coincidence.

As soon as he left the floating island, the people of the Dusk Brigade happened to meet the red dog near here, and there was a conflict…

In the end, this matter has nothing to do with himself.

But since Zefa came to find fault, he will not be idle and unreasonable.

“Get out or die.” He said.

Zefa’s green tendons burst out.

“A good one either roll or die, the navy has not stood up for too long, whether it is the Dusk Brigade or the Four Emperors, they all think that they are invincible in the world?”

Saying that, he had already punched Kaido!

“Ridiculous…” Kaido was too lazy to complain, his forearm flicked, and he hit Kaido sideways, and the two collided together, and exploded a cyclone!

“Huh?” Zefa’s eyes lit up, “Your state is not right… You’re hurt! ”

“There are only a handful of people on this sea who can hurt you… Whitebeard is not here, it can’t be him, then… Could it be the Dusk Brigade? ”

Speaking of this, Zefa’s tone was obviously a little joyful, seeing the Four Emperors and the Dusk Brigade fighting, which was excellent.

“That’s a lot of nonsense.” Kaido shook his head and kicked away, as if the mountains were flying!

Zefa retreated far away and smiled: “If you are in your prime, I really want to avoid the edge for the time being, but you are injured now, I want to see, what do you take to fight me!” ”

Kaido sneered, as if he had heard some funny joke. _

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