The sky was lit red by the torches in Batlila.

The light lit up the dark night, and the smoke from the fire was like a white snake lingering over the town, reaching the sky.

"Damn pirates."


"My home!"

The residents hiding in the back mountain watched the peaceful town being destroyed, and cursed angrily.

"Daro..." Lu Jiu, who was standing aside, was a little restless when she heard the booming artillery fire from the town at the foot of the mountain.

————Dividing line———

It is worthy of being called the Giant Cannon Pirates. This overwhelming artillery fire coverage is really hard to resist.


A cannonball slid out a beautiful curve from a distance and landed right on the roof of the house where Darrow was hiding.

"What a hell." Looking at the roof that was lifted by the cannonball, Darrow couldn't help but swear.

I don't know what's wrong with this cannonball. It can actually be fired from the pier to the town. The distance is almost five or six kilometers.

Darrow didn't dare to stay where he was. He jumped out of the window broken by the cannonball and escaped from this place of trouble, running to the center of the town.

The group of pirates who chased into the town were worried about being defeated one by one, and they all gathered in the square in the center of the town. In order to avoid the cannonballs from hitting the pirates in the center of the town, there were few cannonballs falling there.

Under the bombardment of artillery fire, Darrow still rushed to the municipal center next to the square.

"Daro." Lao Qiaoxi, who was hiding under the counter of the municipal center, saw Daro come in and shouted in surprise.

Hearing Lao Qiaoxi's voice, Daro found that Lao Qiaoxi and the fishermen were also hiding here. After taking stock, he found that not many people were lost. It seems that the situation is not very bad.

Daro hurried over, took a breath, and said to Lao Qiaoxi: "Lao Qiaoxi, it's too passive now. We have to go out, otherwise we will be blown to death sooner or later."

"Ahem." The smoke raised by the shells made Lao Qiaoxi very uncomfortable and he didn't say anything for a while.

"Daro is right, we have to go out quickly, otherwise they will find us sooner or later." The fisherman next to him took up the conversation and said to everyone.

The fisherman also knew that if he went out now, he could still find a shelter, but if he was late, when the pirates bombed all the surrounding buildings, he would become a target when he went out.

"But they are all outside." Another fisherman was obviously a little timid. There was artillery fire outside. Wouldn't it be suicide to go out?

"If you don't go out, cough cough..., if you don't go out, we will kill a few more brothers, and then we will have to surrender." Lao Qiaoxi said with a cough, setting the tone for this matter. Lao Qiaoxi is the backbone of the fishermen, and no one dares to refute what he said.

"Don't worry, there are not many people left on the other side. We are in the same place as them, and they dare not use artillery shells to bomb." Da Luo spoke to dispel the fishermen's concerns.

After resting for a while and adjusting their state, Da Luo and Lao Qiaoxi took the lead to rush out of the town hall in the center of the town.

"Boss, look, they are all out." Sneijder pointed to a group of people rushing out of the town hall and said to Wapo.

As Da Luo expected, almost no shells would fall on the square. After all, with such a long range, it is difficult for the gunners of the pirate group to guarantee that the artillery will not bomb their own people.

Soldiers versus soldiers, generals versus generals, the moment of decisive battle finally arrived.


Some of the fishermen recognized Wapo and understood that tonight's attack was simply a conspiracy of the Antlia family.

Wapo was not surprised to hear someone recognized him. Instead, he kept staring at the leader, Lao Qiaoxi, as if he saw an old acquaintance, and said, "It turned out to be you, Captain Qiaoxi. No wonder the people I sent before failed."

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I am the former lookout of the Blood Hand Pirates - Andre Wapo. Greetings to you."


"Blood Hand Pirates, I see."

Hearing the name of this long-lost pirate group, Lao Qiaoxi's eyes were stunned, as if he understood everything, and asked Wapo, "Then you also attracted this group of pirates."

"Attracted... Hahaha, it's not attracted. The captain of this giant cannon pirate group is the gunner who sank your Black Pearl back then." Wapo saw the old acquaintance in such a miserable state, and he was so excited that he said to Lao Qiaoxi.

"I didn't expect that the Kingdom Guard back then

The head of the Guards Corps has now become the owner of a fishery. How ridiculous. "

"......?" Darrow couldn't help but look at Lao Qiaoxi inquiringly, listening to this riddle-like conversation.

"Darrow, I know you have a lot of questions now. Now is not the time to talk. If there is a chance, I will tell you later." The enemy is in front of him, it is not the time to explain. Lao Qiaoxi asked Darrow to suppress his doubts.

"If you surrender and tell me the whereabouts of the Black Pearl, I can consider letting the rest of them go. How about it?" Wabo said to Lao Qiaoxi.

"Don't even think about it!" Darrow shouted directly without waiting for Lao Qiaoxi to answer.

Anyway, now that the war is imminent, he can't disturb the morale of the army and lose his footing.

"Then don't blame me. Catch that old man and kill the rest. "Seeing that his plan to sow discord had failed, Wapo looked at Darrow angrily and ordered his men.



The fishermen and pirates were completely entangled with each other, and the fishermen holding harpoons and pirates fought each other.

Several pirates raised their machetes and rushed towards Darrow.

"Bang, bang, bang. "

With the blessing of the dead eye, Darrow was not afraid of accidentally hurting his friends. He took out his pistol and pulled the trigger at the pirates who rushed up. The pirates fell to the ground before they even got close to Darrow.

On the other side, Lao Qiaoxi's fighting was outstandingly tough. There was a shadow of military fighting in his every move. With a murderous aura, he rushed into the crowd like a tiger into a flock of sheep.

After Lao Qiaoxi took the lead in knocking down a few small fish, several people from the Anteria family quickly surrounded Lao Qiaoxi and stabbed him fiercely with the daggers in their hands.

At the moment when several people attacked Lao Qiaoxi with daggers, Lao Qiaoxi stomped his legs and rushed forward, just like an old The bear hit the tree, knocking up the first attacker.

The powerful force of Lao Qiaoxi cracked the opponent's sternum, and the whole person flew off the ground.

After the impact, Lao Qiaoxi immediately turned around, reached back, and went to the shoulder of another pirate.

[Catch the tiger and throw it]

Lao Qiaoxi swung his arm swiftly, firmly grasped the enemy's shoulders, turned his waist and abdomen, and threw the enemy to the ground, unrecognizable.

Lao Qiaoxi and Da Luo showed their power, and in the blink of an eye, they solved several more pirates. The surrounding pirates did not dare to move forward due to the momentum of Da Luo and Qiaoxi, and the situation was difficult to resolve for a while.

"A bunch of trash. "Seeing that so many people couldn't take down Darrow and Lao Qiaoxi, Wabo cursed angrily.

He took out a machete from behind, and it seemed that he was going to fight Lao Qiaoxi himself.

The blade of the machete was very large, and the blade was in a jagged shape with many gaps left by chopping.

"Lao Qiaoxi, are you okay?"

Darrow saw Wabo walking towards Lao Qiaoxi aggressively, and was a little worried whether this old bone could still hold on.

"Don't worry."

Lao Qiaoxi's vigorous response dispelled Darrow's concerns, and he rushed up and continued to fight with Wabo.

"I didn't blow you up more than ten years ago, it seems that Sam's cannon is not good enough. "Wabo is not a pushover. He used words to tease Lao Qiaoxi from the beginning, but he was holding a machete in his hand and gathering strength, as if he could strike a fatal blow at any time.

More than ten meters away, Lao Qiaoxi took the lead and came in front of Wabo, clenched his fists, and punched.

Wabo dodged the attack deftly by leaning sideways, and then turned over and chopped Lao Qiaoxi to the ground, and said proudly: "You can't stand it after such a long battle. You are old, so it's better to surrender and suffer less. ”


Lao Qiaoxi ignored Wabo’s nonsense and responded with his fist.

【Fuhu Cannon Fist】

This punch was fast and fierce, as if a cannonball was ejected, carrying a huge force.

Wabo didn’t react, and the punch landed right on him.


The huge force poured out from the fist, knocking Wabo out, and he slammed heavily into the city hall behind him, stirring up a huge cloud of dust.

“This damn old thing is still so difficult to deal with. "Wabo raised the machete with his right hand, swung his arm in a circle and swung it towards Qiaoxi, ready to chop it down.

[Tiger Sitting on the Mountain]

Old Qiaoxi jumped like a tiger pouncing on its prey, stepped heavily on the machete raised by Wabo with his left foot, and kicked Wabo's upper body with his right foot.

Wabo ignored it and held the machete with both hands, lifting the blade with force, trying to exchange injury for injury, and hit Old Qiaoxi

Fortunately, Lao Qiaoxi reacted quickly enough, exerting force from his waist and abdomen in the air, and then he turned sideways, followed by a knee strike with his right foot, and hit Wabo's heart hard.

"It hurts." Wabo staggered to the ground and wailed in pain.

"Old thing, I'm going to chop you into pieces." As he spoke, he raised the blade and slowly accumulated strength.

Lao Qiaoxi was also not vague. He crouched slightly, clenched his fist behind his back, as if he had a huge force to lift the sky, ready to go out.

Both of them planned to use their most powerful move to completely solve the other party, so they didn't hold back.

[Tooth-destroying Heavy Chop]

The surging knife wind condensed on the irregular blade in Wabo's hand, as if a hungry wolf opened its mouth wide, showing its ferocious teeth and pounced on Lao Qiaoxi.

【Tiger Cutting】

Lao Qiaoxi pushed his right foot on the ground, pulled his right fist to the side, gathered all his strength, and swung it out like a bow with a full string.


The fist and the knife collided with each other, making a thunderous sound.

In the fierce collision, the knife's power was exhausted, and this Wabo was pushed out with the knife by the punch, flying out like a kite with a broken string, and fell to the ground. The machete in his hand also made a wail and broke into pieces.

"Hu." Lao Qiaoxi sighed, propped himself up and stood up, but his right hand, which had just swung a heavy punch, was shaking slightly at this moment.

After calming down, Lao Qiaoxi took out a cigarette from his jacket pocket and slowly lit it, and looked at the devastated town and Wabo, who had long been dead on the ground.

"You are still old, otherwise you would be slapped to death."

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