The sword is sharpened ten years ago, and the sword is sharpened ten years ago.

It makes Izumi Ji qualified to fight with those geniuses.

Izumi Ji on the field did have an overwhelming advantage after using this sword. Even Izumi Liqian could only be defeated in the face of this extraordinary sword slash.

But that's all.

After all, this is the world of One Piece, a world full of monster geniuses. If an ordinary person can narrow the gap with those monsters through hard work, how can this world be so deformed.

Those pirates who do evil and the Celestial Dragons who ride on the heads of the people have long been pulled down.

This is not to say that the sweat of ordinary people is useless, but it is not enough in front of real monsters.

This is the cruelty of the pirate world. Look at Big Mom. When she was a child, she was able to destroy the entire giant village by herself. In the process of growing up, she was promiscuous, gluttonous, and liked to manage power. All the bad habits were infected. Even so, she still became the top powerhouse on the sea.

The gap between them made Darrow have to mutter: "It's really fucking unfair."

And this unfairness also exists between Izumi Nori and Izumi Reiken. Although Izumi Nori has the upper hand, he has not locked the victory.

Izumi Reiken changes his position through continuous high-speed displacement, which makes Izumi Nori's Iai deviate every time. Although he can hit the opponent every time, he can't hit the vital point.

However, the long sword fell on his body, and Izumi Reiken also had a lot of wounds on his body. The white kimono was soaked red with blood, and he looked very embarrassed.

Seeing Izumi Reiken struggling on the field, the audience was also moved, and cheered for him one by one, forgetting that the determined young man on the field was a weakling they mocked not long ago.

As the favorite to win the six consecutive championships, Izumi Ji naturally had many followers. Those who put their lives on him were not to be outdone, and cheered for Izumi Ji one by one.

Two cheers gathered on the duel field, pushing the atmosphere of the game to its climax.

Winning or losing, it seemed that it was not so important at this moment.

On the field.

After using more than a dozen [Lin Zi Mi·Bu Pi] in a row, Izumi Ji's physical strength was almost gone, and he knew that he had to fight quickly.

So he turned into a stream of light again and disappeared from the sight of Izumi Reiken and the audience.

Almost at the same time of disappearance, Izumi Ji had already arrived in front of Izumi Riken, and the sharp blade in his hand drew a neat arc as if crossing space.

In just one tenth of a second, the swung blade would fall on Izumi Riken, and within this one tenth of a second, the audience seemed to be pulled into a state of time suspension and had no reaction at all.

Fortunately, Darrow relied on his rare observation Haki to capture this moment and noticed what Izumi Ji had hidden - the process.

The process of moving, the process of swinging the knife.


In this almost still moment, Darrow heard a crisp sound, and the source of this sound was Izumi Riken, or the blade protecting Izumi Riken.

There was no time for Darrow to think about it, the confrontation between the two had ended, and the timeline seemed to have returned to normal flow, and the cheers of the audience continued to explode in Darrow's ears.

But compared to the cheers that soared to the sky, Darrow was more concerned about the crisp sound just now, because that was clearly the crisp sound that could only be made by metal collision.

In other words.

"Blocked! Izumi Reiken blocked it."

The exclamations of the audience explained everything. Although they didn't know what happened, their stunned expressions showed how incredible it was.

In their opinion, this sword that exceeded the limit was impossible to resist.

"Is it a coincidence? Or did he really react?" Miss Suzuki muttered to herself, but her right hand unconsciously grasped the armrest on the side.

This was a common question for everyone in the duel arena. Among the people present, only two people could answer it.

One was Izumi Reiken on the field, and the other was Darrow who had the observation Haki.

"It's not a coincidence!" Darrow said decisively. He used the observation Haki to capture Izumi Reiken's action at that moment.

The action of slightly raising the long sword.

It was just this slight movement that allowed the long sword in his hand to block the fatal blow of Izumi Nori.

Therefore, he was very clear

Chu, this is not a coincidence, but... adaptation.

Izumi Reiken has been constantly adapting to this sword-drawing slash in the battle, and so far, he has barely adapted to the ridiculously fast speed.

Not relying on reaction, purely relying on instinct.

"It's really terrible, that guy's talent." Darrow sighed as he looked at Izumi Reiken, whose right hand was trembling slightly on the field.

Such a person would be so unknown that he was not mentioned at all in the original One Piece manga! ! Is this guy's talent buried like this, and trapped on this small island for the rest of his life?

"This is too bad." Darrow sighed in his heart.

In his opinion, with Izumi Reiken's terrible talent, if he is willing to venture on the sea for a few years, he will definitely become a strong man on Xianghe's side.

While Darrow was sighing, a lot of changes had already taken place on the field.

After his attack was blocked, Hequan Ji did not use his sword-drawing slash again. Having been with Hequan Liqian day and night for several years, he knew better than anyone what kind of talent that guy had.


Hequan Ji was so unwilling.

He was unwilling to accept his mediocrity, so mediocre that he was worried about handing over the family sword hall to an outsider before his father died.

As a result, Hequan Liqian, who was so talented, had to be trapped on this small island because of the sword hall, burying his amazing talent.

On the field, Hequan Ji stepped heavily on the ground with his right foot, and the whole person flew out in an instant, pulled close to Hequan Liqian, and continued to fight with Hequan Liqian with a momentum of exchanging injuries for injuries.

Hequan Ji also knew that if he blindly used [Lin Zi Mi·Bu Pi] again, Hequan Liqian might really adapt to that speed completely, and then he would be passive.

Therefore, the next sword must win with one strike, and before that, the opponent must be forced to reveal a flaw.

The two long swords were swung out with afterimages, making a crisp collision sound.

Compared with Izumi Ji, Izumi Liqian is younger and stronger, but due to the injuries on his body, the hand-to-hand combat between the two is difficult to resolve.

Izumi Ji's strategy worked. The long swords of the two hit each other in an attack, and the huge force was transmitted to Izumi Liqian's injured right arm, causing his movement to stagnate for a moment.

"This is the opportunity." The experienced Izumi Ji seized this flaw, drew out the sword, and a thunder burst out like a thread.

[Bu Pi]

Izumi Ji disappeared in the original place, and the next moment, he appeared behind Izumi Liqian.

"I won, Liqian." Izumi Ji said slowly, then swung the long sword in his hand downward, threw out a drop of blood on it, and then drew the sword back into the sheath.

The moment the sword was sheathed, Izumi Reiken's body paused, and a wound from his right shoulder to his waist and abdomen burst into blood, staining his white long clothes.

Izumi Reiken, who suffered a heavy blow, fell to the ground, and barely supported himself with his right hand using the long sword to support his body, so that he did not fall down.


Sonny in the audience let out a wail, and the shrill tone seemed to wish that he was the one who took the knife.

Other spectators had also left the seats one after another, as if the century duel had been settled.

"No, it's not over yet." Da Luo looked at the court and said to Izumi Reiken who stood up slowly with the sword.

In Da Luo's perception of the color of observation, Izumi Reiken at this moment was like a peerless beast, with terrifying murderous intent all over his body.

"No way! At this time." Miss Suzuki, who was standing by, saw Izumi Reiken who was like Shura on the court, covered her mouth and said with horror.

She knew very well how fierce Izumi Reiken was after entering his second personality, and the hellish scene back then was still vivid in her mind.

"Don't worry, that guy is not that simple."

Daro activated his observation Haki to lock Izumi Reiken firmly, but found that the opponent had even fewer weaknesses.

This shows that the opponent still has reason.

After hearing what Daro said, Miss Suzuki calmed down, but still looked at Izumi Ji on the field with a worried face.

"Sure enough, it's still..." Izumi Ji on the field turned around and looked at Izumi Reiken, his expression was cold, and people couldn't tell whether he was sad or happy.

Izumi Reiken didn't answer, but took a heavy step forward with his body.

The whole person turned into a white gust of wind and disappeared in the field.

[My Style·He]

In a flash, Izumi Reiken appeared in front of Izumi Ji, and then a cold light came as promised, aiming directly at Izumi Ji's throat.

The speed was not inferior to the sword-drawing slash that Izumi Nori had practiced for ten years.

After the slashing scene, Suzuki next to Darrow stood up from his chair.

Fortunately, the imagined scene did not appear.

The long sword with a cold glow stopped in front of Izumi Nori's neck, and it was only a centimeter away from cutting Izumi Nori's neck.

's throat.

"Brother, you've become so strong too!"

"But I haven't done nothing in the past few years."

Hequan Liqian said softly. His gentle tone seemed to eliminate the murderous aura in his body, and his scarlet pupils full of murderous intent also returned to their usual squinting eyes.

Hequan Ji was stunned for a moment after hearing what Hequan Liqian said, and squeezed out two words from the corner of his mouth with a complicated expression: "Really, that's good."

After saying that, Hequan Ji seemed to be relieved, and the momentum around him was removed. After putting the knife back into the sheath, he signaled to the referee on the side: "I admit defeat."

"Uh, okay." The referee on the side, like the audience in the audience, did not react to what happened at all. He just responded reflexively after hearing what Hequan Ji said.

"I declare that Hequan Ji will give up, and the winner..."

"Hequan Liqian!!!"

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