The enemy was in a hurry, and the enemy was in a hurry.

"We found the trace of the slave."

At ten o'clock in the morning, the No. 1 actor, Major General Matt, was already in place, and started his performance for the whole day with a line of speech without any acting skills, full of emotions.

"Where is it?" Bode asked excitedly.

When Bourdo and Queli heard the news about Rector, the joy on their faces was about to overflow.

They almost searched Lezibart in the past few days, but still couldn't find the guy.

As time went by, the hope of catching Rector became slimmer and slimmer.

They were even ready to end the mission and welcome the punishment of their master, the Celestial Dragon.

"Well... follow me." After saying that, Major General Matt walked in front and led the three people to the beach west of Lezibart.

Fifteen minutes later.

Major General Matt and the three people from the CP organization came to the beach.

"In the morning, Vice Admiral Garp was out on patrol when he found the figure of Rector."

"Moreover, it was discovered that Rector had a relationship with the Roger Pirates. It is even possible that the Roger Pirates came to Lezibart to meet Rector."

"Unfortunately, Vice Admiral Garp broke into the scene of their meeting, and Rector fled to Roger's pirate ship and was about to escape."

"After that, Vice Admiral Garp led the warship to chase out, and a battle broke out with the Roger Pirates on that small island." Matt pointed to an unknown island in the distance and said.

Looking in the direction of Major General Matt's finger, a pirate group was indeed docked near a small island, and a huge navy warship was chasing behind.

In fact, at this point, Major General Matt's role is over. The rest is just to be an extra and see how Bode and the other two react.

As expected by Darrow, after Bode and the other two looked at each other, they stepped heavily on the ground and flew into the air with the reaction force.

Bode and Budol both launched the Moon Step at the same time, while Quilly turned into an owl and flew straight to the direction of the island.

Seeing Bode and the other two flying towards the island, Major General Matt shrugged and even planned to go to the tavern for a drink.

There is nothing for him to do here, and the old drama Major General Matt has officially finished filming.

The perspective came to the direction of the island.

"Here we come!" Roger, Darrow, and Garp said one after another.

The three people's observation Haki almost sensed the approach of Bode and the other three at the same time.

It's just because Roger has the ability to listen to the voice of all things, and his observation Haki has the largest range, so he is the fastest. Darrow, who has the rare observation Haki ability, is second, and Garp is the last.

Careful Garp certainly noticed this detail and looked at Darrow deeply, but he didn't say anything. Now there are more important things to deal with.

"Let's start here too." Darrow clapped his hands and said when he saw that Bode and the other three were about to fly to the island.

Seeing that the audience was in place, the male protagonist Garp and the second male protagonist Roger were ready to start the second scene.

Because it was just to show that Garp and Roger were fighting each other, Darrow didn't plan to let the two really fight.

After all, if they really fought, Roger would be in trouble.

And Garp didn't want to do it either. He still had to help the navy. If he was really injured, going to the New World would not be of much use.

"Well... it should be this angle." Darrow walked behind a huge stone wall and said to Roger, "Captain Roger, let's cut at this angle."

"Ah, oh okay." Roger pulled out the Western knife in his hand and pretended to swing it.

"Wait, we just need to beat them back, don't really hurt them." Garp shouted to stop.

Although he didn't like the Celestial Dragons, and he didn't deal with the guys from the CP organization.

But as a member of the same camp, Garp didn't want to directly harm the lives of Bode and the other two.

"I think this way there won't be so many problems, and Rector will be safer." Darrow complained in his heart.

Darrow thought so in his heart, but he said, "Don't worry, and the three of them also have the ability to see and hear, so they should be able to avoid such a long distance."

"Yeah, that's right." Garp said.

"Then I'll do it." After Roger finished speaking, he raised the supreme sword Ace in his hand again, swung his right hand back, pulled the blade to the maximum extent, and swung it violently.

[God Avoidance]

The huge red and black flying slash bloomed, as if to

The light of the whole world was annihilated in it, and then this flying slash passed through the stone wall in front of Darrow, splitting it in half like cutting tofu.

Of course, it was not over yet. After passing through the stone wall, this flying slash flew straight to the direction of Bode and the other two. The flying slash was so big that it actually covered Bode and the other three.


Darrow was stunned. In his opinion, this was a completely different dimension of moves.

But what he didn't know was that this knife was actually a combination of multiple forces.

The entanglement of armed color and overlord color, the swordsmanship of the great swordsman level is indispensable. Only by integrating all of this can one become the top powerhouse on this sea.

"Is this an attack from the pirate named Roger?" The person who spoke was Bode. Although they were not in the same system, Bode knew more or less that Garp was not a swordsman.

Then this huge flying slash could only be sent by Roger who was fighting Garp.

"Dangerous breath!" Budor moved his nose and said.

"Hey, hey, hey, how could there be such a monster? Are we really going to that island?"

Quili was even more frightened. The flying slash that broke through the sky just brushed past her, and her wings almost disappeared directly.

Fortunately, the three of them were not hit by the flying slash, or it was impossible to hit them. As long as Roger didn't want to hit the three of them, he wouldn't hit them with his control of power.

"No, at least we have to go over and take a look, otherwise we don't know what the situation is." Bode thought for a while and said.

So, the three of them could only slow down their speed, and at the same time carefully pay attention to the direction of the island, flying over little by little.

"Roar, haven't you given up?" In the perception of the sight, Daro found that the three were still flying towards the island, raised his eyebrows and said.

"Then, Vice Admiral Garp, come here."


After saying that, Garp came to a small hill, found an angle, rolled up his sleeves and prepared to show his power. Obviously, he had just seen Roger's sword that shocked the world and made the ghosts cry, and he was secretly competing with him.

"As for the navy, we can't lose to pirates."

Before he finished speaking, Garp had already thrown his heavy punch. If Roger's sword was to split the world, then Garp's punch was like destroying the world.

With one punch, the hill in front of Garp, which was dozens of meters high, was completely razed to the ground, and countless sand and stones burst out and flew out of the island.

"Are the people on the island monsters?" Budor swallowed his saliva and said with difficulty.


"Get out of the way!" Bode pushed Quillie, who was still in a daze.

Seeing the huge rocks flying over, Bode and the other two could only use the Moon Step to change directions in the air to avoid them.

"Are you going to give up?"

Bode was a little shaken, but he remembered the cruel punishment of the Celestial Dragons after the mission failed, and he was determined to go to the island to take a look.

"Ah, I don't care, I want to go back. What's the point of us going to the two monsters on the island?"

Quili was about to collapse. In her opinion, if the three of them went up, they might be killed by the remaining power of the battle.

"No." Bode said firmly.

"If you want to go, go by yourself." Quili was a little angry. In her opinion, the fight between the two people was not something they could intervene in.

"Be careful, let's go over and see what's going on." Budor, who had been silent, eased the atmosphere.


The three of them repaired themselves again and continued to fly towards the island, with a sense of death.

"Still not giving up? Then we can only go for Plan B." Darrow sensed the position of the three people and found that the other party was still flying towards the island. What is Plan B? Plan B is to let Garp and Roger fight each other. Darrow believes that with the strength of these two people, no one can withstand the aftermath of the fight. "Brother Darrow, what will you do if it's Plan B?" Roger scratched his head and asked Darrow beside him. If both of them attacked with all their strength, Darrow would be the closest. "Well, no problem, and I also want to see how far I am from the top of this sea." Feeling Roger's concern, Darrow felt warm in his heart, but he still changed the subject and said to Roger. "Okay, then Brother Darrow, be careful." "It's coming!" Roger said and pulled out the knife again, gathering all his strength and swinging the knife heavily. Garp was no less impressive, attaching his Armament Haki to his right arm, turning his entire arm black as iron, and then gathering his fist at his waist and swinging it hard.

[God Evasion]

[Powerful Fist]

A fist and a sword collided.


They didn't even touch each other, but a huge impact broke out.

Immediately afterwards, the entire island shook, and the entire island, the outside of the island, and the air were all affected by the huge air wave.

Countless sand and stones on the island were running around on the island, and Da Luo was also swept away by the powerful shock wave. Fortunately, he was stopped by a huge rock and did not fly out.

But Da Luo was deeply trapped in the stone, and could only cross his hands to resist desperately.

This was not the most fatal thing. The most fatal thing was the amazing spirit in Roger's domineering color. In order not to be stunned by the domineering color, Da Luo mobilized all his mental power, but it was only enough to keep himself awake.

This was the case on the island, what about outside the island?

The air waves that erupted from the island were about to open up the sea and roll up huge waves. Near the west coast of Leizbart, near the island, the sea water was relatively shallow, and the sea water there was almost drained, exposing part of the seabed.

Even more outrageous was the sky above the island. The clouds above the entire island seemed to be crushed and cut into small pieces.

As for Bode and the other two, they were directly stunned by the aftermath of the collision. The three of them fell straight into the sea like mosquitoes that were knocked down.

"This is the battle between the strongest people in the sea!"

After the air waves dissipated, Darrow pulled himself out of the pit of the boulder, looked at the mess around him, and said with a wry smile.

Just resisting the pressure and impact generated by the confrontation between the two had consumed all of Darrow's physical strength.

At this moment, he felt like clothes just taken out of the washing machine, sore and twisted all over.

"Not bad! Darrow." Garp said with a smile when he saw that Darrow could actually stand up.

Darrow smiled and waved his hand, and used his observation Haki to sense again, saying: "The three of them should have fainted."


"This scene is over."

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