After explaining everything to Sonny, Darrow went back to the tavern. As for how much profit Sonny could bring to him in the end, Darrow did not force it. As long as Sonny obeyed and bet on the match between him and Izumi Riki, the final profit would definitely not be small. Whether the money won was much or little, the key was to look at the odds of Darrow and Izumi Riki. With high odds, the profit was naturally high, and with low odds, the profit was less. At the beginning, the odds of Darrow and Izumi Riki must have been very high because no one was optimistic. But as the number of matches increased, the strength of the two would definitely be seen by others, and the odds would definitely become lower at that time. But this is not something Darrow can control. The odds are all determined by the market. Instead of worrying about this, it is better to play every game well.

I have agreed with Sonny that I will go all in on his games. If I lose a game, the game will end directly, so I can only succeed in every game and not fail.

After returning to the tavern.

Darrow was driven to the living area on the second floor by Lu Jiu, saying that he should have a good rest and prepare for the game. Seeing that there were not many guests in the tavern in the morning, Darrow agreed.

The time came to 2:30 in the afternoon. His game was at 3 pm. Seeing that the time was almost up, Darrow washed his face and went out.

Arriving at the entrance of the Niujiao qualifying competition, it was crowded with spectators and gamblers, who came to cheer for their favorite or betted players.

Suddenly, Darrow saw a fat figure surging in the crowd like a cod. It was not Sonny. Who else?

Sonny also saw Darrow and made an OK gesture to him, indicating that he had placed the bet according to Darrow's instructions and everything was fine.

Seeing Sonny's gesture, Darrow felt relieved and slowly entered the venue with the crowd.

Entering the Bull Horn Arena, Darrow was still shocked by the huge spectacle.

The venue was already full before the game started. Now it was only the qualifying round. If it was the regular season, I'm afraid even the aisles would be crowded with people.

It is said that 4 hours before the game started, the 30 private rooms, 1,000 seated tickets, and 2,000 standing tickets in the duel venue were sold out.

There were even some spectators outside the venue cheering for their players. The square area where the Bull Horn Arena was located was bustling with people.

The style of the entire arena is a bit like a bullring, surrounded by audience seats and a vast competition area in the middle.

The audience seats were divided into different areas. It was said that the price of a standing ticket was 899, and the price of a seated ticket ranged from 1299 to 3499 according to the location, while the starting price of the most expensive private room was 24999 Bailey.

It can be said that this bullhorn duel field is a huge money-making machine.

You think the ticket price is outrageous, right? But in fact, this is just the smallest part.

The income from various handicaps and the consumption of tourists from all sides that came with the qualifying matches are the real big part, otherwise the championship prize would not be an astonishing 200 million.

There is no way, the pirate world is like this, no event is more attractive than this bloody and hormone-filled battle.

At three o'clock, a voice came from the bullhorn-shaped speaker on the duel field: "The second game, venue No. 3, Nanfu, fight, Darrow!"

Darrow stood up after hearing the voice and slowly walked towards the players' preparation area.

In the preparation area, Darrow showed the staff the registration card he had received when he signed up, in order to prevent someone from maliciously replacing him for the huge profits in the casino.

After the staff confirmed the information, Darrow checked the two revolvers on his waist to confirm whether the bullets were loaded.

After the inspection was correct, Darrow walked directly from the preparation area to the entrance passage. After passing through the long entrance passage, Darrow stood in a corner of the No. 3 competition field.

It should be mentioned here that in fact, there was not only one match for Darrow at 3 pm, but four matches at the same time.

The four competition venues divided the duel field into four areas, each with two different players.

However, this was only the qualifying round. When the regular season came, only one match would be held at the same time.

After waiting for a while, a tall man wearing red boxing gloves and a golden helmet quickly arrived at the competition field and stood diagonally with Darrow.

It was Darrow's opponent in this match, Nanfu.

Nanfu was delighted to see that his opponent was only a teenager, "This kind of young boy is not wet behind the ears.

"You dare to participate in the competition? I'm afraid you will be scared to death by me later." Nanfu thought so in his heart and planned to do so. Before the game started, Nanfu slapped his chest at Darrow and roared a few times, full of fighting spirit. Nanfu's actions made the audience in the audience cheer. They liked this kind of guy with impact and deterrence. Compared with Nanfu, Darrow was like a quail hiding in a corner of a birdcage. What Darrow didn't know was that almost at the same time, the number of bets on Nanfu's off-court handicap soared, and Darrow's odds also increased from 1.6 at the beginning to 1.9. This shows that no one is optimistic about Darrow's ability to win this game, but Darrow didn't know what happened off the court, but if he knew, Darrow might be very happy. These are all leeks delivered to the door. Suddenly, the referee on the court suddenly shouted loudly: "Five seconds countdown, get ready. "

Daro and Nanfu both restrained their expressions and stared at each other.

The last three seconds of the countdown were accompanied by three crisp opening bells.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

The game began.

Almost at the same time as the last bell rang, Nanfu instantly turned into a residual shadow and shot out.

"Knock him down!"

"Nanfu, tear him apart. "

Seeing the start of the game, the audience once again raised a huge wave of waves, and hysterical roars rose one after another.


Nanfu's flying figure made a sound of breaking through the air, and attacked Darrow like an arrow.

Even in the eyes of the audience, Nanfu only had a residual image left on the field, and his figure could not be captured at all.

But such speed was not enough in Darrow's eyes. Darrow did not even open his dead eye. Based on his own reaction, Darrow moved a step to the left and avoided the attack.

Just a little difference, a thousand miles away.

At the same time, Darrow raised his right foot slightly, caught Nanfu's gap in the air, and hit Nanfu's stomach with a knee strike.

Poor Nanfu was hit hard before he landed. Darrow's knee strike was no joke. It was easy to break a tree in half with that force.

"Uh. "

Nanfu was kicked right in the face and screamed in pain. His eyes even bulged out like in the animation. Not long after, he fainted.

The audience and referee on the field had no idea what was going on. After a while, they finally reacted.

Nanfu lost.

Fortunately, the referee was quite professional. After seeing the situation on the field, he immediately rushed to Nanfu who was lying on the ground. After confirming that he had indeed lost his fighting ability, he announced loudly.

"The winner is Darrow!!!"

But the audience obviously had not accepted this fact. There was a burst of shouting and cursing in the audience.

"Fake cards, shady dealings!"

"Shit, you are shady dealings."

"Who knows what happened? You decided the winner in one second. Can you be more fake!"

"Give me back my money. Don't even think about taking my money like this." "

In the audience, the audience was already cursing, but Darrow turned a deaf ear and walked straight out of the competition area.

The noise here attracted the attention of the contestants in the other three competition areas, "We haven't even exchanged two punches yet, but yours is over?"

Darrow didn't have time to pay attention to them. What he wanted to know most at this moment was: how much money did he make?

After leaving the competition area, Darrow did not leave directly from the contestant channel, but walked towards the audience.

Seemingly knowing that Darrow was looking for him, Sonnyruo came to the aisle of the audience closest to the contestant channel after seeing Darrow finish the game.

It just so happened that Darrow ran into Sonnyruo just after coming down from the contestant channel. Without any nonsense, he started with a question: "How much did we make in this game?"

Sonnyruo calculated the odds, which were actually very easy to calculate. Ten million in principal and 1.9 odds, that is to say, Darrow made money in the first game alone.

"Nine million."

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