The boat was in the water, and the boat was in the water.

"Look, there's a strange boat coming over there."

"Why doesn't that boat use jet shells to drive it?" The residents of Bicardi were amazed and talked about it after seeing the wooden sailboat that was completely different from the shell boats of Sky Island.

And Gwent was not wrong. The residents in the war period were quite sensitive. They would automatically attribute all suspicious things to the enemy's war behavior.

"That group of despicable Shandia people are coming. Go report to Lord Yunguan!" The middle-aged man wearing a brown felt coat and goggles, with two small wings behind him, shouted loudly.

Under the instigation of the man, the tough Bika residents came up with spears, staring at Darrow and his men on the deck.

"Well, this is the same treatment again." Darrow scratched his head and said helplessly, as if he was beaten up as soon as he landed on the Drum Island before, and this time it seemed to be even worse.

"Darrow, what should we do?" Xiong looked at the group of unfriendly Bika residents on the shore with a worried face. As far as they could remember, they had never encountered such hostile people.

"Haha, it's normal that they don't welcome us. After all, we are pirates." Darrow adjusted his cowboy hat and laughed, then led everyone to jump off the deck.

"We are Qinghai people who arrived at Sky Island on the upwelling current, not Shandia people. We just accidentally broke into here." Darrow walked to the front of the crowd and said loudly, trying to appease the restless crowd.

But things did not go as planned...

"Don't believe them, they must be sent by the despicable Shandia people to infiltrate our Bika and cause trouble..."

The residents of Bika did not accept Daro's explanation. They surrounded them one by one, as if they wanted to capture them and sacrifice them to their true god, Itzamna, who represented the sky and gave them fertile land.

"Lord Yunguan is here! Everyone make way!" Just when the atmosphere was tense and a hot war was about to break out at any time, a shout suddenly came from the crowd.

Then, a bald man wearing gorgeous clothes, with strange patterns tattooed on his face and a sturdy appearance, walked through the crowd and walked step by step to Daro and his friends.

"Outsider, please prove your identity!"

The man called Yunguan was not friendly. He held a spear tied with various strange shellfish to give Daro a final warning. At the tip of the spear, the blue cold air continued to condense from a shell covered with snowflake patterns.

Due to the special environment of Sky Island, there are many strange creatures here, and the most magical among them are the various shells on the island. They have a very wide range of uses. They can not only be used in daily life, but also as weapons in battle.

Among the shells of Sky Island, there are also some extremely rare and special existences, some of which surpass the power of other ordinary shells, such as the repelling shell that almost killed Enelu in the original work...

The Yunguan in front of him, the spear in his hand is made of another powerful [Frost Shell] that is equally powerful as the repelling shell, which can generate a continuous low-temperature cold air and can easily freeze everything touched by the cold air into ice.

"Hey, hey, hey, this is not fun."

Looking at the constantly condensing cold air, Daro's eyes also turned cold. Although the opponent's strength is not worth mentioning, if it is not handled well, it is easy to push the people of the entire Bika Island to the opposite side of him.

"Neyoufa, after so many years, you are just saying hello to an old friend?"

Just as Darrow's right hand reached for the revolver on his waist and wanted to shoot down the opponent's spear, Gwent, who had been hiding behind Haredas, suddenly stood up and walked to the front.

"Who are you and how do you know my name?" Neyoufa did not put down the spear in his hand, but turned the spear head and looked at the woman in front of him with suspicion.

Gwent did not answer, and took off the glasses on her face with her right hand, and at the same time tied the long hair draped over her shoulders into a ponytail and tied it behind her head.

All of a sudden, the intellectual and gentle Gwent changed her style and became a capable and dashing female man.

"...! Gwent!"

Neyoufa really recognized the old acquaintance in front of her and was quite surprised, but there was no joy of reunion in her words, only astonishment.

"You dare to come back!" Neyoufa looked at her childhood playmate in front of her, her face

said with a complicated expression.

As the person who personally participated in the great change nine years ago, he knew very well what impact Gwent's return would have on the situation of Bika Island, especially in such a sensitive situation.

"If I don't come back, that crazy woman Iht will take you to fight to the death with the Shandians. It is said that even the war mobilization is ready now..." Gwent put his glasses back on his nose and said with a wry smile.

"Ahem, I need to interrogate them alone. Unrelated residents please leave quickly." Seeing that Gwent was about to insult the Earth Prophet they admired in public, Neyoufa quickly stopped him and then quickly dispersed the surrounding Bika residents.

After the crowd completely dispersed, Neyoufa looked around to make sure that there was no one around, and then he said to Gwent again: "This is not a place to talk, you follow me."

Under Neyoufa's leadership, Daro and his group finally stepped into the interior of Bika Island. Although Neyoufa tried his best to take them on some narrow paths, many residents of the Sky Island still noticed Daro and his group of Qinghai people who suddenly appeared.

"It seems that we can't hide it anymore. The Earth Prophet will soon know the news, and may even know that you are back." Neyoufa looked at the Bika residents around who were pointing at Daro and his group, and said with a headache.

"I came back, but I didn't think I could hide it from Iht. With her proficiency in the heart network, as long as I appear in her perception range, she will definitely notice it." Gwent responded with a gentle smile.

"Then you dare to come back!" Neyoufa was a little crazy, but he didn't dare to get angry in front of everyone. He just suppressed his voice and roared in a low voice like thunder.

"I must organize Iht, otherwise too many innocent people will die for her selfish interests."


On the other hand, Daro did not care about the conversation between the two. At this time, all his attention was on this magnificent and fantastic Bika City.

As an island without a land foundation, the entire Bika City floats on the buoyant clouds, like a three-layer cream cake. Various fantastic eggshell buildings are decorated on the clouds like strawberries and icing on the cake.

"Wow, it's so beautiful there! I wonder who can live there!" Aisha, who was curious about everything, pointed to the series of magnificent palaces on the top floor and exclaimed, and her eyes turned into stars.

"Don't be presumptuous, that is the residence of the gods. Only the great true god Ra and the prophet who can hear the oracle can live there." Neyufa looked at Aisha who was pointing at the temple and spoke rudely, and immediately scolded her.

As long as they are Bikan people, no one can accept that someone dares to offend the only god they believe in, Itzamna. The prophet in the residence of God can sense every person who offends God through the heart network, and issue an oracle to punish those who blaspheme God.

"Neyufa, the so-called God is simply fabricated by that woman Ihet. I have been a prophet for so many years, and I have never heard of the so-called oracle. All this is just the conspiracy of that woman." Gwent frowned and said to Neyufa on the side.

"Gwent, you are really crazy. You dare to betray God..." Neyufa shook his head and looked at Gwent in front of him with disbelief.

How can he believe it. Gwent, who was once the only two prophets of Bikan, and the sky prophet, would actually betray the true God they believed in since childhood.

Nine years ago, in the last battle with the Shandians, she directly stood against Bikka and let the defeated Shandians run away, causing the other side to retain a large number of manpower.

Just when Neyufa and Gwent were about to perform a debate between theism and atheism in front of Daro, a modern man, Aisha suddenly raised her index finger to everyone and made a gesture of silence.

"Hush, someone is spying on us in that palace."

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