The old man was very happy.

! ! !

"Can you communicate with that rabbit?" Daro tilted his head and looked at Elsa, saying in disbelief.

"What rabbit? It has its own name, Latibe." Elsa rolled her eyes and explained:

"Didn't I tell you that I have the basic ability of the three-eyed tribe [knowing], and I have my own third eye ability [linking]. If the two abilities work together, I can read the thoughts of animals and communicate with them subconsciously."

What a perverted three-eyed tribe!

Although he already had a high opinion of the ability of the three-eyed tribe, Daro was still shocked by Elsa's words.

No wonder this race was exterminated. Its various abilities are no less than those of the red-eye disease next door, not to mention the basic ability to read historical texts.

"But it's good this way. If we can get this rabbit on board, Elsa will have a certain degree of safety. Apart from anything else, with the current combat power of this Labang leader, he can still walk sideways in the first half of the Grand Line." Daro touched his chin and thought secretly.

"Elsa, let the rabbit Labati get on board."

Daro waved his hand and asked Rekt and the others to return to the Mermaid Anthem together with the Labang.

After everyone was together, Daro directly activated his ability, generated a compressed cyclone to lift the ship into the air, and flew back to the anchorage along the air pipeline.


"What? Let this rabbit sail with us?"

Rekt pointed at Labati, who was frantically eating carrots, and said in surprise.

Sophia was also surprised. After all, she had worked hard to become a "reserve crew member" in the group a few days ago, and now a rabbit was able to board the ship so smoothly?

Sophia felt that she was being targeted.

"Yeah." Darrow nodded and slowly explained:

"Belati's combat power is quite good, and he listens to Elsa very much. He can be used as a supplement to Elsa's combat power."

Darrow did this after careful consideration-

La Beti has Armament Haki, and Elsa herself has a perception ability similar to Observation Haki. With the combination of the two, La Beti will become a "strong rabbit" who has both Armament Haki and Observation Haki.

People who master two kinds of domineering are not only few in the first half of the Grand Line, but also good players in the New World.

More importantly, with Labetti, the bear can be freed and does not have to follow behind Elsa to protect her. The bear has been training hard for so long, and he has to face some battles alone, otherwise how can his strength be improved.

The addition of Labetti can directly free up two combat forces, which can be said to be of great significance.

"Elsa, ask it if it is willing to go with us." Darrow asked Elsa who was feeding it madly with carrots.

"It said that it needs to be fed..."

Late at night.

In order to celebrate Labetti's boarding, the Darrow Pirates held a grand banquet.

"I say, why do you have to?" Elsa raised her wine glass and looked at the rabbit and the man who were lifting weights crazily in front of her speechlessly.

"I don't want to lose to a rabbit." Recte said with gritted teeth while lifting the super heavy barbell specially made by Darrow with compression ability.

On the other side.

The muscular mad rabbit who turned into the King of Rolls was doing squats crazily with two-ton weights in his hands, and occasionally he would stick his head out to take a bite of the barbecue handed to him by Bear.

"Daro, don't you care about them?" The funny scene in front of him made Sophia laugh. She covered her mouth and squinted at Daro and asked.

"Isn't this good?"

Daro put down the wine glass, stretched his body, and urged Rekt: "Rekt, you have to practice well. Now Elsa has La Beti as a bodyguard, and her strength should not be underestimated. Don't let the time come when you can't even beat the intern Bear and become the bottom of the team."

"Absolutely... not...!" Rekt said word by word with his veins exposed.

Elsa was also very happy today. She finally wouldn't drag the team down anymore.

In order to please her new bodyguard, Elsa happily took a small stool and sat next to La Beti, holding the barbecue in front of La Beti with one hand, so that he could take a bite while squatting.

The joyful banquet lasted until late at night.

Xiong and Sophia, who were not good at drinking, were already drunk at this time, and Izumi Liqian, who strictly followed the health regimen, was even more

They went to bed early. After helping Xiong and Sophia back to their rooms, Daro returned to the captain's room to rest.

Only Elsa and La Beti, one rabbit each, were left on the ship to keep watch.

It was three o'clock in the night.

The Mermaid Anthem, anchored in the harbor, swayed slightly with the waves. Elsa, lying on the deck, rested her head on La Beti's rabbit ears, feeling the soft touch of the other's fur.

Suddenly, La Beti suddenly sat up from the deck and jumped like a zombie in front of the pile of carrots that had not been cleaned up yet.

"La Beti? Are you not full yet?" Elsa asked gently with narrowed eyes, while feeding carrots one by one to La Beti's mouth.

La Beti's eating speed was quite fast. After a while, dozens of carrots were consumed. Even the snacks left by Izumi Liqian were fed into La Beti's stomach by Elsa.

"Wait a minute, I'll go see if there's any other food." Elsa ran into the kitchen and brought out some vegetables and fruits. In the process, she was tripped by Darrow's backpack because she didn't run steadily.

"Cough, rumble, rumble."

A dragon fruit with patterns slipped out from the gap in the backpack, rolled several meters on the deck, and rolled all the way to the pile of fruits and vegetables that Elsa used to feed La Beti.


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