From this day on, Rogge no longer participated in the training of the elite camp. Other students thought that Rogge had graduated and became a naval officer.

Most of them envied Rogge. Even Porusalino and Sakaski were a little envious because they also wanted to graduate from here early. Their strength had already been achieved, but those who came here The training has not been completed. If they cannot complete it and leave in advance by then, they will have to wait until the time is up and be kicked out of the elite camp.

In terms of strength, the two of them are definitely far superior to Rogge, but in terms of practice, they are obviously still behind Rogge, not to mention that they are not just practicing physical skills, but they actually have a lot to learn.

Look at the lieutenant generals who will appear in the future.

You will know that everyone has one sword and two swords on his waist.

Even for the three generals, Kizaru has the Amancongyun Sword, Aokiji has the Ice Saber, and Akainu gave up because of the will of his own fruit.

In Zefa's memories in the movie version, Akainu actually carries a sword on his back.

It is not difficult to see that there are actually a lot of things they have to learn in the elite camp, and even marksmanship is a must.


It's just that they didn't expect that Rogge had left the elite camp before he had finished learning all this. It was impossible not to envy him. However, they also knew very well about Rogge's strength. Rogge's own swordsmanship was already very strong. They were ahead of them in terms of physical skills, and they also came in with military ranks. Their starting point was higher than them, so they could only grit their teeth and speed up their training.

However, they didn't know that Rogge did not leave the elite camp. Instead, he was taken away from the training ground of the elite camp by Zefa alone and came to the north of the island, above the snow-capped mountains. Here, Rogge would conduct a new round of training. practice.

Zefa is a very powerful teacher. Rogge believes that Zefa's understanding of Haki is far superior to Luffy's master Rayleigh. Just look at the students Zefa has taught. One person can teach half of the navy. The teaching ability of a general with the above-mentioned officers is definitely far better than that of a half-assed Rayleigh.

The first thing Rogge has to learn is the Haki of knowledge. Rogg knows about the Haki of knowledge through comics and animations. However, there are actually different types of Haki. The first time it appeared was on the Sky Island, and it was called the heart by Eniro and others. Gang, can predict the enemy's movements in advance and make the next decision.

There are also two enhanced versions of Shintsuna on Sky Island. One is Eniru, who can expand the range by combining it with the Thunder Fruit. Through the power of electromagnetism, he can hear the voices of everyone on the two islands. Anyone who dares to say bad things about him can Everyone will be heard by him and he will strike from a distance.

The other type is the Sandians. The little girl Aisha is born with the domineering power of seeing and hearing, and can hear the heartbeat. As long as a person's voice disappears, it means that person is dead, and the range is also very wide..

As for people who are born with the domineering power of knowledge and color, Rogge knows of three people. One is Aisha who was not yet born on Sky Island, one is Princess Otohime who is still alive, and the other one is not yet dominating the sea. Pirate King Gol Roger.

One is to hear the heartbeat, one is to hear the voice of the heart, and the other is to hear the voices of all things. They are all unique abilities of seeing, hearing, and color domineering.

Why is it said that Kirby cannot compete with the three of them? In fact, it is simple. Kirby awakened in the war at the top, just like the domineering Usopp who awakened in Dressrosa. Although the two of them did not go through Once you practice, you will be able to see and hear domineering energy, but compared with what you are born with, there is still a small gap.

Moreover, the two have different abilities. Kirby can hear other people's voices, which is no different from ordinary Haki. Usopp can see people at a farther distance, even if he has no vision. It can also be seen, which is equivalent to the perception of a sniper.

In addition to these, Luffy's emotions are clear and he can sense the goodwill of the people around him. In his sleep state, he can clearly feel that animals bring him food.

Fujitora has the ability to see and hear emotions. His eyes cannot see everything around him. However, he can know the emotions of the people around him through the perception of hegemony, whether they are crying or happy. Through perception, he can know a person's mood. Silhouette, he can still fight even without his eyes.

In addition to these cognizant colors, Katakuri's over-cultivation has caused his cognizant colors to predict the short future. This ability is even more terrifying. As long as he stays calm, he can already be further ahead of the enemy, and also Because of this ability, Katakuri never fails.

There are so many classifications for just one type of Haki. Rogge doesn’t even know what will happen to his own Haki. However, he has not actively awakened it, and it is obviously nothing special. Perhaps he can only continue to cultivate it through practice. Strengthen yourself.

Zefa showed no mercy to his training, and the methods he used were even more extreme than Rayleigh's. As the day passed, Rogge was covered in injuries, and he almost couldn't hold on anymore.

This also let him know how powerful the purple-haired man in front of him was. The general is the highest combat power of the world government, and is the powerful presence of the navy that deters the sea.

If it hadn't been for family issues, Zefa would be active in the new world now, and his opponents would be strong men like Whitebeard, Golden Lion, Kaido and Charlotte Lingling.

"Get up, eat, get some rest, and continue tomorrow. Zefa put a large piece of meat in front of Rogge. Rogge was in so much pain that he couldn't even speak. He could only reach out and grab the piece of meat with difficulty.

Zefa dropped the meat and left, leaving Rogge was alone in the snow, and the only thing that could bring him warmth was the flame that had just been used for the barbecue.

Swallowing the meat in big mouthfuls, Rogge's body was recovering quickly. This was because he had practiced controlling cells. Just like Luffy's teeth grow after drinking milk, Rogge's body wounds are gradually reduced after eating meat. The nutrients in the meat are converted by him and are quickly repairing various injured places in the body.

But. This little meat was not enough, so Rogge looked towards the coniferous forest behind him. There was a pair of eyes staring at him.

Rogge took out a black cloth to cover his eyes and walked in with a knife. In the coniferous forest

, Zefa looked at Rogge's behavior with a twitching expression.

"Be ruthless, even if you are ruthless to the enemy, if you are still ruthless to yourself, if he doesn't die, his future achievements will not be lower than mine."Zefa murmured.

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