Ares was thus caught between Whitebeard and a golden lion, like three good brothers hooking up.

Go further and further.

Walk in the direction of Skeleton Castle.

In town.

A group of pirates looked at each other, as if they saw something incredible.

Wait until they go far.

A lively discussion and exclamation erupted.

"Who is that guy, and how does his relationship with Whitebeard and Golden Lion look like a good brother??"

"Hey, that kid from Ares is too strong, right? Even Whitebeard's punch only helped him sober up?!

"Whitebeard's punch, but few guys can follow, how can that kid be like a nobody?"

"That guy is a newcomer who just joined the Rocks Pirates a few days ago, and he is also the official crew of Captain Rocks, and he is a mess!!"

"Newcomer?! Such a fierce newcomer?! "


Countless people looked at Ares' back with envious eyes, and the official crew of the Rocks Pirates was not treated normally.

And he is also a guy who is so valued by Whitebeard and Golden Lion.

The future is promising!

"No matter what, the old lady is going to get that guy!" Charlotte Lingling's eyes are filled with the conviction that it is inevitable.

But at this time, the golden lion and whitebeard were there, and she couldn't help those two guys.

And the cadres of the Rocks Pirates are also there.

She looked down at the long bread at her feet, licked her lips excitedly and asked, "Long bread, is there any way to get that kid from Ares to join my team?" "

Those big eyes with hot desire are ten or a hundred times stronger than seeing delicious food!

Familiar with Lingling's long bread, he naturally knew what it meant, and cold sweat appeared on his sideburns, and said: "That guy is a little strong, and even a punch from Whitebeard just helped him sober up."

"And that kid's growth rate is so amazing that I want him to join our team."

"It's only for his dream, didn't you know from the villagers before, this kid has a bit of a mental problem."

"Obsessed with making ourselves a famous knife, maybe we can start with this."

The strength of this kid Ares has improved too fast, and I am afraid that in three or five years, he will become the leader of the Rocks Pirate team.

Very scary.

At that time, Ares was just an adult.

The growth space and potential of such a monster are too huge, and they will even become legends like Captain Lokes.


Charlotte Lingling looked excited, lowered her head, her pupils contracted, stared at the long bread like a devil and said: "Think of a way, make sure that Ares guy belongs to me!" Today

, she saw another different state of Ares, and the reddened and hot arm made her can't help but think of something that can be freely expanded and expanded.

Being watched by Charlotte Lingling's extremely terrifying gaze, Chang Bread's face suddenly broke out in cold sweat, and his voice trembled and replied: "I know..."

That feeling was like being taken away by Lingling's soul and life.

A shudder from the soul.

It wasn't until Lingling withdrew her gaze and raised her head that the sense of fear disappeared, making Chang Ban couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief in her heart.

Raised his hand and wiped his sweat.

Following Lingling, he left here.

And in the distance, Kaido's heart once again suffered a heavy blow, and his firm belief couldn't help but begin to shake and swing in his heart.

His heart fell into a kind of confusion: "Ares, how could it suddenly become so strong, Whitebeard's punch turned out to be just to help this guy sober up."

"Is his talent really the same as Lingling, which is the envy of others?"

Lingling's talent has reached a point where no one else can match, and her terrifying body is simply unmatched, as well as despair!!

He has followed the Rocks Pirates through many operations, but no one has been able to break through the defenses of Lingling's body yet.

Kaido gloomy face and turned away.

He knew he had to train every minute and every second!

Make yourself stronger in order to catch up with Ares, or even catch up with the other party, and completely regain your lost face!

When he walked out of the hundred meters alone and dully, a man who was tall enough to be about the same as Kaido blocked him.

Charlotte Lingling looked at Kaido with a confused look in her eyes and said: "You want to become stronger, as long as you satisfy me first, I will let people help you become stronger!"

"Otherwise, you'll never catch up with that Ares guy!"

It's really burning with desire, so Lingling can't bear it, since she can't find Ares, then she can only find the guy Kaido.

Hearing Lingling's words, Kaido's face darkened, he had also tried to combine with Lingling before.

But I found out later.

This guy is a somewhat picky "prostitute", in layman's terms, "bus".

Even at that time, Lingling still had children in her belly.

It's just that unlike others, Lingling's body size is too big, so she can't see the slightest pregnancy.

Since then, he has reduced his dealings with Lingling, which makes him feel sick.

Kaido fell silent.

The other party is the captain of the Rocks Pirates, and his strength far exceeds his own.


Or agree, let your strength grow rapidly?


On the other side, Whitebeard and Golden Lion turned on the mode of spraying each other.

It simply refreshed Ares' three views.

Why are these two guys still on a pirate ship?

Will there be a day when conflict really breaks out and it starts?

All these years, he lived alone, and he did not understand why these two people could stay on the same ship well.

At this time.

Ares stopped thinking about this question, but asked towards the golden lion: "Shiki, you said before to tell me what armed color domineering is."

"Can you tell me now?"

His words also suddenly made the golden lion and the whitebeard who were arguing stop tacitly.

Golden Lion Shiji spoke: "This armed color domineering is a use of physical strength, and the effect is even much better than armor. "

It can also evolve into an attack method, and it is also a "natural" devil fruit ability that can be touched!"

"You can think of it as a special energy that is hidden in the body and needs to be used with special skill."

"And the two most common uses of armed color domineering are hardening and outgoing!"

He seemed to remember something, and hurriedly said: "By the way, I told you before."

"Using armed color domineering can allow a swordsman to temper his own sword into a black knife!"

After listening to the words of the golden lion, Ares's mind was full of many questions, or he asked first: "Black knife?!"

"I've only heard of the Supreme Knife, the Mega Knife and the Good Knife, and I haven't heard of what a black knife is."

"What kind of knife is the black knife?"

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