The next morning, when Noah picked up the thunderstorm around him and walked downstairs. Later, Reilly realized that Noah actually brought two knives with him when he went out this time.

"Aren't you claiming to be a first-class swordsman? Why did you go out with two knives this time, and what you are holding in your hand seems to be a demon knife?"

Looking at Reilly, who was busy in the kitchen, Noah replied helplessly.

"I can't help it, when a stinky and shameless guy came to visit me, he actually took what I gave her as a gift in return. For this kind of stinky and shameless iron rooster behavior, a generous young man like me must resolutely resist it. So I decided that when I went to the East China Sea this time, I would give this gift to his father again. "


Reilly was stunned for a moment, and in an instant, he realized who the stinky and shameless guy Noah was talking about. Noah's alliance with Dorag is no secret on the Roger Pirates. In the breakout battle of the original upwelling current, Reilly, who was blocking the Sengoku in front, already knew the alliance between Dorag and Noah.

"You want to get this knife into Karp's hands, what a genius idea, guess if that old guy will beat you all over the head with this knife. "

Reilly scoffed at Noah's rhetoric. He knew that going to the East China Sea this time would inevitably intersect with Karp, and although he didn't understand why Roger would entrust his son to Karp at that time, this did not prevent him from understanding Karp's character.

But Noah's gift, which is full of provocations, will definitely teach Karp a hard lesson.

"It's okay, if I want to run, he won't be able to catch it. "

Noah raised an eyebrow and finished the breakfast on the plate in three or two bites. Carrying the thunderstorm, he walked out the door.

Although today's battle was not very fierce, it was indeed huge.

According to Xia Qi's information, which had hurried back the night before, at this moment, there were more than a thousand pirate hunters eyeing the Chambord Islands.

"Remember to buy turnips and tofu when you come back. "

"Shut up, old Reilly. "

Noah turned around and gave a middle finger to the grinning Reilly, then turned around and walked towards the West Coast with his knife in full view.

And behind him, there will be more and more people. Finally, when Noah arrived on the west coast, the 1 kilometer around Noah was already densely packed with pirate hunters with weapons and greedy smiles at Noah.

"You people hurry up for me, I have limited time, just this once, and I won't wait for it to be outdated. "

Noah turned his head and looked around at the group of pirate hunters who were surrounding Noah but didn't dare to approach in the slightest. A trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, and he said in a rather impatient tone.

"Let's go up together, kill Edward Noah, and divide the prize equally!"

There was more and more commotion in the surrounding crowd, but no one had the courage to take the first step, and finally, under the bewitchment of the unknown voice in the crowd, with a loud roar, everyone rushed towards Noah one after another.

"A rabble. "

Noah sneered at the group of pirate hunters who rushed over like they were in a hurry, and there were very few of them who could even be armed. At this level, I dare to try to get a piece of the pie here.

"Confluence, Great Thunder Ring"

Noah held the thunderstorm in both hands and looked at the hideous smiles on the faces of those who were getting closer and closer. Noah laughed softly, and above the thunderstorm in his hand, the electricity suddenly roared.

Noah held the knife in both hands, and the thunderstorm fell dark red and slowly circled around Noah. As the electricity on the blade suddenly exploded, the whole scene was instantly silent.

The huge blue sword qi slowly took shape in the circle of thunderstorm blades, and countless thunderbolts wrapped around this circle of huge sword qi, and with this slash around Noah, it suddenly shot out towards the surroundings, and the smiles on the faces of the thousands of pirate hunters around him changed from hideous to dull, and gradually became frightened.

A slash of this intensity was something they had never seen before. In their eyes. With the slash of being able to cut off a ship more than one person tall, it is already the top of this world, but today, under the temptation of two billion bounties, they are blinded by greed, and finally on the west coast of the Chambord Islands, they have seen the top combat power on this sea.

But this event was destined to cost them their lives.

After a long time, as the sword qi slowly dissipated, the people standing on the field, except for Noah, who was standing in the sea of corpses and blood, were only a few reporters in the distance.

"It's boring and bloody, not at all like my style. "

Looking at the messy sand, already stained red with blood, Noah pursed his lips in disgust. This kind of mere killing has never been to his liking. But now, in order to implement the plan smoothly in the future, Noah also has to endure nausea to complete this boring killing.

"That's it, but I think I'll get a lot closer after that. "

Noah put the knife into the sheath, and glanced at the two reporters in the distance who were recording the video with the phone bug, and then ignored the two scared little reporters, Noah walked straight out of the west coast and walked slowly towards the market.

"Reilly, that old fellow, told me to buy something. "

Halfway down the road, Noah suddenly stopped and scratched his head in distress.

He found that he had suddenly forgotten what the hell Reilly had asked him to buy.

"Turnips and ...... Beans?"

Noah, who was thinking about it for a long time, suddenly felt that something was wrong, and if he hadn't bought it back, Reilly's current damage to people would be no less than his own.

"Hell, what's it about? soybeans, mung beans, beans, bean sprouts?"

In this empty tree-lined path, Noah, who had just completed the killing of a thousand people, did not have the consciousness of a master at all, and was covering his head here, thinking about the task that Reilly had assigned before.

"It's radish and tofu. "

A calm and dignified voice came slowly from behind Noah. With the sound of wooden sticks tapping on the ground, a slightly strong body stood behind Noah.

"yes, it's these two. Thank you...... Is that you?"

Hearing this voice, it dawned on him that when Noah was about to turn around and thank him, he suddenly found that the person standing behind him at the moment was a guy he was very familiar with.

The purple kimono is blind, and the wooden stick in his hand is very similar to the Izumi in Noah's hand, both of which are long knives with no accessories, like a wooden stick.

The person standing behind Noah at this moment is the new admiral who was recruited by the naval world after the top war - Fuji Tiger.

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