Karp, who was outside the delivery room, was anxious, standing anxiously in the courtyard.

Even when Dorag was born, he had never been so nervous. The child in front of him not only bears the only bloodline of his old friend. Or Karp's heart for the future of the Navy.

Listening to the screams in the delivery room gradually subsided, Karp's heart also sank suddenly. Both he and Lu Jiu knew very well in their hearts that when the child was born was when Lu Jiu died. But when it really came to this moment, Karp's heart also showed a little reluctance.

The woman in the delivery room is indeed a little charming, this kind of responsibility, this kind of determination, even among men, is very rare. And in the face of Lu Jiu, who died for the sake of the child. At this moment, Karp was standing outside the delivery room, but he could only be anxious in vain, and he couldn't help anything.

I don't know how long it took, but a loud baby cry sounded, announcing the complete end of this life and death. Karp anxiously rushed into the delivery room, looked at Lu Jiu lying on the bed with a pale face, and then looked at the crying baby in Lu Jiu's arms, and had mixed feelings for a while. I don't even know what to say.

"Mr. Karp, according to Roger's instructions, this child will be bothered for you to take care of in the future. "

At this moment, the pale Lu Jiu was lying on the bed, with a smile on his face after relief, for this child, Lu Jiu spent all his energy. Finally today, she lived up to expectations and gave birth to this Roger's only bloodline.

"Lu Jiu ......"

Karp snorted, seeing Lu Jiu's expression at the moment. Seeing the relief of Lu Jiu and the pale powerlessness of life about to run out. Even a man like Karp, who is accustomed to seeing life and death, can't help but burst into two tears in his eyes at this moment.

"Roger said no? This kid ...... What's it called?"

Karp's lips opened and closed a few times, and in vain he found that everything he said at this moment was so inappropriate, and in desperation, he could only pretend that nothing had happened, and ask Lu Jiu for the child's name.

"Ace, Roger said, if it's a boy, call him Ace. "

Lu Jiu smiled slightly, looking at Ace's eyes full of love, but Karp's heart was even more colic when he saw this scene.

This mother and son are about to be separated forever.

"Mr. Karp, little Ace, I will thank you for your great attention in the future, and judging by the strength of this child now, he will definitely be as great a man as his father in the future. "

Lu Jiu smiled as if she didn't particularly care about her life that was about to reach the end, and now Lu Jiu's eyes were full of Ace's figure, which was a mother's nostalgia for her son at the last moment of her life, which was what a mother missed, and the greatest expectation for her son.

"Don't worry, I'll raise this kid to be the best navy ever. "

Whispering that he rarely assures others, but it seems that this life has fallen into the hands of Roger's family, and in just two years, he has made two most cherished promises to Roger's family.

"That's amazing, so I'm relieved......"

Lu Jiu said with a smile, and in the end, Lu Jiu's voice gradually deepened. And the hand that caressed Ace's face slowly drooped weakly.

This great woman, the woman who helped One Piece continue her bloodline, finally died without any worries after giving birth to his most cherished son today.


A thousand words only turned into this helpless sigh. Karp walked to the front of the hospital bed, reached out and picked up Ace, who was still crying, and looked down at Lu Jiu, whose smile was fixed on his face. Karp resolutely turned his head and walked out of the room with Ace in his arms.

According to Lu Jiu's last please. He will be buried with Roger in a place where no one can find him, and watch Ace grow up quietly in the sky.

"These two people are really not worry-free. "

Karp said as if complaining, looking down at Ace, who had fallen asleep in his arms, but the corners of his mouth hooked up a kind smile.

The headquarters of the Navy, which has been renovated and has been renovated in Marin.

Sengoku, who had just been appointed as the new marshal, sat behind his desk, looking at the report in his hand, his eyes cloudy.

This report came from the East China Sea, and although it seemed to be a trivial continuation of Karp's report, it smelled something unusual in it with the wisdom of Sengoku.

"Are you saying that Lieutenant General Karp is going to take another three months off because he is sick?"

Sengoku raised his head and looked at the signal corps in front of him with a scrutinizing eye. After a long time, he asked slowly.

"Yes...... Yes, that's what Mr. Karp said in the phone bug. "

Where the Sengoku could not be seen, the backs of the communications soldiers were already soaked with sweat. Karp's laughter is still hearty in the phone bug, and that loud voice can live for another hundred and eighty years.

But there was no way, since Karp, as a naval hero, had already said that he was very sick and wanted to take another three months of leave, then as an insignificant communications soldier, he could only stubbornly hand over this leave report dictated by Karp and copied by him to Sengoku.

"This old fellow...... What the hell are you trying to do?"

Sengoku's forehead is bruised, he naturally knows that he is sick, he is definitely talking nonsense with his eyes open, as an old comrade-in-arms who has fought together on the battlefield since he was young, and shares honor and disgrace, Sengoku knows better than anyone what Karp's physical condition is.

If this old guy could get sick, he would have to take three months off, and an old bone like himself would have gone to the grave a long time ago.

"You go first, call back Lieutenant General Karp, I approved this report. "

The words spoken by the Warring States made the communication soldiers like they were amnesty, these two old-timers fought here, and he was caught in the middle of a small communication soldier who had just joined the army, which was really uncomfortable.

And when the signal soldier turned around and wiped a handful of sweat imperceptibly, he was about to walk out of the office when he heard the voice of the Warring States behind him.

"Wait, tell Lieutenant General Karp in the phone bug that three months is the deadline, and if he dares to be sick for one more day, I will rush to the East China Sea to visit him personally. "

The eerie words of the Warring States and the things revealed in them made the communication soldiers dare not think about it, and after a hurried salute, the communication soldiers ran to the phone bug. The words of the Marshal of the Warring States were conveyed to Lieutenant General Karp as they were.

After hanging up the phone bug, the communications soldier was really relieved and sat down on the chair.

"It really is. Even if you go to the battlefield, it's much better than being a microphone in the middle. "

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