"A knife is a good knife, but a person is almost a problem. "

Noah looked at the famous knife with a dark red blade that was pulled out by Hiryu. I can't help but be amazed.

As one of the most famous swordsmen in this world, Noah naturally saw that this famous sword thunderstorm also belonged to the sequence of demon swords to some extent. The dark red color on the blade seemed to have been formed by absorbing blood over time.

"This knife is suitable for the battlefield, not for the prison. Especially if it falls into your hands, this demon knife will become a torture tool for torturing and killing criminals. "

Noah sighed slightly, his words full of regret, for the demon knife, especially this blood-sucking demon knife, the most suitable place for him should be at the forefront of naval battles, rather than living in this deep sea prison, with a murderous caretaker.

"If you say this love, Noah will follow me, the caretaker will follow me, the guard, to enjoy the wailing of those prisoners in this prison. "

Xiliu, who pulled out the thunderstorm, seemed to be like a fierce beast that had been released from the cage, and the whole person's temperament suddenly became fierce. And after Noah felt this temperament, he couldn't help frowning slightly, and when Noah saw Xiliu licking the blade with a happy face, Noah knew that Xiliu in front of him could no longer be regarded as a swordsman.

A person whose mind has been affected by the demon knife can only be said to be the efforts of the demon knife, and he has no idea of his own. Such a person will not have such advanced swordsmanship.

The demon knife is certainly strong, but for users who can't control the demon knife, this strength is tantamount to a talisman on his swordsman's path

"It's a pity, I thought I would have met one or two worthy opponents in this dark prison, but it seems that I was wrong. "

Noah shook his head regretfully. Ignoring the blood-lost expression on the face of Xiliu on the opposite side, he casually pulled out the underworld, under the cover of armed color. On the blade of the outworld, a thin layer of dark red was attached.

Looking at Xiliu on the opposite side, Noah pointed to the ground on tiptoe, and the whole person appeared on the top of Xiliu's head, and as the body turned, the Izumi in Noah's hand slashed down on the top of Xiliu's head. A sharp slash comes first. Hit the demon knife thunderstorm that can block the top of the new building.

As Hiryu's blade collided with the slash, Noah's Escape Body in his hand slashed through a small arc, and the tip of the knife picked up Hiryu's wrist. In the midst of Hiryu's cry of pain, the blade swam up with Hiryu's arm, and in an instant, it stabbed into Hiryu's chest.

Looking at Xiliu's shocked expression, Noah sighed slightly. Although Xiliu is nominally a swordsman, but in fact, his swordsmanship is ordinary, and the power comes from the special ability of the demon knife thunderstorm itself, and with the encounter with a powerful swordsman like himself, the ability of the demon knife is limited to the minimum, and the shortcomings of Xiliu's body are infinitely magnified.

There is a strange ability that invades people's minds on the demon knife. It's no stranger to Noah like this, and the Enma in the hands of Mitsuki Yutian was the best of them. So when Noah's Ark, he limited the power of the demon knife with just a trivial slash, and the moment his blade touched Xiliu's wrist, the victory was already easily decided.

Watching the thunderstorm in Xiliu's hand fall to the ground. Noah drew his knife and brought out a puddle of blood. The advancing city in front of him immediately fell to the ground with his palm. Noah pursed his lips, ignoring the incredulous gaze of Hiryu who was lying on the ground twitching, and knelt down to pick up the thunderstorm that had fallen on the ground.

Feeling the strange ability on the thunderstorm, he was carefully touching his fingertips, Noah smiled slightly, the thunder flashed on his fingers, and the power in the thunderstorm shrank in the blade. Don't dare to be presumptuous anymore.

Noah is accustomed to this situation, after all, I don't know how many times the battle between himself and Enma has occurred since he was a child, and he has very rich experience in dealing with this kind of demon sword Noah.

"It's boring, who's next? It can't be the unknown creature that doesn't know where it came from, right?"

Noah found it very boring, this prison escape operation was neither vigorous nor vigorous, everything was as plain as the glass of boiled water drunk in the morning. Now Noah is already looking forward to someone who can fight a little bit, such as the one before, and I don't know what kind of creature is good.

"You're arrogant, Edward Noah. "

As Noah walked out of the showroom, a deep voice filled with anger rang out behind Noah.

"Yo, isn't this the masked man?"

Noah looked back in surprise to find Ember wearing a bird's beak mask standing behind Noah in flames. It looked like he had been here a long time ago, and it was very likely that he had stood here and watched the battle between himself and Hiryu quietly, not even a duel.

"Let me do the math since we first went to prison, we don't seem to have seen each other before, masked man? really, although I fell you at the time, there is no need to be so afraid of me, I am a very talkative person. "

Noah waved his hand, with a generous look on his face, seeing that the anger in Ash's heart was almost uncontrollable, since he was thrown to the ground in public by Noah, who was handcuffed by Hailou Stone, Ember felt that he had never suffered such a great humiliation in his life.

As the Emperor of the Earth in this prison in the Advancing City, a character who can manipulate everyone's life and death in this encounter, was slapped in the face by a criminal in front of everyone, and when he woke up in the middle of the night every day when he remembered this scene, the anger in his heart couldn't be suppressed.

But Ember also knew that the person in front of him was not something he could dispose of wantonly, whether it was the identity of this person or his fruit ability, the Navy and the World Government would not allow him to die in the prison of Advance City for no apparent reason, and Ember was also keenly aware that in this person's body, there was an aura that made him tremble.

That fear seemed to come from the deepest part of his body, so much so that when his ankle was grabbed by the man, Ember felt an uncontrollable tremor all over his body, so much so that he lost such a big face at that time.


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