The Great Ghost Taoist smiled slightly, and understood Chongya's intention. He immediately sat down and concentrated on performing the forbidden time and space technique!

"Is it starting now?"

Ling Bai was alone in the empty environment, and he didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

Anyway, he just got a large amount of holy wine, just in time to drink it.

However, let's taste the new things first.

"Ding--Transformation completed, get a pot of Lingyu brand wine, holy product, fully master the ninety-nine of the way of breaking · Five Dragons Transformation! Five Dragons Transformation Understanding MAX! Can break the abandoned chant, the subsequent chant, and the double chant! If poured on a person, it can make him learn the Five Dragons Transformation!"

"Ding--Transformation completed, get a pot of Lingyu brand wine, holy product, fully master the ninety-nine of the way of binding · Forbidden! Fully master the ninety-nine of the way of binding · Second Ban · 卍Forbidden! Can break the abandoned chant, the subsequent chant, and the double chant! If poured on a person, it can make him learn the forbidden!"

Accompanied by the system prompt sound, Ling Bai had two more pots of wine in his hand.

Without any hesitation, drink directly!

At the moment when the wine entered his throat, Ling Bai's eyes bulged, and his eyes flashed!

"It's indeed five flavors intertwined together!" He shouted excitedly in his heart!

If his mouth was not used for drinking, Ling Bai really wanted to yell and vent his feelings.

The two pots of wine were drunk unconsciously, and Ling Bai's expression was still in a trance.

Although it is still a holy product, there is no doubt that it is the first taste below the Taoist product, which is endless aftertaste!

After a while, Ling Bai came back to his senses and sighed:

"It's a pity that I have to stay here for a month. I guess I will consume a lot of inventory."

Just as he thought so, suddenly, Ling Bai looked at the surroundings strangely.

The clouds floated very fast, the light was sometimes bright and sometimes dim, and even the weeds under him were growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Everything around him seemed to be speeding up, but he didn't change at all, and he was out of tune with the surroundings.

"What the hell?"

Ling Bai slapped his face, thinking that he was drunk.

But soon, he reacted and understood what happened.

Since drinking the Soul King Divine Power Wine, his realm has surpassed the Death God by several dimensions. Even if it is a forbidden time and space technique, as long as it is still in the Ghost Path, it cannot affect him.

In other words, the flow of time in this world has become faster, but he is the only one who maintains the same normal flow of time as the Soul Society.

"What a pity, the opportunity to drink for a lazy month is gone..."

Ling Bai held his cheek with his hand and quickly took out the wine to drink.

An hour passed in a blink of an eye, and the flow of time returned to normal.

The Great Ghost Taoist and Chongya re-entered this world, looking at the surrounding area where the weeds were obviously taller, and then looking at Ling Bai, who was drooping his eyelids and almost merged with the weeds, they were secretly happy.

"It seems that he gave up a long time ago!"

"After all, the difficulty is not low, it is reasonable that he didn't learn it!"

The weeds are lush, and there is no trace of spiritual pressure around, which means that Ling Bai has never practiced it at all.

And looking at this dying look, it is estimated that this month has not been good.

"Chongya's three seats are all for sharpening the character of the younger generation!"

"Yes, Taoist Dagui has taken so much trouble!"

The two of them boasted to each other and felt extremely comfortable.

And Ling Bai slowly raised his head, stared at the two, and said: "You are back?"

Taoist Dagui looked at Ling Bai and did not continue to tease.

Although he punished Ling Bai a little, he would not really care about Ling Bai given his status.

"Today's class ends here! Why don't you thank Taoist Dagui!" Chongya raised his head and said.

"Oh oh oh... Thank you..."

Ling Bai was floating all over, and didn't listen to what Chongya said at all, just saying thank you.

"You're welcome! Lingbai, you are very talented and diligent!" Taoist Dagui admonished.

After that, Chongya exchanged a few words with Taoist Dagui and left with Lingbai.

The students had been waiting at the entrance for a long time, standing in groups of three or two, and were still discussing excitedly.

"I am definitely a genius in Kidō! One of the Binding Techniques: Sei, isn't that amazing!"

"Oh my god, you learned it in such a short time? I can't even chant the Abandonment yet!"

"It's a pity that the time is too short. If I hadn't been allowed, I would have learned more!"

Renji was bragging to Kira, full of energy.

On the side, Hinamori Momo was also very happy, saying, "The Kidō teachers said that I have a talent for Kidō, and that I should be a fire-type Zanpakutō in the future. This has given me a direction!"

"Huh? Really?"

"I don't have any clues yet?"

Renji and Kira said in distress.

Although the Asauchi is already in hand, the Shikai is still a long way off.

But the next thing made them even more distressed.

Because Renji is the class monitor, Okiya handed Lingbai to Renji.

"No, no, no! I don't want to take care of drunkards! "Lianci refused on the spot.

He wanted to find Rukia to share today's harvest in the evening. If he took care of the drunkard, wouldn't he have to stay in the dormitory?

But Chongya didn't give him a chance to refuse. He half persuaded and half ordered, and then solemnly placed Ling Bai on his shoulder.

"It's so heavy! ! ! "

When Lianci and Kira took turns carrying Ling Bai back to the student dormitory, they felt that their waists were about to break.

"Are you going to find Rukia today?" Kira asked weakly, lying on the bed.

"No! I just want to rest now!" Lianci said with despair.

But at this moment, Hinamori Momo appeared outside the boys' dormitory and shouted inside:

"Renji! Kira! Come out! Rukia is going to become a noble and may drop out of school!"

"What? Rukia is going to become a noble?"

Renji and Kira jumped up immediately.

Chapter 43 Kuchiki Ginling (Please give me flowers!)

Hinamori Momo's words were like a heavy punch in the heads of the two people, leaving Renji and Kira unable to recover for a while.

The two looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

"Renji, if I remember correctly, you and Rukia were born in Rukongai 78th District, Indori, and grew up together?" Kira asked in surprise.

"Ah... yes...".

Renji's head was also confused at this time.

He really couldn't figure out why Rukia was suddenly related to the nobles.

At this time, a hand was placed on Renji's shoulder.

"If you want to see it, go and see it..."


Renji said solemnly, looking at Kira with gratitude.

But the next moment, he suddenly glared, because the voice did not belong to Kirara.

"Hey, hey, hey! Are you awake? Not drunk?!"

Kirara frowned and his eyes widened.


Ling Bai took back the hand on Renji's shoulder, pointed at himself, and said proudly, "I have been drinking since I was a child. How could I be drunk after a hundred years of drinking!"

After that, Ling Bai stood up shakily as if to prove something.

But before he could stand firmly, he suddenly stumbled, and Ling Bai's body tilted and fell heavily on Renji.


Renji caught Ling Bai, but found that this guy was very heavy. He couldn't help but support his waist, feeling a little overwhelmed.

"Hehe, I'm not old, but my waist is not good..."

Ling Bai grabbed a few times with his hands, but still couldn't stand up with the help. The whole person was like a puddle of mud, and he completely collapsed on Renji.

And hearing this ridicule, the two boys' lungs were about to explode!

"If we hadn't dragged you, a drunkard, back to the dormitory, would we have been so tired?" Kira yelled.

"Get up quickly, my waist is not working!"

Just as the three of them were pushing each other, Hinamori Momo's voice appeared again.

"Hey!!! Renji, Kira! Can you hear me?"

The urging voice made Renji anxious, and he tried his best to push Ling Bai away and leave.

But he suddenly found that this drunkard was so strong that he couldn't push him away!

"Damn it!"

Renji was very worried that someone would pretend to be a noble to deceive Rukia.

But on the one hand, he was a childhood friend, and on the other hand, he was asked to take care of Ling Bai by Chongya, so he seemed to be unable to do anything at this time!

"We can only carry him together!"

Kira made a very immature suggestion, but Renji showed an expression of sudden enlightenment.

He put Ling Bai on his shoulder with force, stood up stubbornly, gritted his teeth and ran out!

"Hurry up!"

Hinamori Momo was also stunned when she saw Renji carrying Ling Bai on his back, but time was tight and she couldn't care so much.

The three ran all the way from the boys' dormitory to the girls' dormitory.

Although they were called dormitories, they were actually Japanese-style wooden houses. However, the accommodation conditions of Class B were still worse than those of Class A.

At this time, outside Rukia's residence, the Shinigami wearing death suits and noble patterns stood in a neat row, not allowing other students to approach.

Although many students looked at her, they kept a considerable distance due to the noble pomp.

"I didn't expect Rukia to be related to the Kuchiki family?"

"Hey, the children of the nobles like to play with some girls in Rukongai, and abandon them when they get tired of them!"

"But the captain of the Sixth Division, Byakuya Kuchiki, is inside. I'm so beautiful, why doesn't he like me?"

The girls had all kinds of thoughts, including jealousy, envy, curiosity, and sarcastic remarks.

"This way!"

Hinamori Momo asked Renji and Kira to follow her.

Several people circled the house and sneaked into it through a window, while someone seemed to be talking on the other side, which could be vaguely heard through the wall.

Making a gesture to keep quiet, Renji, Kira and Hinamori Momo carefully hid behind a sliding door, trying to listen more carefully.

But suddenly, the conversation stopped.


The sliding door was pulled open, and Kuchiki Byakuya stood upright, looking at the little ghosts with a disdainful look.

"Qianxingquan! What a noble!"

Renji looked at the decoration on Byakuya's head and couldn't help but widen his eyes!

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