The Seven Warlords of the Sea were also injured. Fortunately, in order to avoid the explosion, Akainu tried his best to transform into an element, and instead helped the Seven Warlords of the Sea below to block most of the damage. Although all the Seven Warlords of the Sea were injured, none of them were as serious as Akainu.

"Damn O'Hara, you actually hurt me, this is absolutely unforgivable." As the only Shichibukai, the Empress was almost disfigured, so she was naturally even more angry.

"O'Hara is so scary. I almost let him turn the tables if I wasn't careful."Doflamingo said with lingering fear.

"Hehehe, luckily the power this time is not as strong as last time, otherwise we would all be dead, even if we don’t die, we would be seriously injured. But I just saw O’Hara fall into the sea over there. He is a devil fruit user, shouldn’t we save him?"Moria also said, he actually still cares about Liu Qian and wants Jinbei to save him

"You guys go check on Akainu, I'll go rescue O'Hara."Sure enough, Jinbei lived up to everyone's expectations and took the job of saving people.

When Liu Qian woke up, it was already three days later. He was tied up with seastone chains on a navy warship.

Liu Qian, who had just woken up, looked around and confirmed that this was Akainu's ship. He was now trapped in the cell of the warship. The person guarding him was actually Akainu himself.

Akainu was injured and fainted three days ago. Fortunately, he had a military doctor with him. Under the treatment of the military doctor, he woke up that night. Then, despite the military doctor's obstruction, he insisted on going to the cell to guard O'Hara in person.

Because this was the first person who could hurt him so badly since he got the natural magma fruit. If Liu Qian hadn't been physically exhausted and the power of his skills had been reduced, he might have died by now.

And Liu Qian's performance in the desperate situation really amazed everyone. In that situation, he was able to turn the tide and almost let him escape, which was really unexpected. So he really didn't trust others to guard this peerless villain

"You're awake, O'Hara." Akainu did not mock Liu Qian, but said calmly:

"I'm surprised you didn't kill me."Liu Qian said

"I said I would send you to Impel Down, and I will keep my word."Akainu replied

"Whatever."Liu Qian said indifferently. He didn't expect that he had vowed to Golden Lion that he would never be captured and taken to the city, but now he was slapped in the face.

It's not that he didn't want to escape, but his physical strength has not recovered. He forcedly compressed the nuclear force to release the"mushroom egg" and then forced to escape at 20 times the speed of sound. As a result, his already injured body was further injured, and the internal injuries of his body were so serious that he had difficulty speaking now.

"Where are my companions?" Liu Qian asked

"They escaped. Your last attack was really powerful. We were all injured, and I was the most seriously injured. In order not to delay my treatment, they gave up chasing your companions."Akainu replied

"That's good." Now Liu Qian's only worry was whether Tuanzi could survive.

Time passed quickly, and after the trial on the Judicial Island, Liu Qian was imprisoned on the sixth floor of Impel Down.

At this time, a new storm arose on the sea.

Admiral Sora was officially promoted to the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces. Admiral Sengoku succeeded Sora as the admiral of the navy.

Sakaski, Borsalino, and Kuzan were officially promoted to admirals of the headquarters of the navy, becoming the highest combat power of the headquarters of the navy, and also the most powerful admiral of the headquarters in the history of the navy. The three are codenamed: Akainu, Kizaru, and Aokiji.

Finally, it's about the O'Hara Pirates in the West Sea.

Captain O'Hara defeated the legendary pirate Golden Lion in a duel with Golden Lion. He also fought a fierce battle with the Seven Warlords of the Sea led by Akainu.

Because the battle with Golden Lion consumed too much physical energy, O'Hara severely injured Akainu and the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Wu Hai fled, but he was caught by the navy after falling into the sea due to exhaustion. He has been imprisoned on the sixth floor of Impel Down.

Every piece of news that spread to the sea would cause huge waves, especially the last one, that the Golden Lion actually ran to the West Sea and had a conflict with O'Hara. In the end, he was defeated head-on by O'Hara in a duel between the two, and then O'Hara was also captured by the navy. Although Akainu, the former vice admiral and current admiral of the navy who had dealt a heavy blow to him before the capture, was eventually sent to Impel Down by the navy!

I don't know how many people on the sea feel sorry for this. A rising star of the pirates, a top powerhouse who may be on par with the Four Emperors in the future, just withdrew from sailing on the sea.

But the sea is like this, there are always newcomers laughing, and there are always old people crying. Losers will not attract too much attention. No matter how great he was before Powerful.

Impel Down is known as the world's number one prison.

It is located in the doldrums in the front half of the Grand Line and has extremely tight security.

The prison holds all the serious criminals.

It is very eerie and scary inside, with all kinds of monster jailers and videophone bugs for surveillance.

There are a large number of large sea kings on the seabed outside the prison, giving Impel Down the reputation of being an"iron wall".

There are a total of 6 floors.

The sixth floor is the Infinite Hell, and those who go in are extraordinary people.

They are either sentenced to death or life imprisonment.

The criminals imprisoned there are all monster pirates who have been wiped out from history because of their viciousness.

The prisoners on this floor are all nearly legendary figures, and their end is either the death penalty or life imprisonment.

Because the prisoners on this floor have committed many evil deeds, some of the incidents that were beyond the level of cruelty were covered up by the government, and even deliberately concealed in the newspapers.

And Liu Qian was imprisoned in The sixth floor of Impel Down! That's right, he has been locked up in Impel Down for more than a year! His injuries had all healed a year ago, and it was a blessing in disguise. After two fierce battles, he broke through the bottleneck again. Now he is at the peak of gold strength and the combat power of a top general.

But he is not ready to leave. More than a year ago, Moria used the power of the fruit to sneak in and find him. After Robin and the others learned that he was captured in Impel Down, they wanted to rescue him.

But he asked Moria to send a letter to Robin and the others, asking them to concentrate on practicing in the small garden, and he would plan a big thing in Impel Down, and then find them after success.

The so-called thieves are not free, and pirates are also thieves! Impel Down is also a city. When thieves enter the city, how can they go out empty-handed? He wants to recruit a few helpers in Impel Down, and then go to the fourth and fifth floors to subdue a group of men as his capital for the future battle of the Grand Line.

The first person he fell in love with was Douglas, the descendant of the devil!

Douglas, once an apprentice crew member of the Pirate King Roger, was able to tie with Roger's deputy Pluto Rayleigh when he was in his 20s. He is a superhuman fusion fruit ability user.

Because he was exhausted from carrying the Demon Slayer Order, he was captured by Garp. He always wanted to do something big that could surpass Roger to prove that he was stronger than Roger.

The other one was the warden of Impel Down, Rain Shiryu! This was a great swordsman, whose strength might be only slightly lower than Hawkeye.

These two people were the purpose of his trip. In addition, a large number of pirates were imprisoned on the fourth and fifth floors of Impel Down, most of whom were bronze-level and black-iron-level core fighters, and some were silver-level. If he could recruit a group of them to enrich his pirate group, then his future expedition to the Grand Line would be much smoother.

In the past year, he seemed to be tied up tightly with seastone chains every day, with all his limbs locked to the wall with seastone chains, and the whole person was pulled into a big letter shape, and even a seastone collar was worn on his neck and waist, which was also locked to the wall. In this way, if he wanted to escape like the Golden Lion, he would have to chop off his head.

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