Liu Qian rubbed his forehead while thinking about how to make Big Mom believe that what he said was true.

Suddenly, Liu Qian slapped his thigh and said,"By the way, do you know the devil fruit weapon that is popular in the sea recently?"

"Oh, of course, my children gave me one, and I keep it as a pet. That little cutie is so charming."

Liu Qian really didn't know about this.

There was no information about the Big Mom Pirates entering or leaving Doflamingo's auction house.

I guess it was some unlucky noble who was patronized by them after bidding on a devil fruit weapon.

In addition to her love for sweets, Big Mom has another hobby, which is collecting all kinds of rare and exotic animals.

She collected all kinds of rare and exotic animals from all over the sea, and then through the ability of her son, Charlotte Mondor's Book-Book Fruit, she imprisoned all these rare and exotic animals in books as her collection.

If she encounters a"rare animal" that she particularly likes, such as Brook who has turned into a skeleton, she will treat Brook as a pet,���When she was in bed, she would hug him and sleep with him.

Her current pet is a three-eyed tiger-shaped cannon that ate the cat fruit.

Big Mom loves this new pet very much. She takes it out for a walk every day and hugs it to sleep at night.

Of course, Liu Qian is not interested in Big Mom's special hobby and does not comment on it.

"So, based on your rich experience, what exactly is this?"

"Well, I remember one time I wanted to give it a bath, so I put it in the bathtub, and it turned into a cannon and sank to the bottom of the water.

When I fished it out and wiped the water off, it turned back into a tiger.

I guess this must be a cannon that accidentally ate a devil fruit."

"Yes, this is indeed a cannon that has eaten a devil fruit, but this is not an accident, but a man-made thing. Otherwise, how could there be so many devil fruit weapons suddenly appearing on the sea?"

"Huh? Is it man-made? No wonder there are so many. I was wondering"

"This is the technology provided by Vegapunk, the technology to make objects eat devil fruits. Apart from him, I think no one else in this sea can do it."

"This only proves that his technology is indeed ahead of the present 500 years, but it does not prove that his medical level is also ahead of the present 500 years."

Well, I have to say that Big Mom, who did not go berserk, is indeed a very smart person.

This once again fully proves that those who can reach the top of the ocean definitely do not rely only on brute force.

"Hmm~, I wonder if you have heard of Germa 66?"

"Of course, I heard that they used to be the overlord of the North Sea.

Later, due to some reasons, they fell into decline and lost their hegemony in the North Sea.

They became the only member country without territory under the World Government.

However, what is the relationship between Germa 66 and Vegapunk?"

"Because the current king of Germa 66, Gashi, once worked with Vegapunk.

Later, their research was stopped by the World Government. Gashi returned to the North Sea with the technology he got from Vegapunk.

He used this technology to form an army that was not afraid of hardship, pain, or death, and was ready to revitalize the Germa 66 Kingdom and dominate the North Sea again. Do you know how those armies were formed?"

If Bigmom were on Blue Star, she would definitely be a qualified supporting actor. She cooperated and asked:"How was it formed?"

"They are artificial people made with bloodline factors. They can grow from babies to adults in a short time. These artificial people were kicked out of pain and perception when they were in the embryonic state, so they are not afraid of death or pain on the battlefield.

And as far as I know, such artificial people are just ordinary consumables.

Jiazhi also used bloodline factor technology to transform his children.

He eliminated the children's emotions as human beings and gave them superhuman physiques and superpowers similar to fruit abilities.

So when his children grew up, they also became the top combat power of Germa 66."

After listening to Liu Qian's words, Bigmom's eyes lit up, radiating a light called ambition.

He murmured in his mouth:"Well, Germa 66? They actually have such technology.

If I can get this technology, then the strength of the Bigmom Pirates will be greatly improved. At that time, see how arrogant the old man with white beard is, and that damn red hair."

Liu Qian thought: Well, it seems that no matter what, Germa 66 can't escape the fate of being targeted by Big Mom.

But this has nothing to do with him. A small Germa 66 can't affect the overall situation. As long as they don't cause trouble for him, he is not interested in them.

He knocked on the table in front of him, awakening Big Mom who was fantasizing.

"Lingling, these are not important. What is important is that the bloodline factor can eliminate many defects in human genes.

I have asked Vegapunk, and your bulimia is a kind of neurological defect.

The bloodline factor technology can help you cure this defect."

""Ah? What? O'Hara, what did you say?"

Bigmom was awakened from her fantasy by Liu Qian. She didn't hear clearly what Liu Qian said just now, so Liu Qian had to repeat it again.

This time Bigmom heard it clearly:"So, I need to undergo that blood factor modification operation?"

Liu Qian shook his head:"No, it's not necessary. I asked Vegapunk.

He said that although your bulimia is also caused by genetic defects.

But that's just because your body is too large, and the nervous system in your body is still the size of a normal person, which doesn't match your body size and can't completely control your body. That's why such defects are caused.

For such defects, you only need to use drugs to stimulate the continued growth of nerves that have not fully developed. When the nerves grow to fully fit your body, your bulimia can be completely cured."

Hearing that she could cure her bulimia again, Bigmom still asked in disbelief:"Ah? Is this true?"

It's not her fault for being suspicious, it's because she has been deceived too many times.

Liu Qian nodded heavily:"It's true. If you don't believe me, I can give you a copy of the historical text and a special medicine for curing cravings.

After you take the special medicine and are sure you are cured, you can give me a copy of the historical text.

Before that, we can get married. What do you think?"

Bigmom thought about it for a while and felt that there was really no loss in doing so, and it was indeed an opportunity to cure herself, so she finally nodded and agreed.

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