After entering the hall, Liu Qian looked around and ignored those ostrich-like underground kings. He also didn't look at the guests with flattering smiles on their faces.

He looked directly at the main seat in the hall.

A woman who looked like a meat mountain was also looking at him.

This woman who looked like a meat mountain was the king of this sea area, one of the five supreme beings in the sea: Big Mom.

In the sea, apart from the giants, there were not many humans as large as Big Mom, and there were even fewer women.

"Well, O'Hara, all my guests are here, and now you are the only one missing.

I almost thought you were going to stand me up again."

Big Mom didn't eat the food in front of her like usual today.

Instead, she pretended to be very elegant, sat in the main seat, and entertained the guests with a smile.

It's hard to imagine what kind of feeling a woman who looks like a mountain of meat and pretends to be elegant will bring to people.

It's a kind of extreme disgust, wanting to vomit but unable to vomit, challenging the limits of human psychology.

But in the hall���The guests seemed to be accustomed to this feeling.

They were still able to eat and drink happily.

It was probably because Big Mom's reputation was too great.

But when Liu Qian stepped into the hall and saw Big Mom for the first time, he almost turned back.

Fortunately, at the moment when he was about to turn his head, he overcame his psychological limit with great willpower.

Katakuri next to him noticed Liu Qian's unnaturalness.

But looking at his expressionless face, it was obvious that he was accustomed to it.

It only took a very short time for Liu Qian to adjust his mentality.

"Haha, Lingling, it's been a long time since we last met. I hope my lateness didn't keep you waiting too long."

"Well, it's been a while, O'Hara. But the tea party hasn't started yet, you're just in time."

"Really? That's great."

At the innermost part of the hall, there is a platform, and Big Mom is sitting in the center of the platform.

Next to Big Mom, there is a special seat that has been empty.

Obviously, that is reserved for Liu Qian.

This indicates that the two have the same status.

As the most powerful group of people on the sea, they are indeed qualified to be looked up to by everyone.

Apart from that, the rest of the seats are below the main seat. Even Katakuri is the same.

By the way, Katakuri is already number one on the Earth List.

After the ranking came out, he was very dissatisfied with being ranked on the Earth List. He was very dissatisfied with his second place on the Earth List.

After a battle, he defeated Doflamingo and became the number one on the Earth List.

And, after becoming the number one on the Earth List, he challenged Marco and Ace who were on the Heaven List.

Unfortunately, both challenges ended in failure.

But stimulated by the failure, Katakuri knew shame and courage, and after practicing harder, he finally broke through to the advanced level of gold not long ago.

This was mentioned by Liu Qian when he just saw Katakuri's I have already seen it when I saw it.

I think after this tea party, he will continue to challenge Marco and Ace.

After all, as the main force of the emperor-level pirate group, only Marco and Ace have made it to the Heavenly Ranking.

Katakuri, who has always been arrogant, will definitely be dissatisfied.

The most important guests have arrived, and the tea party can finally begin.

In the past tea parties, those guests presented some rare treasures to Bigmom, and then flattered Bigmom.

In the end, everyone ate and drank together, and by the way, talked with the kings in different fields about the possibility of cooperation.

This year, because of Liu Qian's arrival, the process of the tea party was different from the past.

Regarding the offering link, it was directly omitted.

Those who want to curry favor with Bigmom dare not approach the main seat at all.

They remembered that this person's record was the nemesis of the underground king.

It was too late to hide, so how dare he get close to it.

It can be seen that Liu Qian's power is also extraordinary.

Without the interruption of those people, Liu Qian can concentrate on negotiating with Bigmom

""Well, Lingling. Katakuri should have told you about the marriage between our two families, right?"

Bigmom was drinking coffee. After hearing Liu Qian's question, she put down the huge coffee bucket in her hand like a lady.

This action made Liu Qian feel nauseous again.

"Well, O'Hara, I heard about this from Katakuri.

But at that time, you were still the captain of the O'Hara Pirates, not the president of some messed-up government.

Now, your federal government is standing against us pirates.

Can our marriage continue?"

"Of course, why not? Although our federal government has been vigorously cracking down on pirates, it is only against those guys who infringe on our interests.

You should know that those rookie pirates, who have just arrived in the New World, think they are invincible, disobey discipline, and make trouble everywhere.

Such scumbags are like rats in the gutter, which greatly infringes on our interests. Severely cracking down on them does not mean anything.

Just like your Big Mom Pirates, aren't you also cracking down on pirates who invade the waters of the World?"

"Well, O'Hara, I admit that what you said makes sense. But if we get married, what benefits can I get?"

When Liu Qian heard this, he knew that the sex scene was coming.

The pirates' position and the like, for Big Mom, that's shit.

She always cares about her own interests.

As long as it can bring her enough benefits, let alone standing on the opposite side of the pirates, you can even ask her to kill all the pirates, she won't blink an eye.

In other words, she and the pirates are one, everyone is brothers and sisters, uh, brothers and sisters.

If you want her to stand with Liu Qian and deal with her pirate brothers, you have to pay more.

"Lingling, the benefits of marriage to both of us are obvious.

Apart from other things, the increasingly powerful Whitebeard Pirates and Red Hair Pirates are slowly encroaching on your territory.

This month alone, you have fought three battles for territory with Whitebeard and two with the Red Hair Pirates.

But according to the information I got, you have not won any of these five battles.

Even if it was the highest masterpiece of your Charlotte family, Katakuri himself, he could not gain the slightest advantage from Ace, the captain of Whitebeard's second division.

If you marry me, I dare not say anything else, but at least we can help you share the pressure from the Whitebeard Pirates."

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