Of course, there are things that are even more luxurious than this.

Since the mass production of artificial devil fruits, in addition to handing over the finished products to Doflamingo for sale every month, a portion is also intercepted by Liu Qian.

If you see a celestial dragon holding a dog with three tails and a mouth like a cannon on the street.

Then please do not doubt it, this dog must have eaten an artificial devil fruit, the animal-type. The cannon of the dog-dog fruit.

Yes, that's it.

Feed the animal-type devil fruit to objects, so that the objects have the ability of devil fruits and can even transform into animals.

This is the technology invented by Vegapunk.

The golden dragon behind Liu Qian's phantom beast came from this.

And now, this technology has been used by Liu Qian to make devil fruit weapons with artificial devil fruits.

Think about it, the one in his hand was originally a pet.

But when the owner is in danger, the pet suddenly turns into a pistol or a cannon and jumps into the owner's hand.

Then a burst of: biubiubiu, pangpangpang���Fire.

Kill the enemy.

After finishing, the guns in the hands continued to become pets, shaking their heads and tails at the owner.

This feeling is very cool.

How much does such a devil fruit weapon cost?

Ten billion, no bargaining.

Don't think it's expensive. Even so, there is still no market.

After each devil fruit item comes out, there will always be a lot of celestial dragons bidding.

After all, no one will dislike such things that can be used to show off and protect themselves.

When the celestial dragons were killed one after another, and even one of the five elders was killed.

The celestial dragons paid more attention to their own safety.

Therefore, they are more hungry for such devil fruit weapons that can automatically protect the master, and can also protect the master closely, and even when applauding for love, they don't have to be shy.

In addition to these, there are also Hai brand refrigerators, Lige brand air conditioners, American brand washing machines, etc.

As for these things, Liu Qian didn't know how Vegapunk made them.

Don't ask. The question is that these are the products of technology that is 500 years ahead of the world.

The increasing number of commercial products and the merchants who flocked to see the business opportunities forced the federal government to set up a new department of commerce.

The Minister of Commerce was the crystal man Morton who had advertised for Tianlong Shenbao.

And his wife was the former fish-man fortune teller, Mrs. Xia Li. Now the Deputy Minister of Commerce, let alone, the couple may have chosen the wrong career in the first half of their lives.

Since Liu Qian asked them to be responsible for all the industries of the federal government, they have managed the industries under the federal government in an orderly and prosperous manner.

And after becoming the Minister of Commerce, it was like a fish in water.

Another person who chose the wrong career was the Minister of Agriculture, Binzi, who really shouldn't have been a navy.

This person with the ability of lush fruits has made an immeasurable contribution to the agriculture of the entire O'Hara Sea.

Without agriculture, there is no stability, and without business, there is no wealth.

While the federal government is developing industry and commerce in full swing, agriculture is still the most concerned thing for the federal government.

The New World has never been a good place to develop agriculture.

Whether it is the geographical environment or the weather environment, it is extremely hostile to the ancient planting industry.

This has resulted in the food in the Ohara Sea area not being self-sufficient.

A large part of the food gap needs to be transported in from the outside through commercial trade.

But doing so is very risky. At least, after falling out with the World Government, it is easy to be strangled.

So in order to ensure that the civilians in the territory no longer suffer from hunger, Liu Qian personally named Binzi as the Minister of Agriculture.

For this reason, he also talked to Zefa specifically. Zefa was willing to let him go only after he explained it to him emotionally and rationally.

After all, Binzi and Ain have always been Zefa's favorites. After Zefa joined the federal government, he has always been Zefa's right-hand man.

Although Binzi had been transferred to help with agricultural planting before, it was all temporary secondment and usually returned to Zefa soon.

This time is different. Binzi is responsible for a department alone. If there are no special circumstances, Binzi is likely to not return to Zefa.

In the end, under Liu Qian's persuasion, Zefa agreed to Binzi as the Minister of Agriculture.

With Zefa's nod, Binz's own opinion is no longer important. Anyway, he will never go against the wishes of Teacher Z.

It is the bumper harvest of agriculture that has promoted the prosperity of industry and commerce.

The prosperity of industry and commerce has earned a lot of money for the federal government to feed back the entire O'Hara Sea.

This has formed a virtuous circle.

In the near future, this virtuous cycle will continue to be extended to the member states of the federal government.

People always say that they want to change the world.

How can we change the world?

This is to change the world.

At least, under the rule of the federal government, civilians have enough food and warm clothes, and no longer have to worry about pirates' looting, navy's oppression, and nobles' exploitation.

This is the result of Liu Qian's efforts. It is also the reason why the federal government can gain a foothold in the world in a short period of time.

Countries like Clara Island that have joined the federal government.

Because the laws of the federal government have been implemented, although it is still an independent kingdom in name, in fact, all internal ruling systems have been assimilated by the federal government.

After the federal government's ruling system was implemented, the people of the Kingdom of Clara no longer claimed to be from the Kingdom of Clara when they went out to sea.

When others asked them where they were from, they would usually proudly declare:���Someone from the federal government.

This is a change, a change that is subtle.

But no one has realized this change yet.

But one day, these changes will affect the entire sea.

But now, Liu Qian is not thinking about these.

After Morton left, he began to consider how to continue to expand the strength of the federal government.

He has been thinking about this issue since the signing of the peace agreement.

And Hailding's success has given him a way of thinking.

Now the federal government has the giants, the dwarfs, the fishmen and the angels.

The angels are the sky islanders.

In addition to these races, there is another race whose combat power also makes Liu Qian salivate.

It is the legendary walking island, Zou.

The hometown of the fur tribe is the furry principality built on Zou. It is rumored that this is a country built on the back of a colossus.

But Liu Qian knows that this is not a rumor, but a fact.

So after Hailding successfully crowned the Giant King and promised that the giants would serve in the federal government's army, Liu Qian set his sights on the fur tribe of Zou.

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