In the year 1521 of the Sea Circle Calendar

, the Kingdom of Elbaf welcomed their new king.

The coronation ceremony of the new king was held in the Giant Palace.

The square outside the palace gate had been renovated.

The giants who came to watch the ceremony surrounded the square.

They all came to admire the new legend of the giants, the only legend in the past seven hundred years who passed the challenge of the King's Road and ascended the throne: Hailding.

The happiest among them, of course, were Hailding's companions.

And the villagers in their village.

The village chief Herta was so happy at this time that he couldn't stop smiling.

The new Giant King came from their village.

Just this one thing made them feel extremely honored.

The palace hall.

It was the hall where Hailding fell asleep.

Hailding stood in front of the throne, leaning forward slightly, and the previous Giant King stood in front of him. He carefully took off the crown from his head and slowly put it on Hailding's head.

He took off the scepter from his waist and handed it to Hailding with both hands.

Hailding also took the scepter with both hands and raised it high above his head.

The Giant King turned around, faced all the giants and announced loudly:"From today on, Hailding is our new king."

Huge cheers rang out from the square.

"Giant King, Helding"

"Giant King, Helding"

""The Giant King, Helding"

Elbaf has a new king.

A young giant named Helding has passed the path of the giants, a path that no one has passed in seven hundred years, and has been crowned the new Giant King.

This news spread quickly across the sea like wings.

Elbaf is the world's most powerful country and has a pivotal position in the sea.

Every move affects the nerves of all parties.

"Hailding, this name is so familiar"

"I think he's a lieutenant general of the federal government."

"What? A lieutenant general of the federal government actually became the new king of Elbaf?"

"Could it be a duplicate name? Do you have a portrait of him?"

Of course not, but there is a photo of Khaldeen at his coronation.

"Oh my god, that's him. I've seen him in the Ohara Sea. He's one of the giant lieutenant generals of the federal government, the user of the Cold-cold fruit, the frost giant Helding."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere became silent.

Then, even louder voices rang out.

"Something big has happened. Something big is about to happen."

"Is the calm sea going to boil again?"

Since the Federal Government and the World Government signed a peace agreement, the situation on the sea has stabilized.

The two major governments, the Four Emperors Pirate Group, the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and other forces have barely reached a balance.

Although this balance is very fragile, it seems that it will fall with a slight blow.

But it does bring a hint of peace to the sea.

But with Helding becoming the new Giant King, this already fragile balance was broken in an instant.

People with insight immediately realized that a new storm was brewing.

But the strange thing is that both the World Government and the Federal Government have the same attitude towards this matter.

That is, they turn a blind eye, as if Helding becoming the new king of Elbaf is just a trivial matter and is not worth making a fuss about.

Oh, the Federal Government still made some small moves.

The Wind and Cloud List under the War Guild raised Helding's ranking on the Earth List to within the top 20. Apart from that, there were no other moves.

In such a weird atmosphere, the sea continued to maintain a false peace.

The Totland World Sea.

Big Mom was asking Homies to read today's newspaper for her.

When she heard that the federal government's giant Lieutenant General Hailding would become the new king of Elbaf, her eyes lit up instantly.

Her hands, which were eating, also stopped at this moment.

"Well, this kid O'Hara actually has this trick. It seems that I have to make a good deal with him."

Bigmom's idea is very simple. Hailding will become the new giant king, and Hailding is O'Hara's subordinate.

So, can she make the giants appear in her Ten Thousand Kingdoms by making a deal with O'Hara?

After all, the giants are the race she has always dreamed of. But although her idea is good, it is unknown whether Liu Qian will agree, unless she has a bargaining chip that Liu Qian has to agree to.

In addition to Bigmom, only the World Government has paid close attention to this matter.

Because to others, whether the giants join or not, the federal government is a behemoth that people can only look up to.

So whether the giants join the federal government has little impact on them. The only thing they worry about is that they are afraid that the two major governments will become enemies and start a war again, thus affecting the current peace.

But the World Government is different.

Like Bigmom, they have been coveting the combat power of the giants for a long time. In fact

, they coveted the giants earlier than Big Mom.

Although their outward attitude showed indifference to Helding's coronation as the Giant King.

But in fact, they still care about this matter very much.

It's like the goddess that you have been chasing for many years was suddenly abducted by a loser.

The feeling in your heart is really beyond words.

So, after getting the news, the four elders were furious again and again.

They even almost took their anger out on the giant vice admirals serving in the navy.

Fortunately, their reason finally prevailed, and they did not issue unwise orders.

But they also secretly warned Sengoku to beware of the giants in the navy.

In addition, in order to cope with the increasingly serious challenges of the federal government, the world government doubled the military spending for the navy on the original basis.

When Sengoku heard the news, he was dizzy.

Unexpectedly, Helding...���Becoming the Giant King, the one who finally benefited was Zhan Guo.

Of course, Zhan Guo also expressed great concern about the fact that the Giants were about to become the fighting force of the federal government, but when he thought about the increasing military expenditure, he felt that this was also a good thing.

The Island of Omniscience.

Liu Qian was talking on the phone with Hailding.

It was a video call.

"Hailding, well done.

Liu Qian never hesitates to praise his subordinates for their outstanding performance.

"It was all cultivated by the president."This is not Hailding flattering.

In fact, no giant has learned to flatter.

Hailding's current achievements are indeed inseparable from the cultivation of the federal government.

Let's not talk about anything else, just say Hailding's two-color domineering, the reason why it is so powerful is that it is the words and deeds of several demon generals.

Including Hailding's development of the"Spear of Elbaf", Liu Qian also made great efforts.

Not to mention, Liu Qian also gave Hailding a superhuman ice fruit, which made Hailding's strength even more powerful.

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