To be the base commander of a base, and the base commander of the CP organization training base, he must be quite capable.

After the scarred base commander gave the order, the CP members, who were originally confused and in a mess, immediately started to work in an orderly manner.

Of course, this is also due to the fact that these CP members have been trained for many years and have long been accustomed to it.

Soon, the members who went out to gather information came back.

Because they can fly, the information they have gathered is more comprehensive.

"Base commander, we avoided the invasion of the waves and flew all the way to the seaside. We found that this tsunami was not caused by natural causes."

Scarface frowned when he heard the news, and the scar on his face was also tightened, looking even more terrifying.

"It was not caused by natural factors? You mean, this tsunami was caused by humans?"

"No, it's not. Master, I saw many sea kings in the sea near the coast."

"Me too, base commander. I also saw a lot of sea kings, including a super giant sea king. They are making waves in the sea."

"Yes, I saw it too. Those waves all hit our training base. It was as if they wanted to use a tsunami to submerge our training base."

The fourth person also nodded.

"The sea kings, it was actually the sea kings that created this tsunami. Why did they do this?"

The base commander couldn't figure out how they had offended the sea kings to suffer such revenge.

His professional sense over the years still made him feel something was wrong.

He knew there must be a secret hidden in it that he didn't know.

But this didn't prevent him from feeling that this was very important information.

Therefore, the most urgent thing was to report this information to the World Government. However, due to the tsunami, all the Den Den Mushi had lost their effectiveness.

The Den Den Mushi couldn't be used, so Scarface had to let the four CP members who had just returned break out again and report this information to the World Government.

Although the four of them were people with flying abilities, it was still very dangerous to fly over the sea in such weather. It could be said that they were in danger of dying.

However, the four members agreed readily.

It wasn't that they were ready to die.

It was because after seeing the tsunami, they felt that staying on the island was a dead end.

Only by escaping from the island could they have a chance of survival.

After the four flew away, under the leadership of the base commander, everyone on the island began to save themselves.

They stored all the supplies on the highest mountain on the island.

And they used Many rafts were made from the trees on the mountain.

Everyone was praying that they could survive this disaster.

Unfortunately, they ignored the power of the tsunami.

In the face of a huge tsunami, mountains can collapse and the sea can split. It is not something that mere humans can resist.

Perhaps, if Aokiji were here, with his ability to use the ice fruit, he might be able to save the base.

After the tsunami, everything returned to calm.

However, there was one less island in the ocean.

The World Government lost a training base for the CP organization.

That's right, this large island, under the continuous attack of the tsunami, Finally, it was submerged in the waves.

Everything on the island sank into the sea as the island sank.

Things did not end here.

Of the four CP members who broke out, only one finally reached the holy land of Marijoa alive.

When he arrived at Marijoa, he was exhausted. Fortunately, he had documents proving his identity.

The CP members stationed in the holy land properly accommodated him.

After he woke up, he asked to see the four elders as soon as possible.

This was related to the training base of the CP organization, and such a major event immediately alarmed the four elders.


This guy who survived is called Russell.

He is an animal type, has the ability of the Bird-Bird Fruit, and can be a petrel.

A petrel is a seabird that can fight storms on the sea.

It is because of this characteristic that he is the only one of the four flight members who survived.

He is also the only lucky one who survived this tsunami.

"Get up. You said you have important intelligence that you need to tell us. What is it? Can you tell us now?"

"Sir, our base was hit by a tsunami. A very huge tsunami, the entire island was submerged by the tsunami. I may be the only one who came out alive."



"Flooded your training base?"

"Do you know what you are saying?"

"How could there be such a big tsunami in your place?"

"Yes, your training base is so close to the Red Earth Continent. If a tsunami that can submerge the island really occurs, it will definitely affect the Red Earth Continent."

"But until now, the Red Earth Continent has not been baptized by any tsunami."

Russell knew that no one would believe his words.

But the tsunami submerged the training base, which was not the point.

The point was:"The tsunami was launched by the sea kings."

After hearing what Russell said, the Four Elders were still a little unbelievable:"What did you say? The tsunami was launched by the sea kings?"

Russell nodded heavily and said:"Yes, Lord Four Elders. When I broke out, I did see the shadow of the sea kings.

There are so many sea kings, and there are super giant sea kings. They are densely surrounded on all sides of the island and launched this tsunami."

"Sea Kings?"

The four elders looked at each other and stopped talking.

One of the four elders waved his hand, and Russell tactfully withdrew.

"Minasan, doesn't this incident look like the masterpiece of the ancient weapon Poseidon?"

"So many sea kings acted at the same time, and only sea kings had the ability to do this. However, all the sea kings in the past were simple and kind-hearted, and had never done such a thing as flooding an island, so could this incident be just a coincidence?"

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. There may be other problems here."

"what is the problem?"

"It's not clear yet. Let's have someone check to see what's going on at the training base."

"That's it for now. We'll make a decision after we've investigated it thoroughly."

The Four Elders' orders were as strong as a mountain.

Naturally, someone under their command went to investigate.

Just as the Four Elders gave the order, a battle was going on on an island called Sara Island in the Grand Line. Or rather, it was a one-sided massacre. The two sides of the battle were the federal government's navy led by Enelu and Shiryu, and the fleet under the World Government that came out to carry out the mission. They were also the real murderers of many national annihilation tragedies in recent days.

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