
A burst of curses with a very local dialect came from the office of the Holy Land Marijoa, followed by the sound of smashing things.

These were the four elder stars getting angry.

Because of the federal government.

And this newly established federal government actually made it clear that it wanted to go against the world government.

This was something that was unimaginable before.

What is the concept of establishing a new world federal government on the sea?

Before this, no matter how the pirates in the New World made trouble, there was no big problem.

Because they were just a group of pirates.

A group of pirates who only knew how to rely on plunder for a living.

Such a force, no matter how powerful it is, is destined to be prosperous only for a while.

Many times, the world government does not even need to care too much. As long as the navy can hold the basics, it can wait for them to disappear.

For example, the Becks Pirates.

It disappeared under the calculations of its own people.

The World Government just fueled the flames from behind.

The ambitious people in the Becks Pirates, for their own ambitions, turned a powerful pirate group that dominated the New World into a game of elimination, and they even played it through.

But things are different now.

With the emergence of the federal government, it means that the world government is no longer the only dominant power on the sea.

In the past, people had no choice but to pay a huge amount of heavenly gold if they wanted to join the world government.

Now, people on the sea suddenly discovered that they can get the same treatment as the world government without paying a huge amount of heavenly gold.

Then who will be willing to pay the heavenly gold in the future?

Even if the federal government puts forward the conditions for joining, many member states of the world government cannot accept it.

But this does not prevent them from using this to negotiate terms with the world government.

"Today's gold from the sky must fall down"

"No, we can talk about other things except money."

"Well, then I'll go to the federal government next door. I heard that they don't need to pay the sky gold."

The monopoly business suddenly has a competitor.

Even if you think about it with your heels, you can imagine what kind of impact this will have on the original monopolist.

Therefore, when the four elders received this news, they were so furious.

This is more serious than the breach of the Navy Headquarters.

Because this is related to the sole legitimacy of the World Government. It also concerns the vital interests of the World Government.

It doesn't matter if the Navy Headquarters is breached.

Even if it is breached twice or three times, what can it do?

As long as the World Government is still the only one, the member states have no choice.

They can only choose to pay huge amounts of sky gold.

And with the money, how many Navy Headquarters can't be built?

Not to mention the breach of the Navy Headquarters, even if all the navy were killed.

As long as there is With enough money and enough time, the World Government will be able to build a more powerful navy again.

Now, with the emergence of the Federal Government, the interests of the World Government are suffering from serious infringement.

Before this, the Four Elders had proposed to dispatch the guards of Pangu City to help them with the lights-out operation, but this proposal was rejected.

It was rejected by Im.

Im had just woken up, and he consumed a lot of energy while sleeping again. Although he ate a lot this time, it took some time to digest. In order to replenish the energy he consumed.

He didn't want any accidents to happen in Pangu City during this period. So he rejected the proposal of the Four Elders.

Just when the Four Elders were worried about the lights-out operation, news came that the O'Hara Pirates had established the Federal Government.

"Ladies and gentlemen, what should we do now?"

"What else can we do? Of course we gather our forces and attack the federal government. No, that's not right. It's the Ohara Pirates."

"It's impossible. We don't have enough strength to defeat the Ohara Pirates. The best way to deal with it now is to keep silent."

"That's right, let O'Hara be arrogant for a while, and by the way, take this opportunity to see how many people are against us."

"So, is the lights-out operation still going on?"

"Of course, this is not a conflict. We cannot send out a large-scale force to fight the Ohara Pirates, but that does not mean that we have to give up the Light-extinguishing Operation.

Moreover, this is what Master Yimu has instructed us to do, so who dares not do it?"

"But we have no one left! The Pangu guards can't be deployed either, so what can we use to carry out the lights-out operation?"

"Didn't Lord Yim say that O'Hara was seriously injured? In that case, we can take this opportunity……"

"But now it seems that perhaps, perhaps O'Hara's injury is not as serious as Lord Yim said.

Otherwise, O'Hara would not have announced the establishment of the federal government so loudly, but should have kept a low profile and recovered from his injury."

"We can find someone to test it first. If O'Hara is really like what Lord Yim said, we can take action. Otherwise, we can only report it to Lord Yim for handling."

"Who should we find to test O'Hara?"

"Red hair"

"What? Red Hair is not reliable at all.

Don't you know that it is because of this guy that we have gone from five elders to four elders?

I suspect that Red Hair has betrayed us."

"Impossible, Red Hair was personally planted by Lord Yim. Even if he betrays us, he will never betray Lord Yim."

"Let him try. If it is really as Lord Yim said, we will do it directly. If not, we can only report it to Lord Yim and let Lord Yim make the decision."

"Well, that's the only way.

" Marinford is also holding an emergency meeting for the establishment of the federal government.

Since the end of the dragon-slaying war, Zhan Guo has aged a lot.

His originally tall and majestic body actually looks a little hunched.

This admiral, who is known as a wise general, always feels like he is being seen through whenever he faces O'Hara.

In many battles with O'Hara, his title of wise general seems to have become a mockery.

This is because he has not read Sun Tzu's Art of War.

Otherwise, Zhan Guo would not have been beaten into Sun Tzu's Art of War.

"Everyone, you all know the news that O'Hara has established a federal government.

The Four Elders may be furious about this. We may very well start a new war. You must be prepared."

"Marshal Sengoku, is it too hasty to start a war with Ohara now?

After all, our last operation failed again, and morale is still very low."

The speaker is Aokiji. Although Aokiji is a user of the Ice Fruit ability, his personality has always been very gentle, which is not consistent with his Devil Fruit.

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