All their warships were damaged, some seriously, so they had to abandon the ship.

The remaining warships that were not seriously damaged could not hold on to Marinford, and could only find a place to repair them halfway.

In view of this, Akainu and Kizaru had no choice.

They had to order the fleet to anchor at the nearest deserted island and return to Marinford after the warships were repaired.

Although they were attacked by the sea kings, no one thought of the ancient weapon Poseidon.

But this sea king sniping incident was indeed Shirahoshi's debut.

Princess Shirahoshi has not been idle for so many years.

Under Liu Qian's teaching, she has already awakened the power of the sea king and can use it freely.

It's just that Shirahoshi is kind and simple by nature, and Liu Qian and Robin don't want to force her to participate in the war.

This time, Shirahoshi only sent the sea kings to destroy the navy's warships, and did not let the sea kings participate in the fight.

As early as when she decided to fight the navy, Robin asked Princess Shirahoshi to send a group of sea kings to lurk on the bottom of the navy fleet.

It is to prevent the navy from running away!

In general, the first battle of the Sea King was quite successful.

Most of the navy who came with the army this time were the elites of the navy, and not many of them could repair warships.

In the end, the fleet did not make it to the next port, but docked on a deserted island.

This deserted island is not big. When they were repairing the warships, the pursuit of the O'Hara Pirates followed. The deserted island was full of densely packed warships.

Under the command of Zefa, the warships of the O'Hara Pirates were divided into four directions, surrounding the entire deserted island. When

Kizaru and Akainu saw the O'Hara Pirates chasing them, their faces looked very ugly.

At this time, Kizaru was no longer as lazy as usual.

"Sakaski, it looks like we're in real trouble this time."

"Borsalino, if you are scared, you can leave before O'Hara comes back."

"Sakaski, what nonsense are you talking about? I am a marine, how could I escape from the battlefield?"

"Then don't say anything discouraging. As long as we kill these pursuers before O'Hara returns, all problems will be solved naturally."

"However, Blind Tiger Yixiao and Douglas are not so easy to deal with."

"So, Borsalino. Yixiao and Douglas will be dealt with by me and two admiral candidates.

You take advantage of this time to defeat the rest of their cadres first. Then come to help us."

Akainu reacted quickly and came up with a good solution.

After all, with a navy admiral and two admiral candidates to hold Yixiao and Douglas back,

Kizaru can free up his hands and join forces with a group of elite vice admirals to deal with the captains of the O'Hara Pirates.

This distribution of combat power can maximize the navy's advantage.

Because Kizaru is known for his speed, he is almost invincible on the battlefield where no one can restrain him.

Yixiao and Douglas

, Akainu and Kizaru, met at the temporary dock on the deserted island.

Yixiao still had that kind face.

"You two have come from afar, why don't you say hello to the host so that we can show our hospitality? Why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

Akainu has a tough personality and never compromises with pirates. Faced with Yixiao's teasing, he didn't get angry, but went straight to the point.

"Yixiao, stop talking nonsense, I have long wanted to see your strength, and today is a good opportunity"

""The Dark Dog"

Akainu said, one of his hands quickly turned into lava and grabbed Yixiao.

Yixiao drew out his staff sword, and after the Armament Haki hardened, he blocked Akainu's move.

"I already had this intention."

"Gravity Blade. Tiger"

Then Yixiao returned a move.

After the two fought, Douglas looked at Kizaru.

As the saying goes, soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals.

Yixiao faced Akainu, so Douglas, who was also a demon general, naturally had to compete with Kizaru.

But before Douglas could speak,

Taotu took the lead with the famous sword Jinbi Luo.

With a slash, a flying slash rushed towards Douglas.

Then Chatun also started to attack.

Since experiencing the last imperial battle and being baptized by Liu Qian with Dongfeng Express, the strength of these two general candidates has also made great progress.

Although they have not yet broken through to the strength of senior generals, they are only one step away from senior generals.

So Faced with the attack from both sides by the two admiral candidates, even Douglas did not dare to take it lightly.

In this way, there was no one to resist Kizaru.

Just as Akainu had planned before the war, Douglas was entangled by the admiral candidate, and for a moment, he could not even take care of stopping Kizaru.

The grudge between the Navy and the O'Hara Pirates has a long history.

Especially Kizaru, who was captured alive by the captain of the O'Hara Pirates.

And this time Kizaru seized the opportunity, and he did not follow any martial ethics at all. He took advantage of the time when the captain of the O'Hara Pirates and the elite vice admirals of the Navy were against each other, and attacked from behind.

And Kizaru, the sixth brother, relied on his fast speed, and he would just strike and run away every time, never... Stay longer.

Several squad leaders fell to Kizaru's sneak attack at the very beginning.

For example, fishman Jack, the tough guy who dared to compete with Pin Xixi to see who could take more blows, faced Doberman this time. The two of them were fighting fiercely, and they had only fought for a few moves. Kizaru kicked him at the speed of light from behind, and because he was caught off guard, he was kicked into the sea.

Fortunately, Jack is a fishman, and although he fell into the sea, he would not be drowned for a while.

The worst was Waipa.

This man from the sky island was best at air combat.

At that time, he turned into a half-dragon with wings on his back, and was suppressing the mole.

As a result, Kizaru hit him with a Yasakani no Magatama from behind.

The wings immediately There were dozens of holes, so the air was leaking in, and no matter how they fanned, they couldn't fly up.

Because of Kizaru, the O'Hara Pirates were in a desperate situation at the beginning of the war.

This was something that Robin and other high-level officials had not expected.

Especially Zephyr, who was the commander-in-chief, thought that the mistake this time was due to his own command.

Zephyr didn't want to fight the navy at first, and this time he agreed to be the commander-in-chief, which was already Zephyr's limit.

But looking at the battle situation in front of him and the O'Hara Pirates who were at a disadvantage, Zephyr also blamed himself.

In addition, it was his old enemy Kizaru who caused this situation.

Zephyr suddenly thought:"If we only attack Kizaru, it shouldn't be considered as fighting against the navy.

A real man can distinguish between gratitude and grudges, and Kizaru has been at odds with me for a long time. If

I attack Kizaru now, it's just a personal grudge between me and Kizaru.

Yes, that's right!"

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