The person who was hit suddenly turned into a miniature sun.

A blazing white light rose, and the man's expression froze instantly. The terrible high temperature swept out of his body, and the whole person was melted in an instant, leaving no residue.

If there was not a trace of the explosion on the deck, I am afraid that many people would think that there was no one here.

And after the explosion, the air wave rose, and all the people around were thrown over.

Nuclear flat finger is a move developed by Liu Qian by miniaturizing mushroom eggs.

In the previous emperor battle, when he was against Kaido, the effect was very good.

The power of the move is still a little bit short of the five emperors, but it is fast. It can be launched instantly with a move of faith.

It can be used to deal with rookies below the combat power of the generals. It can be said to be a second-kill artifact.

Then Liu Qian's index finger tapped continuously, and the fingers were as fast as the wind.

Everyone who spoke just now was hit.

All those who were hit, without exception, turned into miniature suns just like the person at the beginning.

The sound of explosions rang out one after another.

White lights rose one after another.

Each rising white light represented the end of a life.

Seeing Liu Qian being so cruel, the enthusiasm of the crowd, which had just been aroused by the huge reward, instantly cooled down.

The greatest sorrow in a person's life: the person is gone, but the money is not spent.

So of course money is a good thing, but it has to be spent alive to be meaningful.

Most of these pirates are selfish people who only want to enjoy themselves. It is basically impossible to let them sacrifice their lives to create an opportunity for their families to get rich.

So... when they saw Liu Qian's finger raised again and pointed towards the deck, a group of people were afraid that they would be hit by the finger of death.

"Lord Tezulo, I suddenly remembered that my mother is getting married today, and I have to go back to attend the wedding."

"Ah, yes, yes. I just remembered that I have to get married today, so I have to go back first."

"Huh? Is this true? His mother is getting married, and you are getting married today? No way?"

"Why do you care so much? Let's go have a drink together and go for a walk."

"Go together"

"Wait for me."

In an instant, a group of people, pushing and shoving, all slipped away from the deck.

They were afraid that if they left too late, they would be pointed at by the finger of death.

So many people wanted to leave, and Tezulo did not dare to stop them. He had hoped that these people would be cannon fodder and could hold out for a while longer.

As a result, Liu Qian casually pointed a few fingers, and a large area of the deck around him was cleared in an instant.

Only a few people remained.

Seeing this situation, Liu Qian felt insulted.

Everyone else was scared away by me, why do you dare to stay here?

Is it because my title of the Fifth Emperor O'Hara is no longer useful?

Or was my performance just now not cruel enough?

"Well, it seems that there are people who are not afraid of death."

The guys who stayed behind were actually a celestial dragon who insisted on watching the fun here. The others were his bodyguards.

He thought that with his status as a world noble, even the Five Emperors O'Hara would not dare to do anything to him.

But his followers kept persuading him

"Saint Promise, let's go quickly, that's O'Hara!

More than two world nobles have died in his hands directly or indirectly.

He also has a world noble captive, who is used as a mount and a mobile blood bank.

It's really too unsafe for you to be here. Once O'Hara gets angry, we can't guarantee your safety."

It has to be said that some Tianlong people have muddled brains.

Even if someone told him that O'Hara had killed Tianlong people, he still arrogantly believed that no one would dare to touch him because he was a Tianlong person.

Then, Liu Qian's finger pointed over again.

""Be careful, Promise Saint."

A figure blocked Liu Qian's nuclear finger.

Oh, they call it the finger of death.

Because everyone who was pointed at it died.

As a bodyguard of the Celestial Dragons, he would rather die than let his master get hurt.

It can only be said that the World Government has successfully domesticated these domestic dogs.

But this made Liu Qian even more embarrassed.

My nuclear finger couldn't kill Kaido, and couldn't it kill a mere Celestial Dragon?

So, he moved his finger like flying

""Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh" more than ten fingers were shot out in succession.

Finally, there was no one in front of the Tianlong man.

At this time, even the slowest people knew that something was wrong.

The Tianlong man finally panicked. He tried to escape with his hands and feet.

How could Liu Qian let him get away so easily?

After pointing a finger, it didn't work.

An ice wall protected the Tianlong man.

"Ah la la la, it's you again? O'Hara, you're really messing around."

Then a sleepy man walked out of the deck, wearing a white admiral uniform and an eye mask on his forehead.

He looked like he had just woken up, and after walking out, he stretched lazily.

"Hmm? Aokiji? Why are you here? Is the navy so idle now?"

"Well, I am here to protect Saint Promise. He is not an ordinary celestial dragon, but the son of one of the Five Elders. I am here to relax and take a vacation."

"Shocking! A dignified admiral of the navy is actually working as a bodyguard.

So, how much is your daily salary? I also want to hire a navy admiral to be my bodyguard.

Well, not too many, ten or eight will be enough."

Hiring a navy admiral as a bodyguard, and ten or eight.

Aokiji didn't want to answer him. He pretended not to hear it.

From the time Liu Qian killed someone to the time Aokiji came out, it was only a short moment.

So short that Tesoro hadn't reacted yet. He was stunned by this series of dazzling changes.

"General Kuzan, you came just in time. I want to ask for your help. The Fifth Emperor Ohara is going to attack my territory. Please help me to resist the enemy."

Aokiji didn't want the navy to be dragged down by this matter. The navy's strength has not yet recovered. The main task now is to survive.

Moreover, looking at the combat power of the Ohara Pirates this time, in addition to the Fifth Emperor Ohara himself, there are also two demon generals accompanying him.

Not to mention Ohara, even if it is the two demon generals, any one of them, Kuzan may not be sure of victory.

To provoke Ohara now, isn't that courting death?

"Ah la la la, Tesoro, my mission is to ensure the safety of Promise Saint. As for the attack on the Tesoro, it is not my business."

In Aokiji's eyes, Tesoro is just a pirate, a pirate with a special identity.

In this case, why not let the pirates kill each other, and finally the navy will come out to clean up the mess.

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