The Navy and the World Government have never stopped monitoring the O'Hara Pirates.

It's because they were scared by Liu Qian's theft.

Now, whenever they see the O'Hara Pirates make a big move, they subconsciously think that Liu Qian wants to attack them again.

So they sent people to monitor the fleet of the O'Hara Pirates all the way until they saw.

The fleet appeared in the waters near Gran Tesoro, and did not stop at all, and sailed straight towards Gran Tesoro.

Everyone confirmed that O'Hara's target this time was the world's richest man, the richest man on the sea, the head of Gran Tesoro: Gild Tesoro. The world was in an uproar.

Tesoro is not an ordinary person. Although he is not as strong as the Five Emperors, his power and influence on the sea far exceed the Five Emperors. He controls 20% of the world's Bailey, and he is well-connected in both the black and white worlds. He can also use money to manipulate the Celestial Dragons to achieve the purpose of controlling the World Government.

In the underground world, he also used money to manipulate the Golden Emperor of the underground world, and he had his influence all over the world.

His ship, Gran Tesoro, is the largest entertainment city in the world, and even the World Government recognizes it as an independent country and unarmed area.

In other words, within the sea area where Gran Tesoro is located, neither the navy nor other organizations under the World Government can use force.

As for the pirates, if they dare to take action here, the Golden Emperor will make them regret it.

After all, to have so much wealth and to be able to demarcate the land and be king safely, they must be the owner of the wealth and have the strong power to protect the wealth.

It's not that no one has thought about it, nor that no one has done it, to swallow Tesoro's wealth.

Unfortunately, they all failed.

Fortunately, like Doflamingo, they reached a cooperation with Tesoro, and both sides won.

But lucky people are a minority after all, and most of them have become Tesoro's collection.

Therefore, in the new world, there is a consensus.

The sea area where Gran Tesoro is located will be a peaceful sea area, and no one is allowed to take action here.

Whether it is the navy or the pirates.

So, you can see here that the navy and the pirates are brothers to each other, and the people of the CP organization are also arm in arm with the pirates.

As long as you have money, everyone can buy everything he wants here.

Almost everyone, once they come here, don’t want to leave.

The service here is the best in the world, the wine here is the most fragrant in the world, the women here are the most beautiful in the world, and everything here is the best in the world.

There is no other place that can make them so drunk and dreamy, and still be so safe.

For those rich people, this is heaven.

But today, the catastrophe has come to heaven.

"Hammer, what do you see? It's a huge fleet heading towards us."

"Haha, Rabbi, maybe it's another pirate group that wants to come here for fun."

"No, that's not right. Hammer, that pirate fleet doesn't seem to be here for fun, but to cause trouble."

"Hahaha, Rabbi, what nonsense are you talking about? How dare a pirate group come to our place to cause trouble?

Did you play too late with that girl named Laura last night and still not wake up today?"

"No, Hammer. Look carefully, they really seem to be here to cause trouble."

"Well, Rabbi, let me see which blind pirate group dares to come here to die. Speaking of which, it has been a long time since such idiots came to mess with us. I hope the guys who come this time can hold on a little longer."

On the observation deck of Gulan Tesoro, a head appeared, holding a telescope, looking in the direction of O'Hara's fleet.

"Oh, this fleet is really big. Looking at them, are they really here to cause trouble? Huh?"

Suddenly, the telescope was not held firmly and fell down.

Hamm, who was holding the telescope, was also frightened and collapsed on the deck.

His companion Rabbi came to help him:"What's wrong, Deka, is that fleet here to cause trouble? If so, let's sound the alarm."

Hamm hurriedly said tremblingly:"Yes, yes, yes, go and sound the alarm, and say that it is, yes, it is the captain of the O'Hara Pirates, the Fifth Emperor O'Hara is here in person, and it may be unfavorable to us."


Rabbi was also frightened.

Five Emperor O'Hara.

That was Five Emperor O'Hara.

According to rumors, O'Hara was the most vicious, cruel, and vicious demon king in this sea.

Now his fleet was coming towards Gulan Tezoro with great momentum. It was definitely not a good thing.

"Rabbi, what are you doing? Call the police!"

"Oh, sound the alarm, sound the alarm."

The sound of the alarm startled everyone on the Tezoro.

Whether it was the guests who were enjoying themselves or the owner of the Tezoro, the Golden Emperor Tezoro, they were all startled by the sudden alarm.

When was the last time the alarm sounded? They couldn't remember.

They only remembered that every time the alarm sounded, it meant that someone had provoked Tezoro and had the ability to do something bad to Tezoro.

Otherwise, the people in the watchtower would not sound the alarm casually.

Gulan Tezoro is a large entertainment ship.

The so-called opening the four doors wide to welcome guests from all directions. Those who open the door to do business should pay attention to making money in harmony. It is impossible to sound the alarm every time you see someone coming over aggressively. What if the person comes just to vent his anger at the gambling table? If you sound the alarm and keep others out, are n't you driving away customers?

It is said that the reason why so many people come to the Tesoro to consume is because it is safe here. As a result, you sound the alarm every few days. What will the guests think after a long time? Therefore, the person in charge of the lookout must be able to accurately analyze whether each person who comes is really hostile to the Tesoro, and whether the enemy's accurate combat power can pose a threat to the Tesoro.

You can't just sound the alarm when two little bastards come. Isn't this a waste of time?

In order to accurately analyze who is hostile to the Tesoro and who can pose a threat to the Tesoro.

The Golden Emperor specially found two people to be responsible for the lookout. Ordinary people naturally can't tell the difference, but the devil fruit ability users can.

Hammer and Rabbi are the professionals found by the Golden Emperor.

They are a pair of brothers.

Since they have been the lookouts of the Tesoro, there has never been a false alarm incident.

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