Having said that, Liu Qian felt that the position of captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates was absolutely poisonous, as if it could add negative BUFF to people. Anyone who sat in this position would have their IQ forced to be reduced to negative 250.

No matter how smart, powerful, or smooth sailing they were before, in the end, none of them had a good ending.

Like the original captain, it was Kozuki Oden. To be the daimyo of Wano Country, he should have some brains, otherwise how could he govern the country?

The current captain is Ace. If nothing unexpected happens, it will be the last one.

But Ace was not so brainless when he was a child. When he and Sabo were hanging out at the garbage station, he was still a smart guy.

But when they became the captains of the Whitebeard Second Division, everything they did was brainless. That operation was simply confusing. Let's talk about Kozuki Oden first. After getting off Roger's ship, he went straight back to his hometown, and then Kaido came to steal the house.

He couldn't fight alone, and he didn't even know to call for help. You should know that he is not only the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, but also has friendships with many of Roger's crew members.

If he could use his cerebellum to think at that time, he should have united the Whitebeard Pirates and the members of the Roger Pirates to kill Kaido at lightning speed.

In this way, even if Wano Country would be damaged, it would not be like now, with people living in poverty and starving everywhere. He himself would not end up with a dead heir.

But he naively thought that as long as he did things according to Kaido's requirements, Wano Country would be able to live in peace.

He chose to do things according to the requirements of the enemy, and as a result, he harmed his family and the people of Wano Country.

In other words, the reason why Wano Country has today's suffering is all caused by Kozuki Oden.

It was his innocence that created the disaster of Wano Country for twenty years.

Even so, after learning the truth later, a group of people were still excited as if their father had died, and they tried their best to move themselves there, saying that Kozuki Oden was for the people, so he endured humiliation and so on.

What is brainless? This is called brainless. It is better to believe that the sun rises from the west than to believe that the enemy will let you go.

With such a person as the leader, Wano Country has not been destroyed yet, haha!

Let's talk about Ace. He knew that Teach had been hiding on Whitebeard's ship for twenty years, but he showed his true colors for a devil fruit.

He didn't even check what kind of devil fruit was worth Teach taking such a big risk, and just chased it mindlessly.

After Red Hair passed the message to him, Ace didn't raise his vigilance, and still chased it headlong, without even a helper, and was tricked by Blackbeard.

Even the news of his arrest was only known to the Whitebeard Pirates through the announcement issued by the Navy. Then the unprepared Whitebeard Pirates had to be forced to fight, resulting in heavy casualties and Whitebeard's death.

After Whitebeard died, the Whitebeard Pirates naturally became history.

It can be said that the two captains always made such unforgivable and brainless mistakes at critical moments. Is it really just a coincidence? Or is there a destiny behind this?

Liu Qian thought about it, but he couldn't come up with a result, so he simply stopped thinking about it. Anyway, Ace has already gone to sea, so how far will King Luffy be?

Overthrowing the World Government is destined to be a long and arduous task, and on this road, there will always be many sacrifices.

Sacrificing others is always better than sacrificing one's own people.

The World Government has suppressed the world for 800 years, and there are always many unknown cards.

And the mysterious Lord Yimu, how powerful he is, no one has ever known.

Liu Qian needs someone, someone who is the pioneer of the king, to test the enemy's strength. You must always know yourself and the enemy, so that you can win every battle!

Otherwise, if you go in blindly, no one can guarantee that the consequences will be what you expect.

Every sacrificed person is a living life.

They are dead and they will never come back to life.

After all, this is not a game, you can save and restart.

The deck of the Moby

Dick Whitebeard sat on a huge chair, and Ace knelt in front of him.

Ace held a wine bowl in both hands, a wine bowl bigger than his. The bowl was filled with Pirate King wine. This was the wine that Ace presented to Whitebeard as his adoptive father. It represented that Ace recognized him as his father.

After Whitebeard took it, he drank the wine in the bowl in one breath, which represented that Whitebeard recognized Ace as his son.

So far, Ace has become a member of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Gulala, Ace, my good son, go say hello to your brothers!"

After Ace stood up, a group of captains of the Whitebeard Pirates swarmed up and surrounded Ace. Each of them held a bowl of wine in his hand. It seemed that it would be a bit difficult for Ace to pass smoothly today.

There were many people on the deck who came to watch the ceremony. They were all guests invited by the Whitebeard Pirates. Everyone who was qualified to board the Moby Dick was a big boss.

Although the title of the strongest pirate group was taken away by the O'Hara Pirates, Whitebeard's tiger power was still there, and no one on the sea dared to touch his tiger whiskers.

All the forces that received the invitation from the Whitebeard Pirates came. At the very least, they sent their deputies.

Although the Five Emperors have always been at odds with each other and often clashed, they would still support each other in peacetime. Just like today's scene, except for Liu Qian who was present in person, the other five emperors sent their deputies.

Jin sent by the Beasts Pirates, Katakuri sent by the BIGmom Pirates.

These two���Brothers in distress once participated in the attack on the Omniscient Island. They were captured together and later redeemed by their respective pirate groups.

It is said that there are four irons in life. Katakuri and Jin can be regarded as classmates. Iron bars are still bars.

It was that classmate experience that made the two of them closer.

As soon as they arrived, they saw Liu Qian sitting with Whitebeard. They looked at each other and saluted Whitebeard. The former brothers in distress tacitly hid away.

Anyway, since they were here, the courtesy was fulfilled.

The seats originally reserved for them were right under Liu Qian's attack. As the deputy of the Five Emperors, they symbolize the Five Emperors at this moment, and they should be treated as they should.

But at this time, there was only one Beckman sitting there

"Hey, isn't this Katakuri and Jin? Why are you so far away? Come on, come here."

Liu Qian saw Katakuri and Jin and called them directly, pointing to the empty seat next to Beckman and said

"That's not a place for people of your status and position to go. This is the seat reserved for you."

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